Thursday, March 11, 2010

~~~Petroglyphs, Lava & Smokey the Bear~~~

While visiting in Alamogordo area we visited several areas. They are all north of Alamogordo and good day trips from there. We enjoyed visiting every one of them.
Three Rivers Petroglyph Site

The Three Rivers Petroglyph Site is one of the few locations in the Southwest set aside solely because of its rock art. It is also one of the few sites giving visitors such direct access to petroglyphs. The number and concentration of petroglyphs here make it one of the largest and most interesting petroglyphs sites in the Southwest. More than 21,000 glyphs of birds, humans, animals, fish, insects and plants, as well as numerous geometric and abstract designs are scattered over 50 acres of New Mexico’s northern Chihuahuan Desert. The petroglyphs at Three Rivers, dating back to between about 900 and 1400 AD, were created by Jornada Mogollon people who used stone tools to remove the dark patina on the exterior of the rock. A small pueblo ruin is nearby and Sierra Blanca towers above to the east. A detailed Petroglyph guide is available at the Three Rivers Petroglyph Site. We walked the rugged mile long trail that is all up a mountain begins at the visitor shelter and links many of the most interesting petroglyphs. Another short trail begins on the east side of the picnic area and leads to the remains of a Mogollon village, whose inhabitants were likely responsible for the petroglyphs.
There are a few campsites here and are on a first come basis.

Valley of Fires
The Valley of Fires Recreation Area is an interesting route which passes much barren scenery of grassy prairie, mountains and sandy desert. The Valley has many square miles of buckled, twisted lava, part of an extensive flow up to 160 feet thick and over 45 miles long that originated from several volcanoes, including one vent now known as Little Black Peak, 9 miles northwest of the town of Carrizozo. The lava is surface is so extremely rough and broken that it is impossible to cross except on foot. The lava contains pressure ridges, collapsed lava bubbles, extensive fissures, pits, collapsed lave tubes and rock shelters. We enjoyed our walk on the trail through the park which was about a mile long on a paved walkway. There is also a campground here with some W/E and some no hook ups.

Smokey the Bear

The Smokey Bear Museum and Park, located in Capitan, New Mexico, pays tribute to a courageous little bear that has become the nation's symbol for fighting and preventing forest fires. Smokey's body is buried in the park that bears his name. From this location, one can see the beautiful Capitan Mountains, where the fire started many years ago. I never knew about the little Smokey bear and found this very interesting. The museum was filled with a lot of Smokey the Bear memorabilia and the ride is beautiful. If you would like to read more about Smokey Bear click here.

Ralph with Smokey the Bear & Smokey's Grave Marker

Here is a picture of the Smokey the Bear Hot Air Balloon that we took at the Albuquerque Air Balloon Fiesta in 2004 and one of the original posters

Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!


  1. I really enjoyed your post on Smokey the Bear. I know that was fun. Totally lost on that first post though. Do you know about the yellow copy of your insurance card, you will need that when we go through Canada. Ralph may want to call Norm if he doesn't know about it.

    See ya soon,

  2. Looks like an interesting place to visit. And you must have had a great time with Smokey.

    Drive safely!

  3. Holy cow!!!! Those petroglyphs are really THAT old? They're amazing! And I had no clue there was actually a real Smokey the bear!!!

    I'm not a big lover of slideshows, because they take so much longer to look through than individual pics, but I understand why you use them these days. Sooooooooooo many great pictures!

    Justine :o )

  4. Good post, Donna,and so good to meet you guys last evening. We had a grand time sharing experiences, and now we can match two real people to all your adventures!

  5. I love all the petroglyphs, and your movie of them all. I can't believe I've never been there. Definitely on my list now.

  6. I like your new dress blog. I had to come here to get the recipe for your Peppercinni and beef :)

    Love Ya,

  7. You do such a nice job with your blog site.....looks so nice...and lots of good information. I just can't seem to find the time these days....and my blog really needs a facelift! LOL!

  8. I remember teaching about Smokey the Bear! The petroglyphs were quite interesting. I get so excited reading about all the history in our country just waiting to be explored and enjoyed.
    Thanks so much for the tour and once again, my "to see" list is growing.
    Take care and travel safely.

    Gerri and Mike (


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna