Just an update to let all of you know that I am doing great... Therapy is coming along nicely and they say I am really improving fast. I do my exercises everyday hoping that I will heal fast and we will be on our way soon to our next BIG adventure. I see the doctor next Thursday and hope to be released then. If I am we will be heading out on Sunday the 31st to Dallas. HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!
Yesterday was my birthday and we enjoyed a wonderful meal at Olive Garden. I have been seeing an advertisement for a delicious dinner called Manicotti Formaggio with Chicken... It is manicotti filled with ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan cheese... served with sauteed chicken tossed with spinach and roasted bell peppers in a parmesan cream sauce. It also comes with shrimp if you want...
It was incredibly yummy and I highly recommend that you all go try it. My daughter and her family joined us for the birthday celebration which was really nice since I haven't been with her for on my birthday for a lot of years. The weather here the past week has been so much better (in the high 60's) but it looks like we'll be seeing some more freezing weather before we leave this area... So much of our country is being hit by horrid weather and I sure hope that all of you are safe and not in it!Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!!!!

Hello everyone!!! I am hoping you all had a safe and wonderful beginning to the new year. As you know I started the new year with knee surgery and everything went very well. It was a little bit more of a repair then they thought but I am recovering fast and soon hopefully will be released and on our way to new adventures this year. I spent the first 2 weeks at my daughter's house where they all kept an eagle eye on me to make sure I did absolutely nothing... except for the leg & knee exercises that rehab is giving me to do... Ralph stayed with Tassie to make sure she was doing good in this freezing weather... It is the first time we have been in such freezing temperatures (single digits) and we are having a hard time with condensation and the walls freezing up... I think we'll be staying home in Florida for the winter from now on...

Anyways I wanted to give you all an update to let you know I am doing great and recovering just as fast as I can... I have a doctors appointment on the 28th and if he releases me then we'll be back on the road by the first of February which is our 41st anniversary... YEAH!!!! I can't wait to get rid of these crutches... It is hard for me to sit here for long periods of time but I am hoping to get back to my regular blogging and visiting my friends♥♥♥
Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!!!!

Wishing peace and happiness for you and those you love through all the days of the new year!
love, Donna & Rallph