Wednesday, January 12, 2011

~~~It's cold here in the Sunshine State~~~

I know it's not as cold here as it is around some areas of the country but when you are raised in the south 32' degrees is really cold... That is going to be the low here in the Tampabay area tonight. Those of you in snow keep warm & Stay safe!

There isn't to much going on around here since the Holidays are over... Trying to figure out what we don't need in Tassie so we can get rid of stuff but that is so hard to do. When you live full time in a motorhome it is having your stuff with you that makes it home. I am basically a pack rat anyways and have seperation issues!

We have some fun plans coming up soon so keep an eye out for our adventures
Have fun & Stay Warm


  1. it will warm up soon! Don says if something comes into the rv, something same size has to go out! And yes, its hard!

  2. Great to have you back posting, Donna! I always wondered how Florida made frozen orange juice, now I know!!

  3. Yes, before you know it your part of Sunny Florida with be just that ~~ and warm too.

  4. 13 here this morning! Brrrr....

    Hope you are having fun. :)

  5. sounds like it is time to 'purge' Donna..good luck with that!! is hard cause you never may need that item one day!!..stay warm..could be worse..there could be snow on the ground..
    hugs to you both!!!

  6. Hi Donna, I hope the heat in your home keeps you warm in this cold weather..tonight we will dip down into the low 20's and back up to the 40's tomorrow.. I have good heat and a cozy blanket on my sofa to cuddle up with ... after I get to my warmed up bed, I get too hot..keep warm..
    Hugs, Baba

  7. It is a small world ....... we used to live in Tampa. And you are right that is cold in Tampa!! It was 2 here last night!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna