We have been at Spring Hill COE for 3 weeks and loved every moment of it... It is so beautiful with all the trees, the Arkansas River, the wildlife and thousands of feathered friends... We'll be back here soon... We have reservations for 4 days at Park Ridge RV Park right off of I-40 exit 3 in Van Buren, Arkansas. We needed someplace to stay for Labor Day weekend and it was almost impossible to get into another COE or State Park for the holiday weekend. The good news is that it is just a hop, skip & jump to Jennifer's house from this park. Right after Labor Day we will be moving up to Lake Fort Smith State Park in the Boston Mountains (Ozarks) near Mountainburg, Ar for 3 weeks then we will be back at Spring Hill.
This park (Park Ridge RV Park) is good for a stopover... W/E/S Not to bad of a park but there are a lot of permanent people here. It is $27 dollars a night with a Good Sam discount. Also they want to charge us 2 dollars for each kid and 3 dollars for each adult who would be visiting us more then 2 hours... Never heard of that at any park. So we will be going to Jen's house rather then them coming here to visit. We are always in the woods near tress....
The Office and Store & Picture of Lee Creek

Saturday I spent the morning getting my hair & nails done... It's been a while and I was getting pretty shabby... Then we went over and stayed with the grandchildren while Jennifer went to her study group. For those of you who don't know she is in her third semester of nursing school. When she graduates next April both of my daughters will be nurses... I am so proud of them! It was a beautiful evening back at the campground... We enjoyed a stroll by the creek and watched the sunset.

Sunday my SIL came back home after being away on a job for 2 weeks... I am glad he is coming home not only because I miss & love him but he is the best BBQ'n cook I know and being that Monday is Labor Day he can cook us up something good (pork roast)... I am going to make the "Neely's Cole Slaw" that I loved so much in Memphis and Orange Delight... Jennifer spent the day with her study group again while Eric (my SIL), Ralph & I went and did some errands. After we were done we went back to Tassie and just rested .

Today we did the traditional cookout and spent the day playing games... We had a lot of fun and ate til our bellies were busting... We had Smoked Pork Loin, Pork Steaks, Mild Sweet Italian Sausage, Homemade Baked Beans, Corn on the cob and Cole Slaw
For dessert we had the Orange Delight; Recipe below
ORANGE DELIGHT 1 - 3 oz. pkg. orange jello
1 small can mandarin oranges - drained
1 pound cottage cheese
1 small container cool whip
1 small can crushed pineapple - drained
Walnuts - chopped
Mix all ingredients together & chill for a couple of hours
So Easy to make BUT so delicious
Tomorrow morning we will be pulling out of here to go up to the mountains to Lake Fort Smith State Park... I don't know if I'll have Internet at the site but right up at the visitors center there is great reception. I will have to go there to visit you and do a post.
Hope you had a great holiday weekend and Stay safe!
Until Later
That food looks good. We ate way too much this weekend. I'm not even hungry for breakfast this morning. I still taste the garlic from the pork ribs we had for dinner.
I love reading about your camping. I've gotten Honey Bear talking pop ups again. No tent for me. It would be wonderful to have a travel trailer like you have but I wouldn't want to give up my home.
Please consider becoming a follower of my blog. I appreciate your visits there.
Mama Bear
Hi Donna! Sounds like you are having a great time. How nice to move just to any place that suits your fancy.
We had two giant meals this weekend with family in Texas. It was fun and filling. Oh, the traffic on I35 was awful! Be glad you had Tassie parked.
Lake Fort Smith State Park is a nice little park. We stayed there last October for several days.
It has some interesting recent history. I did a bit of research online and put together an information page on the park: Lake Fort Smith State Park information
Mike Goad
on the road in Colorado
Haw Creek Out 'n About
I have a recipe from my MIL that is almost exactly the same. The only difference is that her recipe calls for pistachio pudding mix instead of jello. Amazingly good!
Okay.....got leftovers? I'm gonna show up on your doorstep to be sure. Yum!
And such a beautiful area. I can see why you want to return. So peaceful...and you mentioned 'feathered friends'......I so love bird watching.
Have a great day.
Your dinner looked terrific and I can't wait to try that dessert! Thanks for the recipe. We've never stayed at a COE park before but we'll have to look one up and give it a try - the one's I've seen online look pretty good - and reasonable!!
Donna, we stole your recipe, thank you! We didn't BBQ for Labor Day, instead ate some leftovers last night. That's OK too! We did our major BBQ on Sunday, with filet steaks wrapped in bacon, with a couple of chicken breasts using up the neighboring area of the grill - no sense wasting all that heat!
We are enjoying your Arkansas sojourn -- and we are awaiting your next post.
Wow! Beautiful pic of the sunset...(mine never turn out)...food looks good too! I have got to try some your recipes.
oh girl...I can't imagine how you must be loving your summer! good food...and such wonderful adventures! Have a safe trip to our next location!
OK, that food looks too darn good!! Nice that you are having such a great time with your family. We have 2 parks here in our area (both Good Sam) and they, too, charge for visitors. We stayed there for a week last summer and we had our son park in a store lot across the street and we drove out and got him. He was just sitting in our MH anyway! Looks like Arkansas should be a great place to spend the early fall. Enjoy all your posts so much.
Margie M.
Such a fabulous life you're having...I want to go join you! hehe I've never heard of a park charging for visitors either, how strange! Seems they want to make money no matter which way.
Omigosh, my mouth is watering after seeing the pictures of the food...yum, yum, yummmmm. That Orange Delight is something I will definitely have to try, it looks and sounds delicious.
Love ya lots! xoxox
looks like a great site, but the rules are WEIRD! I smiled when I saw pumpkins in your window--so cute!
Your food looks soooo good!
Hard to believe it's been 3 weeks... Love the sunset picture.
It sounds as if you had the perfect Labor Day holiday. Good for you!
That sunset photo is beautiful! I've never heard of a park like that either. Do they have guards who are watching and counting children and guests? It sounds to me like Orange Delight is appropriately named. Sounds delightful. Y'all be careful and have fun. laurie
Hi Donna:
You have more fun than anyone I know of!! All that food sounds and looks so good. I am going to try the orange delight this weekend. Sure sounds easy. I don't like cottage cheese, but it sounds like it will be disguised. lol.
Donna, It sounds like you've had a great summer. I love hearing about your adventures. I have a lot of catching up to do. I'll be back very soon.
Hugs, Terrie
GM Donna, Girl it sounds like you are having the best time and the Food YUMMY!! and girl I never heard of a place charging if you stay over 2 hours insane my friend...with times being so hard I guess people try to make money anyway they can..Thanks for coming by and seeing my little family...May you have a great travel week my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Donna, it sounds like you're still having a great time near your family and I'm so happy for you! Although this park you're in sounds terrible, trying to charge for visitors! What the hell?
And wow, what a BBQ you guys had!
Justine :o )
P.S. I really want to see pics of your new do and nails!
The food looks awesome.....love your blog..
Just blog hopping and enjoyed yours tonight...
Stop by and visit my new Christmas blog. There will be a drawing on October 1st for a GREAT prize...all you have to do is leave a comment..
We love RVing. We do have a TT for now because we still have 1 child home. In couple yrs we are thinking of buying a class A to spend 6 months in Florida. Winter are cold here in Canada. This will be a big decision to make but there is nothing like a life camping.
I have been around. I have just been a little busier than usual! After reading your blog and looking at the pics (of the food) I AM STARVED... lol.
Any good pics of any birds lately??? I have to make sure I participate in outdoor Wed. this week! I have been slacking. (smile)
Miss you much!
Donna Marie
Love the COE parks...our last one was a bust...we could not find a spot to accommodate our rig...BOOWHO...I need to keep a list of all the COEs that we can get into so we can plan on staying there.
Well I have just about caught up on my reading and I see that all is well with you. got your toes done and you are ready to kick up your heels...Have a great day.
We went to visit somebody at a park in Port Angeles and had to pay $5 each no matter if we were even going in to pick them up.
first of all thank you so much for cking up on me during my bad times.i really appreciate it.as you know.was i shocked they found cancer.if you have any words of wisdom,i would surely like a few.
congrat's on the 2 girls.now that is so special.not one,but two caring angels here on earth.so nice.
your meal looked super.it makes me hungry for bar-b-que again.ha.the area you are in looks heavenly.i think you and hub have the best idea yet.just see the usa and enjoy life....anniepoo
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