Following Elaine & Rick over Confederation Bridge |
Our 4 days at Rick & Elaine's was fabulous ~ we had so much fun with them! Today we caravaned to Prince Edward Island for a 2 week stay. Our first week we stayed at Marco Pololand RV Park in Cavendish. It was a fairly nice park and was really super kid friendly. I was excited because we were right in the heart of Anne of Green Gables... Author L.M.Montgomery was from here and a lot of her books were based on her life and the area she loved so dearly but with the fictional character Anne Shirley. I read these books when I was young and shared them with my daughters and they with theirs... We traveled through beautiful countryside and went over a really huge bridge to PEI. The Confederation Bridge is a bridge spanning the Abegweit Passage of Northumberland Strait, linking Prince Edward Island with mainland New Brunswick, Canada. It is commonly referred to as the "Fixed Link" by residents of Prince Edward Island prior to its official naming. Construction took place from the autumn of 1993 to the spring of 1997, costing $1.3 billion. The 8 mile long bridge opened on 31 May 1997. Most of the curved bridge is 131 ft above water, and it contains a 197 ft high navigation span to permit ship traffic. The bridge rests on 62 piers, of which the 44 main piers are 820 ft apart.

We finally arrived at Marco Pololand (click
here for our review) and got set up for the week. We BBQ'd hot dogs and beans and had a lovely night just sitting and chatting... The next day we headed out for Anne of Avonlea park. A recreation of the town where Anne lived and grew up. It was as if I had stepped right into the books ~ everyone there was dressed in period costumes and acted totally the part they were portraying. Throughout the day they had different events and skits that they performed right out of the book. We even played dress up and dressed in costumes of the time. But the biggest highlight was the band that played in the Shanty. They played what I would call Irish Folk tunes... Maybe Arcadian?
A few fun things at Avonlea ~ Donna of Green Gables ~ School time ~ Anne playing jacks and dress up time. |
The guys who played at the Shanty in Avonlea ~
we thought the guy on the right looked like George Clooney
After we went to Avonlea we went to L.M.Montgomery's Grave site... I never knew she was married to a Reverend. Also while there we saw her mothers grave, who died early at age 23 leaving Lucy to be raised by her Maternal Grandparents. I am sure this is parallel to Anne being an orphan too and raised by and older woman and her brother. I am convince that Lucy and Anne's life intertwined...
Day 2: We went to visit Lucy Montgomery's birth house. I was so glad to have the opportunity to visit it and see the collection of furniture from that time period. Also there was a ton of information pertaining to Lucy. If you haven't read L.M. Montgomery you should...

On our drive out to visit her Paternal Grandparents house we went by the most intriguing little village with an incredible view. It was breathtaking to say the least... Soon we arrived at her Grandfathers house where we were greeted by Robert Montgomery (not the actor) who claimed to be Lucy's 2nd cousin once removed... The house at one time must have been very elegant and still had a lot of charm today but was very run down inside. Many items that inspired some of Lucy's stories were in the house and to me quite valuable. Robert took us on a guided tour through the house and told us stories of Lucy's childhood. He was a character in his own right ~ and very enjoyable to listen too.
After touring the house we went to a light house close by ~ what a surprised I had in store when we headed out this long and bumpy road and it looked like we were going to run right off into the sea. But we didn't and when we got out to the end there was the Tryon Lighthouse.
Also while there we saw eagles soaring the cliffs ~ they were hard to capture
After we left the lighthouse we all were hungry so we decided to stop at a little cafe we saw on the way. It was right on the bay and had a great view of the water and fishing boats.

What a GREAT day we had but it didn't end there ~ that night we went to a good old fashion "Ceilidh" at Brackley Beach community hall. What a great time listening to the fiddle playing and watching the Step Dancers. They even had Strawberry Shortcake for intermission and all proceeds from that went to the Make a Wish Foundation. How wonderful was that! This girl playing had so much energy and never stopped moving while she played. We are having an excellent time ~ "THANKS" Elaine & Rick for showing us a fantastic time....

These beautiful yellow fields are Canola and they were everywhere
on the Island.
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Wow great storyline and love the pictures and video of the boys at the shanty.
great blog sweetie....you should have cut my face out of your video lol...can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks...look out Cape Breton we're all headed your way...
Wow, beautiful pictures! I LOVE Anne of Green Gables. :) I definitely hope to get there someday.
Great photos and tour
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