Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alamogordo, New Mexico & White Sands National Monument

We hit the road again and are headed to Alamogordo, New Mexico... Over the Mountains and through the desert we go. And YES we ran into snow once again... There are several things we want to see & do in this area beginning with White Sands National Monument. The there is also Three Rivers Petrographs, Valley of Fires, Smokey the Bear Historical Park, Space Museum and many other things.

We will be staying at Boot Hill RV Park which is a Passport America Park. It has FHU,50Amp, Wi-Fi and they have a band and dance every Saturday night... The owners are very friendly and did everything they could to make our stay enjoyable.

White Sands National Monument

Near Alamogordo, an area of desert and mountain ranges used by the military for various kinds of weapons testing; including the Trinity Site where the first atomic bomb was detonated, in July 1945. You may visit on 2 days each year, the first Saturdays of April and October, which was a dissappointment to us. Ralph really wanted to visit that area. Also 60 miles south in the flat Tularosa Basin -For thousands of years the westerly winds have deposited gypsum powder - formerly eroded from the nearby San Andres Mountains, washed down by rainwater and deposited in the seasonal Lake Lucero, a few miles southwest - creating a huge area of white dunes covering 275 square miles. About half of the sands are within the boundaries of the White Sands National Monument, one of the most unusual and magical places in the Southwest. This is something we have talked about visiting for years and at long last we made it here and WOW what a beautiful sight it was.

So many picutres that I couldn't make up my mind again so enjoy!!

Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!


  1. We sure enjoyed White Sands when we were there, and we enjoyed seeing and reading about it again. Hey - your "Where We Are Right Now" says you're in Benson for a few days! Give us a nod and we'll meet you for lunch or dinner or breakfast or a sip of something cool and warm! We'd love to meet you in person! Call us at (510) 909-4203, or an email at "jerry dot suzy at yahoo dot com."

  2. Hi Donna,

    I love your blog, you have a talent for this blog stuff. I'm sitll in the learning stage.

  3. Thanks for the great "preview" and pics of White Sands, we'll be going there next month and we're also planning to stay at the Boot Hill RV Park. Sure hope any sign of snow is gone by then though - except for the white sands of course!

  4. That snow looks like white sand! I guess Tessie keeps you guys warm. Enjoy!

  5. I've been there and it really is amazing...hard to describe or even capture with photos! I love traveling along with you! ♥

  6. Oh my, what an amazing place indeed! All that white sand looks like snow but without the cold:-) I so enjoyed looking at your pictures, such a fascinating area and it was interesting to read how all that white sand got there! I'm about 4 posts behind so time to catch up with you:-) xoxo

  7. More snow?? Well, I guess it is still technically winter. Enjoyed the tour of White Sands (another place on our list to see).

    I was wondering? Do you find it easy to use the Passport America system? It seems that most of the parks have so many restrictions on when/how long we haven't joined the club yet. We used it back in 1997 and then did not renew. Thanks, Donna.

  8. This wonderful country is just full of never ending places to explore and enjoy! I am so glad you are sharing your adventure with us. Believe me....I make notes.

    Have fun and enjoy the journey!!

    Mike and Gerri (

  9. Holy crapola! I seriously thought that was snow, Donna! That is just so beautiful.

    Justine :o )

  10. Hello Donna..I have been reading your blog for sometime now..and this is the first time I have commented..loved the white sand..thought it was snow at first..great photos and thanks for sharing your day with us!!
    sue and doug
    coquitlam, british columbia, canada


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna