Monday, September 19, 2011

Got Clams!!!

Cedar Key ~ Florida is the #1 Clam Producer in the USA and they have the sign to prove it. Whenever we are camping near here with our friends or by ourselves we come to Cedar Key to buy clams... 100's of them. We cook them in soup, steam them or eat them raw and they are so good. We are here for 4 days and I am looking forward to some great food and to visit some really good friends who we haven't seen in a long time. We are staying at Cedar Key RV Resort and if you would like to know more about it there go over to my review site and check it our by clicking right here.

So sit back and enjoy my little slide show on the reflections of Cedar Key.

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Neither of us is big on clams but he area sure looks good, you seem to have a knack for finding great parks.Hope you are having a great time. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  2. No clams for me but Jim loves seafood. Looks like a great place and glad you're having fun with friends.

  3. We love Cedar Key! It's a day trip for us and we go as often as we can! Enjoy your time there! ♥

  4. We both like clams, but I'm not sure about that "raw" business! I had oysters like that once and really regretted it in the middle of the night! And its'not something Hubs would even consider!!!

  5. Love the log book on your previous post. I'll have to check into it. Great video! Who cares about the volcano when you got rum, LOL!! Cheers! ~M

  6. Really nice slide show! Cedar Key is one place on our list to visit! :c)

  7. The only way I've ever had clams is breaded and fried. I like them that way. Not so sure I could talk myself into trying them raw. :P

  8. When in Crystal River for the winter we love taking day trips to Cedar Key. We love Tony's World Champion Clam Chowder -great chowder, and also the Black Dog and Tables Pub. It's a neat little cigar bar and pub with a huge selection of beers. Plus it is right on the water.

  9. I hope my osprey showed up for you when you visited the cemetery!! He sure was beautiful.
    Love Cedar Key....the pictures brought back GREAT memories!!

  10. Donna! You caught us eating lunch in the fourth slide - I'm wearing a coral-colored tank, and Annie is in the red.

    We should all really wear pink carnations so we recognize each other in public.


  11. Hey, hope I didn't offend with my post about your post. All in good fun! Bygones!



Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna