Sunday, March 14, 2010

Off to Benson, Az, a Visit to Tombstone & we met Bloggin Buddies

We left Alamogordo,NM for Benson, AZ. early in the morning and the weather was a little cloudy... By the time we hit the mountains it was a good old storm. It seems now we are in country that has a lot of mountains and Tassie is chugging up and down them with no trouble. As a matter of fact she kind of likes it! We decided to boondock in a Wal-Mart Supercenter about half way which took us to Deming, NM. We pulled in and couldn't believe how many 18 wheelers were in the parking lot... Shortly after we parked a security guard came over and asked us to park on the other side because one side was for semi's and the other side for motorhomes... There were about 15+ coaches and other campers there for the evening.
We met some really nice people that night.

We passed White Sands Missile Range & headed towards a High Mountain

Before we entered Arizona we had to go through a Border Patrol check
Finally we are in Arizona and headed towards BAD weather and the peak of that mountain
Finally we peak on the mountain and see San Simon
We arrived in Benson the next day fairly early... after setting up we decided to take a ride to Tombstone which is about 30 miles south of Benson and check it out. It pretty much is a tourist spot but we took some pictures of a few things and then left. Tombstone was founded in 1879 in what was then the Arizona Territory of the USA. It soon became a boomtown of silver mines, high-paying jobs, also of lawlessness, violence and vigilante justice, a city lager than San Francisco for a short time. But it has become most famous for 1881 O.K. Corral gunfight portrayed in many Western movies and not to mention Wyatt Earp!

Here is Big Nose Kate's Saloon & A Stagecoach ride you can take
Boot Hill
Streets in the Tombstone tourist area
Wyatt Earp's house and a BIG Saguaro Cactus

Benson is also the winter home of our good bloggin' buddies Jerry & Suzy @ Life on Wheels. (Click highlighted area to go visit their blog). I have been following their blog for sometime and Jerry reminded me that they were here and we should get together. So we made plans to meet at a little restaurant called Palatiano’s for dinner. What great food we had there and we also got to meet our friends too... It is so nice to be able to meet the ones we blog with all the time! After dinner they invited us to their home where we had coffee and a YUMMO dessert.
It was nice to get to know each other a little better.

Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!


  1. I always love the drive from Benson to Tombstone. In fact, tho it is just as you say a 'tourist trap' is a fun, fun area. You should have gone to Kate's Saloon and the mine that is just directly below the floor...AND the courthouse and the Epitath paper. Oh so many cool places in town.

    Sounds like you had a super duper time meeting up with friends too.

  2. How fun to meet with a fellow blogger. That's a really nice photo of them too. It won't be long now.

    Love ya,

  3. I read about your visit with Jerry and Suzy on their blog the other day. Sounds like you had a great time. Nice pics of Tombstone - almost the exact same pics we took when we visited there a few years ago. Amazing, that stagecoach hasn't moved at all!!

  4. We will have to try the Apple Barn. How cool to meet fellow bloggers, I guess it is a small world after all!

  5. Thanks for the plug, Donna. We can use any new readers we can get! Yes, it was good to get together, and we're going to go back to Palatiano's soon for more of those great ravioli!

    We have seen that statue of Wyatt Earp, but didn't realize it was next door to his home. We pass through Tombstone regularly, but need to make a touristy stop there some time.

  6. hey girl...long time since I had a chance to visit...then when I get here I see you have been on the go to see some wonderful places....and bloggin friends>????? can you picture the jealous look I have right now!!!!? I hope you have a great week friend...see you again soon I hope!

  7. Ah the great state of Arizona!! I love that place and would move back in a second, even though I live in Nebraska. Az has so many different scenes- Forrest, desert and everything in between. Hope you enjoy yourself.

  8. Here is a shout out from Big Nose Kate's Saloon and a BIG thank you for visiting! We hope you come on back and visit us! Happy trails and safe travels!

  9. Does anyone have a suggestion how to tell the kids that you and their step-dad are moving to Arizona?


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna