We recently went to Little Rock to spend the day exploring many of the attractions it has to offer. One of our stops was the Clinton Presidential Library. We have never visited any of our Presidential Libraries but many of our friends have and they told us we should go see them. How right they were, it was so interesting and full of amazing information, documents and artifacts.
When we first pulled into the parking lot we saw this awesome train bridge. The Junction Bridge was constructed in 1884 as the primary railroad bridge connecting the northern and southern railway lines. Junction Bridge has served as a backdrop to both Little Rock and North Little Rock’s skylines for over 100 years. It is a beautiful train bridge that has now been made into a pedestrian walk.
When we first pulled into the parking lot we saw this awesome train bridge. The Junction Bridge was constructed in 1884 as the primary railroad bridge connecting the northern and southern railway lines. Junction Bridge has served as a backdrop to both Little Rock and North Little Rock’s skylines for over 100 years. It is a beautiful train bridge that has now been made into a pedestrian walk.
Presidential Libraries are not libraries in the usual sense. They are archives and museums, preserving the written record and physical history of our presidents.
When we first entered into the building of course we went through a security check. And then the first thing we came upon was the information center and the two of Clinton's vehicles. His personal Mustang and the Presidential Limousine.

This is just a small portion of the many official records. There was also daily records of all of the Presidents daily activities that you could read.
The museum also includes replicas of the Cabinet Room and the Oval Office. It is the only duplicate of the Oval Office anywhere.
Oval Office
Here is a sample of an official dinner menu and the table setting used when entertaining dignitaries from other countries or hosting official dinners.
This is just a few of the many gifts that the Clinton's received while in office. These all become part of the libraries collection. I would be sad if I had to give them up. ☺
Here are a few of the Inaugural dresses worn by some of the former First Ladies on display. It was interesting to see how styles have changed over the years.
This was one of a couple of Crystal Christmas Trees that were made for the White House. It was around 8 foot tall and strangely beautiful.
This was just a few of the many pictures I took... We really enjoyed our day visiting Clinton's Library and I highly recommend that if you ever have the opportunity to visit any Presidential Library it is a must thing to do.
So until later... Have Fun and enjoy life every single day!
I think this is something that would be a total snooze-fest for me. I don't wanna read about the daily activities of the president! Although, looking at the dresses, the replica of the Oval Office and stuff like that is pretty neat. How awful that they didn't get to keep at least some of those lovely gifts!
Justine :o )
I've never toured a Presidential library; seeing the replica of the Oval office would be a treat for me.
Hi Dear Donna! Oh, how interesting! We've visited the George Bush Sr. Library and have not had the opportunity to see any others. Now, was there a statue of the lovely Monica Lewinsky? :) Just asking...
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
That looked so interesting. Can't wait to see it myself.
Love Ya,
I didn't know that they had moved the Mustang to the library. The last time I saw it was at the Museum of Automobiles which is next to Petit Jean State Park. It was there in 2005. (I've got a picture of it there.)
The Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri, has a replica of the Oval Office, too. I've been to the Clinton and the Truman libraries twice, each, but I don't have photo gallery up of either of them yet.
The building that houses the Clinton School of Public Service was originally an old railroad station and, in the 80s and 90s, a restaurant called "Spaghetti Warehouse." We ate there several times.
currently back home in Arkansas
Haw Creek Out 'n About
Enjoyed the repeat tour of the library in Little Rock...we stopped there last March. Interesting place. We've gone to all the presidential libraries and they are all great, no matter your political affiliation. Thanks, Donna for the great photo tour.
Thanks for the tour, Donna. I would love to see one of these libraries as they are full of interesting sights and information. Thanks for posting all the pics.
Morning Donna! Looks like fun as always.
We were heading toward the Clinton Library when we got a phone call that our grandson was getting married in Coeur d'Alene, so we turned around and headed northwest instead. Thanks for the tour we missed taking!
Great photos of the library. Maybe Corelle will come out with that dish pattern. That style would really look good in our RV.
Hmmmmmmmm, I can just picture "Billy Boy" driving around in that turquoise Mustang,.......can't you? It's fitting I think. What a great, great outing. I'm so glad you shared all these photos with us. It was like we were right alongside you all the while!!!
ps....just read Shelia's question about the statue of M L....too funny. cracked me up.
I'm not usually a big fan of museums, but this looks great. Will have to go see it next spring. Thanks for the photos.
~WOW! Donna that is the most beautiful library I have ever seen. It's just amazing! Love all the pretty photos you captured.
Many blessings to you during this joyous season. I'm so glad you came by! I've missed you my sweet friend.
~Warmly, ~Melissa :)
what a neat place to visit!!! oh...there is something wrong with your comment box...it is all messed up and weird shaped
what a neat place to visit!!! oh...there is something wrong with your comment box...it is all messed up and weird shaped
Thanks for sharing the pictures since I doubt I will ever see it in person. Yopu've sure seen a lot of things in your travels.
Hope you are feeling better.
Thanks for the great tour of the Clinton Library. I never realized that the gifts had to be given back, more or less, to the library. I'm with you...I'd hate to give up some of them. It was very fasinating. We are near the Carter Library so I think I will try to visit that very soon.
Glad you had such a great day.
Take care,
How great is this. We have been in Arkansas several times over the past few months but never have time to venture off too far. Thanks for the tour.
Oh, how neat to get to tour this! All of it is fascinating! Thanks for the tour. I hope to go there someday.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
Sheila :-)
the room was aglow
with pomp and circumstance...
enough attitude to make
a reindeer prance.
HO HO HO Merry Christmas~
Liked the tour!!!
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