Saturday, June 11, 2011

★•.•´¯`•.•★ Busy Week ! ★•.•´¯`•.•★

We headed down I-75 about 230 miles from Lake City down to my daughter's house and stayed with her for 4 nights... We had 2 graduations, a birthday and while there we thought we'd hit a few Doctors and do some errands. So it made our visit very fast moving...

We arrived Saturday on my daughters birthday. We went to lunch down in Historic Dunedin at the Broadway Cafe'. I had a yummy Reuben which was really good but did not compare to Carnegie's in NYC! LOL We then went to Jarred's where my daughter bought me a beautiful charm for the Pandora bracelet she got me for Christmas. I bought her a Pandora for her birthday so now we'll be able to have fun buying charms for each other on special occasions.

Inside Broadway Cafe & my dinner at Olive Garden (so yummy)

Sunday we attended a BIG Graduation party for my nephew Ryan who graduated on Saturday from High School. My sister-in-law outdid herself with a great meal of Pull Pork sandwiches, Cowboy Beans, Coleslaw and a lot of yummy appetizers... then a Congratulations cake!

Monday we took the twin grandsons to daycare and then our daughter & us went to IHOP for breakfast... had my favorite MultiGrain Pecan Pancakes. After that I went and had my eye exam so I could get some contacts. They changed a little but not to much and he said my itchy eyes were from allergies in the air. We went back to her house where I did some laundry and then it was time to pick up the kids... That evening we played WII.

Tuesday we had a really busy day... Took Tiffy to the groomers and after 4 weeks out in the woods she needed it badly. I have been having a lot of pain in both my knees so I called my Ortho doctor and begged him to see me. He took xrays and told me my left knee was really bad and the right one is beginning to go too. So he gave me Cortisone shots in both knees and is scheduling a knee replacement in the left knee in mid-October. They are feeling much better since the shots... Then we were off to pick up a new C-Pap machine for my honey and to the drugstore for prescriptions... Whew!!! We went home and picked up my daughter and took her to our favorite Mexican place for lunch!

Wednesday was the twins graduation and what a nice party the school threw for them after they graduated. With a pizza party & ice cream after... They sang songs and showed us all their art!
After that we all went to Sonny's Real Pit BBQ for lunch... GREAT day!

Wyatt & Dominick (our 5 year old twin Grandsons)

Memaw, Poppy & the boys and the boys with their diplomas

That afternoon we drove the 230 miles back to Lake City where all was well with Tassie our motorhome. They did tell us that Monday they had a really big storm and a small tornado went down 90 a short ways which took some trees down. Thank goodness no damage at our place!

Yesterday I went to my cousins house and we made body lotion and soap in the same scent we did the lotion. I had a lot of fun doing that with her and her daughter Christal.


So now we are chillin and resting up after 5 full days of activities... We need it!!!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. It seems my week was the exact opposite of your busy one! :)

  2. Boy that was a busy week!! Congratulations to all the graduates and so glad you all got to celebrate all those special occasions with your family!!

  3. I'm tired just reading your blog...sounds like you had a great week.

  4. you two just wear me out!!..what a busy week you all had!!..sounds like you will need to sit with your feet up for a bit now!..sorry to hear about your knee replacement surgery!..enjoy the weekend!

  5. You folks do need a rest after those active days. We know you enjoyed spending the time with family and the get togethers.

  6. Ummmmm....Donna? Did you have time to even breathe during those 5 days?? lol A busy week indeed but what fun family celebrations you got to celebrate. Congratulations to the graduates!! Your daughter must have been thrilled to have you there for her birthday as well:-)

    I've never been to Olive Garden but heard how good the food is there. They had one in Toronto which is a 5 hour drive south of me but it's closed now apparently.

    Oh dear, so sorry to hear you need a knee replacement but it's so common these days and people say it's the best thing they ever did. My friend/neighbour June has to go for her other knee replacement in the near future. She had the first one done last year and it's well healed up now:-)

    I hope you're having a nice relaxing weekend!! xoxo

  7. Okay - think I'll go take a nap after reading all that!! At least you got a lot accomplished. Those twins are certainly adorable. Sorry to hear about the trouble with your knees. It's amazing what medical science can do nowadys and I'm sure your knee replacement in October will bring you a lot of relief.

  8. Wow, you sure fit alot into those few days.. Isn't it great being with grandkids.. What a neat graduation they had.
    My hubby is also having trouble with both his knees and I'm thinking he will need knee replacement also at some point.
    Glad you enjoyed your time and are safely back to Tassie.

  9. Now that was one busy week.

    Your dinner at the Olive Garden looked especially good!!

  10. Congratulations to the the pictures...

    I am tired after reading your post...

  11. You really did have a busy week! I'm so sorry that your knees are giving you trouble. Glad the shots helped. The twins are adorable in their little caps and gowns. How wonderful that you were able to be there to celebrate so many milestones with your family. laurie


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna