It's raining again and cold... At least for Floridians....

Don't get me wrong I usually love the rain.. nothing better then getting all cozy and snugged in for the day watching old movies or reading a good book, but we only have 2 days left in Great Falls to see what sites they have. It looks like it may last for a couple of days too... Well we won't let it stop us completely we will go out and drive around town for a while this afternoon...
I want to thank Justine for putting my blog on as a place to visit but I sure would like to get my site up to par like some I have seen... They are fantastic and Justine's is really cool... she is so talented with her blog...
Well stay tuned anyways... I'll be back with a update later
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Its rains ALL THE TIME here in Scotland, but its a nice rain...if there is such a thing!
I like your blog, I'm going to come back and read much more!!
I found you thanks to my good friend Justine, I too would looove to RV across the USA, hope the weather clears up!
I'll most certainly be back!
Donna, your blog is great! My only suggestion is that you write more in-detail posts about your site-seeing, and post lots of pictures for us that are stuck at home!
Justine :o )
Hey, you visited! Thanks for your kind words! We bloggers are compliment hounds! LOL!!
I'm really looking foward to RVing with you via your blog!
See you later!
Hi Donna! Hope the weather has cleared up some for ya. When you get a chance, can you stop by my blog? I'm in need of votes in a recipe contest I'm in!
Hurry up with more updates and photos! I'm waitingggggggggg!
Justine :o )
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