Our driving tour of Bainbridge consisted of over 50 historic homes and churches so you can easily see how I had a hard time trying to decide which ones to share with you. It truly amazes me how many historic homes are in the small towns especially in Georgia. Who knew ~ not me. These following homes are all well over 100 years old. We just love the architecture of them and I never tire of looking at them. There must be some money in this town too. I wonder if they have Coca~Cola stocks too... lol

Here are just a few of the wonderful old buildings in the area ~ the little town is so warm & friendly.
Prior to the establishment of Bainbridge, the Oak City Cemetery site had long been home to an Indian Village. It was established as a cemetery in 1853 when William H. Peabody was buried there. His grave is located next to the powder house, where gun powder was stored during the Civil War. In 1878, the west section of the cemetery was deeded to Temple Beth-El and became one of the first Jewish Cemeteries in South Georgia.
So that is the rest of our day in Bainbridge ~ a beautiful old southern town.
No wonder you had trouble picking out photos to post. Those homes are gorgeous. Yep, lots of money in that town for sure.
In Thomasville it is said that some people come from "Plantation money." Maybe that is where some of the money comes from in Bainbridge too.
Between Thomasville, Georgia and Tallahassee, Florida the highway is full of plantations. One of them open to the public (and very worth while to visit) is Pebble Hill Plantation. It has quite an interesting story and is amazing inside. The plantations are now mostly owned by large corporations, and used for hunting by horseback.
Years ago they were family summer homes of the very rich. Hence, the plantation money.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm, now this is MY kinda atmosphere. The deep Old South. Wonderful. And then, an added treat a walk in the graveyard. I love viewing old history like this, and reading the tombstone markings.
Desert Shadows and Week's Summary is my day's post link if you'd care to join me.
Have a glorious weekend.
I think I like that last home on the right the best. I wouldn't want to clean it or paint it though! :)
Beautiful homes!! Georgia is probably noted for their antebellum homes but many are no longer as beautiful as these. I do see why deciding which pics to publish was so hard.....they are ALL fantastic!!
I was thinking too, Who maintains all those huge homes, Once you get older you have to farm out the repairs on a budget that is much smaller, They are very beautiful though. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.
Certainly hope their owners have enough money to hire help to clean those beautiful homes. They are amazing and have been so well taken care of over the years. I also love those old cemeteries and wandering through them trying to figure out what their lives were like.
No apologies necessary..wonderful pictures and I love older homes and buildings.
just imagine sitting on the front porch with a glass of lemon aide!!..or maybe a mint julep??..great photos Donna!..and beautiful homes..oh to be wealthy and be able to afford one of those old beauties!!
Makes you think of true southern belles. You are in my old stomping grounds ..... South Georgia! We lived in Albany for 12 years, then moved to Tallahasee, then Tampa, then Minneapolis. In an effort to get somewhere between our parents and our children, we ended up here, in Missouri. Life is funny.
What a beautiful town! I love the live oaks and the Spanish moss and the porches and and and....it is one of the reasons I love to visit Ocala, but I think I will have to also check out Bainbridge. Beautiful. I also really love the refuge at Cedar Key.
HI Donna! What a pretty town and those houses are just gorgeous! I'd be in hog heaven there! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;O
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