On Thanksgiving Day we’re thankful for
Our blessings all year through,
For family we dearly love,
For good friends, old and new.
For sun to light and warm our days,
For stars that glow at night,
For trees of green and skies of blue,
And puffy clouds of white.
We’re grateful for our eyes that see
The beauty all around,For arms to hug,
and legs to walk,
And ears to hear each sound.
The list of all we’re grateful for
Would fill a great big book;
Our thankful hearts find new delights
Everywhere we look!
May your day be filled with Family ~ Friends ~ Food & Fun!Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!! 
Yesterday both my daughter and son-in-law had to go to work... She is a nurse and he is a Fireman/Paramedic so it was a long day for both of them.... 12 hours for her and 24 for him. So we went up to their house and watched the boys for the day to help them out. I love spending time with the boys but entertaining 2 five year old boys is not always easy... they love to eat so I knew that asking if they wanted to make some Thanksgiving cookies was the answer.... plus they love to decorate them.
Memaw frosted the cookies while the boys added decorations and sprinkles

I would like to welcome my newest followers Mark & Chris at
Mark & Chris's Phaeton Place and
Traveler. Sorry no link to Traveler's blog but welcome, welcome to you both!!!!

Everyday I am getting stronger and able to do more. This week I went out for several walks, also went to the grocery store and Sam's (which I always enjoy). However I will be glad when all the pain is gone... On Wednesday we went up to my grandsons school to see their Thanksgiving Day Play. The twins are in different classes so both did not do a play. I always enjoy seeing kids preform their school plays and love how cute they all are. They are all so proud ~
Here is a little video of Wyatt's class singing a Thanksgiving song ¤¸¸.♬´¯`♬¸¸.♪.. so cute! Wyatt is the taller boy on the left with the Indian hat on...
Dominick's class made Indian shirts and sat in a pow wow while they talked about Thanksgiving and what it means to them... They are all so cute and inquisitive.
Welcome to my newest followers:
Lizzie Jack and Candice~ Sorry I do not know their blog addresses for you to visit.

Well it is now 4 weeks since my knee replacement surgery and all is going well. I saw the doctor Tuesday and he said I don't have to come back in for 3 months and I can resume normal activity. Just don't run any marathons ~ like that would ever happen...LOL LOL My recovery has been a lot smoother and faster then I had ever imagined... We are taking walks everyday as I grow stronger and stronger. Today was the first time in 4 weeks that I actually got up first and walked the dog. I was a little worried about going down the stairs holding the dog but I was fine.
Now we are starting to make our plans for next summer and I know we'll be traveling up the East Coast ending up in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. I have several stops mapped out but I am wondering what else may be along the way to see & do. I am looking for any suggestions from you all... Here is a rough draft of our trip so far...
View 2012 Adventure in a larger map
If you know of any really great places to visit close to our path of travel I would love to add it to my map. Also any RV Park information would be very valuable.... Hope to see you along the way!
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

It was 3 weeks ago today that I had a total knee replacement surgery on my left knee. This is the first time I have felt like sitting at the computer for along time. Sorry it took so long but it is just a little uncomfortable to sit for long periods of time in a straight chair.

I arrived at the hospital around 5:30 am and waited what seemed like forever to be wheeled down to the operating room. Next thing I knew I was waking up and the surgery was done ~ they had me pretty well drugged up so I wasn't in any pain at all and I pretty much slept off and on that whole day. The next day I was suffering from nausea from the anesthesia so my therapy was not as long as it could have been. As far as the surgery went it was a huge success and all is doing very well. I was up and walking the very next day with a walker and I even though I was a little afraid I carried on with the therapy even with my tummy being a little sick. Day by day it got easier and after being in the hospital for 5 days I was released. My biggest worry was going up the stairs of the motorhome but it was really no problem at all. I had the best of care there and the nurses were fabulous. My doctor is excellent and I am so happy that I had a doctor who was up on the latest techniques. The nurses all told me that he had the fastest recovery rates in the county.

After I came home I had a home care nurse and a therapist assigned to me. The nurse came twice a week and the therapist came 3 times a week. They also delivered a CPM machine to exercise my knee and Ice pack machine for me to use for 3 weeks. I spend about 7 hours a day on therapy so when I am not using the machines I just sit and relax which is hard for me to do since I am so fidgety. A few days after coming back home I went from the walker to the cane and then a few days after that I was walking on my own. There is some pain but everyday gets better and better. And of course I am still on pain pills and a sleeping aide to help me get rest at night. I am excited because I know every day will be a day closer to a pain free knee and I will be able to get back to my walking and hiking which I love so much.
Thank you so much for all the well wishes and I will try to get back on more often... Hard to write about just sitting around recovering... LOL LOL
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!