I arrived at the hospital around 5:30 am and waited what seemed like forever to be wheeled down to the operating room. Next thing I knew I was waking up and the surgery was done ~ they had me pretty well drugged up so I wasn't in any pain at all and I pretty much slept off and on that whole day. The next day I was suffering from nausea from the anesthesia so my therapy was not as long as it could have been. As far as the surgery went it was a huge success and all is doing very well. I was up and walking the very next day with a walker and I even though I was a little afraid I carried on with the therapy even with my tummy being a little sick. Day by day it got easier and after being in the hospital for 5 days I was released. My biggest worry was going up the stairs of the motorhome but it was really no problem at all. I had the best of care there and the nurses were fabulous. My doctor is excellent and I am so happy that I had a doctor who was up on the latest techniques. The nurses all told me that he had the fastest recovery rates in the county.

Thank you so much for all the well wishes and I will try to get back on more often... Hard to write about just sitting around recovering... LOL LOL
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

That's fantastic news! You're such a trooper, LOL! Now don't over do it, we're looking forward to your hiking reports. Cheers! ~M
YAY!!! Welcome back to blogland!!
So glad to hear your good news and knowing that you are getting stronger every day. Fantastic!!
Hey Donna, glad to hear that you are doing so well!! Woohoo - I'm sure you will be back out there getting around with ease in no time!!! :)
That is great news, I've thought of you often and wondered how things were going. Glad to hear all is well.
So glad to see a post from you..congrats on the speedy recovery..fantastic to hear...enjoy the down time..and get lots of rest...hugs to you
I know I haven't been by for awhile, but you are not supposed to have to have surgery while I was away! Hope you're on the mend and will be skipping around soon!
Hey, ouchie! but I know you'll be glad you did it. Don't push your recovery. Sue took things a little too fast and set herself back.
Happy Recovery!
We are so glad to hear from you and that things have gone well. Fantastic - get well and moving well soon!Cheers!
great to hear from you again Donna!..sounds like all went well and now it is just recovery time!!..soon you will be climbing the hills and walking on the trails!!
It's very nice to read that you are recovering.
My wife will need both knees done at some point, since she really can't walk much farther than a few hundred paces without pain.
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
So far all the testimonials I've read indicate that it's well worth going through the ordeal, so that's encouraging.
Happy recovery.
Good to see you're doing so well! Keep up with the therapy and you'll be hiking again in no time.
We've been waiting to hear from you. So good to hear that you're doing so well. Attitude means a lot. Don't rush things and all will be OK.
Sure sounds like you are doing great! Would certainly be encouraging to hear your story if anyone was contemplating the same procedure!
Keep up your good work and you'll soon forget it even happened!!!
Good to hear from you and that the surgery went well. Keep up the good work in therapy and you'll be back to normal soon.
Glad to hear things are coming along with the knee. Hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly and you are out doing the things you love soon.
We missed you but you needed the time to heal.
Hope you get back to normal quickly because the try outs for next season's Dancing with the Stars is coming up soon! :c)
Congratulations on the new knee. I am sure you are going to love it. In the mean time, take it easy (except for when they push you in the PT so you can get full range of motion back). Thanks for sharing. There are thousands of us out here wondering how it went...
Hey Donna, I'm happy to hear that you are doing so well. Knee surgery is a tough one. Hang in there, it will be so worth it once you're all recovered.
Hugs, Bridget
Glad to hear the surgery went well and you are well on the way to a full recovery. Also glad you are back blogging! Take care!
Such wonderful news that the surgery went so well and that you're fast on the road to having a pain free knee:-) My friend/neighbour June had one knee done 2 years ago and it's still giving her problems...now her other knee needs to be done and she's in constant pain. It gets harder and harder for her to get up from sitting and walking. I'm hoping she finally gets the surgery sometime soon!! They'll probably have to do the other knee again as well because obviously it never healed properly.
Know that I'm thinking of you and don't you worry about blogging until you're completely recovered:-) Big hugs xoxo
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