The show is at 8:30 so we got up early and headed out because we wanted to get there early enough to get a good seat in the bleachers. You can also bring your lawn chairs if you want to. There are volunteers there that narrate the show and answer any questions you might have.

The show is about an hour long so be prepared ~ bring hats and a drink! We haven't seen the Blue Angels performed in about 10 years. The last time we saw them we were having lunch in the Seattle Space Needle and ended up having a birds eye view of the show! I will never forget that!
Ah from an old Navy flyboy, the Blue Angels are always a thrill, only saw them once. We will have to watch a practice if we get near Pensacola,also see if Traders Jon's bar is till there. It was the unofficial Navy hangout when i was there .Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..
Your experience at the space needle reminded me of the time I stopped at a rest area in La Crosse, WI. The Blue Angels happened to be performing there as well. Haven't seen them since. :)
We had just missed them when we came through Pensacola and I was so sad. Would love to see them again.
Lucky!! We always seem to miss them. When working at Topsail we seem to be working the days they perform. We have seem them practice when staying at Ft Pickens though..Love the museum!
I am really missing Florida, reading your blogs. Can't wait to get back in Nov...
Your slide show was great!!
The last time we were in Pensacola (Naval Museum) they weren't there....I was so disappointed. It has been years...really years since I've seen them. I grew up in Daytona and my aunt and uncle lived in Pensacola so we were able to see them from time to time. They are awesome!!
Maybe we'll be able to plan a visit when they are there!!
Hi Donna! Oh, this was fun, I'm sure. We've seen the Blue Angels too and just thrills Mr. Precious to death!
Thanks for popping in to see me and no, I've never made the little scrubbies but I have a pattern.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
We saw them once when they were performing at the Millville Airport in southern New Jersey several years ago. Sounds like you sure did enjoy the show.
great shots and videos of the Blue Angels!!!
I'm always in awe of these highly skilled pilots. When they were here this past Spring [seems like many seasons ago tho because of this danged long hot summer] they couldn't get up and perform for us because of the high winds. So I enjoyed your photo shares.
Gulf Waters
Hope your week is off to a grand beginning!!
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