Tuesday, July 21, 2009

~~~ The Caves ~~~

We love spelunking down onto caves but we only do the guided tours... Nothing ever on our own. We have visited many caves across the USA and even though we had been to these before we wanted to take Alyssah down into them. We went over very early hoping to get into the first tour of the day.... but it was totally booked so we ended up on the 9:30 tour which was very lucky for us... We had the best guide whose name was Bill... He was a little older then most of the guides but he had a great deal of knowledge about caves. There were a few steep stairs to go down and some areas as low as 4 feet high and 2 feet wide to waddle through but everyone in our group made it... Our guide was 70 and there was a charming couple there that were in their 80s... we also managed to have one very loud toddler around 3... we stayed away from him needless to say... I am posting some pictures of the caverns and hope that you enjoy looking at them...
To see any of them larger just double click on the picture...

Thanks for coming by and I hope you enjoyed all the pictures of the caverns...

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses

Rock Climber


  1. Hi Donna! We've visited a few caves too. Not really my thing but of course, the men love it! Kind of gives me the heebeejeebees. Is that a word? LOL

    I know Alyssa must be having the best time!

  2. amazing pictures. Breathtaking. Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. Great cave pics - reminded me of our trip to Mt. Rushmore and visiting the caves around there.

  4. Ooo, how beautiful! I always get confused: "tites" or "mites?" I think stalactites hang DOWN, but I'm never sure.

  5. For SmilingSally - StalaGmites stick up from the Ground, while stalaCtites hang from the Ceiling. The G in stalagmites is like the G in ground, and the C -- well, you get the idea!

    Yes - great pictures! Our local cave, Kartchner Cavern is partially closed this time of the year, as the bats are breeding.

  6. Hi Donna, I'm taking a break from decorating and trying to catch up with all the girls! Love your cave pictures and Alyssa is adorable! I was in a cave very similar to this, Crystal Cave in PA. I will forever remember the words stalagmite and stalagtite LOL! (hope I got the spelling right on those!) Have a wonderful time sweetie!! xoxo

  7. Donna I just went thru all your blog post trips, you are creating wonderful memories for Alyssah, she's a lucky little girl! And the wedding! I missed the wedding! It looked so beautiful, beautiful bride and groom too! Glad you survived the twins, you are a brave soul!! LOL! xo

  8. Really beautiful photos Donna. Looks like you had a great time, but I'll be honest, that picture of ya'll going into the tunnel just about did me in. I really wish I didn't have this phobia, but there it is. Glad someone else can enjoy them without having a hissy fit lol. Kathy

  9. Oh, wow, it looks beautiful inside those caves! I've never been inside a cave like that before, I wish there was some around here. Alyssa looks like she's having a fabulous time:-) xoxo

  10. Ah, reminds me of some of the trips I took to Howe Caverns in upstate NY. Have you ever been there, Donna? Very cool!

    Justine :o )


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna