We are currently Staying at the Thousand Trails Orlando RV Park... this is a membership park. It is actually located in Clermont and is about 10 miles from Disney World.
Located at:
2110 US Hwy 27 South
Clermont, FL 34714
GPS Coordinates: N 28°22'35.72"
W 81°40'23.05"; elevation is 0 ft.
Located at:
2110 US Hwy 27 South
Clermont, FL 34714
GPS Coordinates: N 28°22'35.72"
W 81°40'23.05"; elevation is 0 ft.

This park has 850 full hook-ups Campsites: 50 amp are available scattered around the park and there is a section that is all 50 amp but you'll pay $3 a day to stay in that area. Rate is $0 for TT members. We had a back in full hook up site with 50 amp electric. There is a small wooded area with a lot of shade, more like a state park, with maybe about 100 sites. The main part of the park dose not have much shade. There is a small lake with a boat/kayak launch. Roads are all paved. There is a family pool & all adult pool. Both Pool's have had a super make over and are very nice. Club house and ballroom are super with many activities planned for the campers especially over a holiday weekend. Verizon air card and cell had most of their bars. ATT&T phone had 3-4 bars. Very quiet for this large a park. Rate is $0. for TT members.
Amenities include:
Adult Center, Boat Launch, Canoes,Family Center, Game Room, Horseshoe Pits, Laundry Facilities, Mini-Golf, Nature Trail, Ping-Pong, Playground, RV Storage, Rowboats, Shuffleboard, Spa, Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Trading Post, Video Games, Wading Pool, Wi-Fi Access for a fee
We have visited many Thousand Trail parks and this is one of the better parks. There is a beautiful pond that is great for fishing, kayaking or you can go out in a canoe that they have to use.... there are alligators in it so no swimming!!
There are many of the Sandhill Crane here.... a night you can go down to the lake and see the fireworks from Disney and also every once in a while you'll see hot air balloons flying over.

TT is a members only group or is it? They not only are renting sites to the public but they have also started renting annual sites. Many of the annual sites are the prime sites which did not make us to happy. They post a sign on the site saying this is an annual site please chose another site. You can also stay for 3 days free if you agree to listen to the sales pitch...
Listen BUT my advice is don't buy.
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!
Donna, do you have a Thousand Trails membership?..we have only stayed in one...listened to the pitch and decided that we couldn't justify spending the $5000 that they wanted for a Canadian Park only membership and then if we wanted to add the USA to that it was even more?
it looks like a lovely park where you are though!!..except for the gators?..guess Tucker couldn't go swimming in there??
We bought into TT when the price was highest, years before we retired. We used to use it a lot, and now nearly never, but we still have to pay the annual dues. Advice to Sue and Doug -- if you think Thousand Trails could be good for you -- buy a used membership! They are often available for pennies, just so the owners can get out from under the dues. We may be making the same offer ourselves before terribly many more months go by.
Beautiful looking RV park. I'd really be wary of going in that pond in a canoe though with alligators lurking around.
I was thinking how lovely it would be to canoe in that pond...until you mentioned alligators! lol You certainly are in a beautiful spot and the amenities are wonderful as well. I know nothing about park memberships and such but I do know I would be upset as well that they're renting out annual sites to the public and not just the TT members. Why buy a membership then?? xoxo
I had hoped to come and visit you, but not sure I'm going to make it before you leave - health stuff has come up unexpectedly.
We bought our TT membership this year at the Tampa RV Show - $199 gets us 30 days at any TT park in the Southeast. Then $3 for additional days. Like most memberships, if you use them they are a good deal.
Nice park. I would be wary of canoeing in a pond that has gators! What happens if you tip over...lunch???...for the gators??? (Just kidding)! Would be fun to watch the Disney fireworks at night.
We were green when we went to that park 10 yrs ago for the 3n free stay. They got us...If I were to do it over again, I would certainly buy a used membership. We love it though and starting to get our money's worth!
Glad to see they have done the pools over..
That turtle, at first I thought it was a carved rock.
Hi again....it's Thursday, and I'm trying to catch up on yesterday's comments left for me. I just wanted to say thank you in a big way for your sweet anniversary comment and your happy wishes. I also made a small token graphic for my appreciation...on the top portion of my blog entry for the day!!
My Thursday Theme Song Link
Sometimes I so envy you with your "Tassie"!!!
Mission Bells in Shadow
Thanks for stopping by Saturday...hope your weekend has been terrific so far!!
Nice park review! After ten years fulltiming we still have never joined any camping groups. We do belong to Passport america, which has already paid for itself.
Great information!
We got a great deal on a regional TT membership at the rv show. It was $199 for a year. We stopped by the Orlando/Clermont park and also thought it was a very nice place. I don't think it's fair you can't stay at a seasonal site if no one is there. We have already paid for our membership fee with one 2 week stay at a TT park in Vero Beach.
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