This is our third visit to the is fabulous museum and we still enjoyed it as much as the first time. We wanted to take our family to the museum and them all the hundreds of aircraft on display. Our little grandsons really enjoyed looking at all the different planes and helicopters.
This museum has it all and will entertain and educate aviation enthusiasts, history buffs and even those interested in space exploration history. This isn't your typical museum with the exhibits behind velvet ropes. You can walk up to and around all the aircraft. There is also a recreation of "main street" during WWII showing a slice of how life may have been on the homefront. A recreation of an aircraft carrier and blimp.
There are even aircraft that are cut away so you can see the interiors. There are a couple of the simulators rides and also an IMAX theater. We really enjoyed the IMAX featuring the Blue Angels tremendously.
Also there is a bus tour that will take you out to the flight line. On this tour you'll see additional aircraft and also hear how they find them and rebuild them to the condition they are in the museum. You can view the guys working on the old planes.
All of this is absolutely free and the only extras are the IMAX theater and simulators. There is even a restaurant inside which is pretty good for a bite to eat. We enjoyed a sandwich. We spent the entire day here as there was so much to see & do.
There are enough hands-on things for younger kids that you may have to drag them out at the end of the day. Bring a camera because you will have the opportunity to get in cockpits of several aircraft. If this picture looks like a're not seeing doubles ~ it's the lol
Hope you have enjoyed this ~ sorry it's so long but I took over 300 pictures so you can imagine my trouble choosing photos.
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

We have a very similar aviation museum in Hamilton, not far from Niagara Falls and it's a place I'd love to visit. We had tried going one year but it was closed so will have to try again:-) I can well imagine how much the grandkids enjoyed seeing all those airplanes and who knows, maybe being a pilot is in the future for them!! Loved seeing all of your pictures from your day:-) xoxo
We just loved the Naval Museum when we were there! I KNOW those sweet grands had a "grand" time!! :-)
Looks like you all are having a great time!! Wonderful photos!! Maybe someday we will get
another great day filled with lots of memories and tons of pictures!!!...nice, Donna!! day we will get to the east coast?..maybe??
That is definitely something we would enjoy...especially the Imax with the Blue Angels. Too bad they weren't practicing. We have been trying to get to Pensacola for years...haven't made it yet, unfortunately.
Enjoyed the tour and pix of the museum. Thanks for sharing!
What a great place to visit - bet the kids (young and older) loved it!
As an old Navy flyer I know the Mueseum would be a hit with me and my Grandson, sure brings back memories of seeing a lot of those planes actually flying during the Viet Nam era. Thanks for the memories. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..
Looks like a great museum and it is definitely in our price range. We love FREE!
Kevin and Ruth
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