Monday, January 24, 2011

☺☺☺ It was a Wonderful Party ☺☺☺

Friday night my daughter Denise hosted a wonderful 62nd birthday party for me... It was a small party with family and a few friends which was fine with me. They had originally wanted to go out to eat but I said I just wanted something quiet & casual.

Denise & Grandson Wyatt

She cooked a lovely dinner:

Appetizers ~Baked Brie with apicot jam on top, assorted cheeses & fruits & bruchetta

Baked Ziti
Itialian Salad
Yummy bread
and of course a birthday cake

I got some really great gifts. My honey got me the Kindle3 (after all my looking at them ☺) and the first book I downloaded was Julia Childs "My Life in Paris". After the movie I just had to read it since I never realized she was such an interesting & fun women with a great sence of humor. I also want to read the book by writer Julie Powell "524 recipes in 365 days". Also my daughter bought me another charm for the Pandora bracelet she had given me at Christmas. It is a beautiful cameo Aquarius sign dangle charm... and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Also the cutest little Miss Froggi for out front of Tassie from my brother & SIL. Then several bottles of Captain Morgan Rum from friends (what are they saying???).

Thank goodness there wasn't 62 candles....LOL

Lots of wine Bevy, My honey Ralph & SIL Kathy

After dinner the girls & kids all went int the family room to play Wii's Just Dance2 and what fun we had... It is a very good workout!!! The guys all sat around the table trying to solve all the worlds problems... they adventually joined us but not to dance just to watch & maybe laugh. After dancing we decided a few games of bowling would be fun too~~~ before we knew it it was 12:30... YIKES we have to get up early because we are heading over to Orlando to Universal. We are going into Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and dinner Saturday night at Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville~~~YUMMO!

My twin Grandsons Dominick & Wyatt

Denise & my friend Sheila dancing with Wii's Just Dance

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Good Morning Sweetie...
    Happy Belated Birthday and what a party you had. It looks like you had a fantastic time. Love the gifts. That bracelet is just precious and how sweet of DD to add another charm for you. That is a wonderful idea.

    Oooh and a Kindle. I have been wanting to get one of those, and have just about convinced myself. DH rides the express bus to and from work and I thought he could use it during the week, on weekends I could read. I may just get that this week.

    Love the Wii Just Dance 2. It is quite a work out and the grands have the best time playing it.

    A beautiful share and looks like a wonderful time was had by all. Here's to many more sweet friend.

    Country hugs, Sherry

  2. Well, it certainly looks like you had the very best kind of birthday!! Lots of fun, great food and a wonderful family....who could ask for more????
    Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Food looks DELISH...and that bracelet is gorgeous!

  4. what a great birthday celebration you had Donna!..surrounded by family and can't ask for more than that!..a house filled with love and laughter!!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday! The food looks yummy!

  6. This looks like a great way to celebrate your 26th birthday!!! Somebody got sneaky with those candles! I wish you had video of the dancing and bowling. the food looks delicious. It sounds like a fab birthday, and you deserved it! laurie

  7. Happy Birthday, Donna, and many,many more. Enjoy your kindle and gifts.
    Best wishes.

  8. I'm comin' right over to have a glass of wine with you! hehe I'm so glad that you had such a fun time at your birthday party, I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the pictures:-) You received some lovely presents and no doubt will love your Kindle. The charms your daughter gave you are gorgeous, what a beautiful bracelet. Heyyyyy, you didn't turn 62, you turned 26, the candles on the cake say so!! hehe xoxo

  9. I'm glad you decided on the Kindle..I know you'll love it...And I have a Pandora so I'm always interested to see what charms others have on theirs.
    Happy Birthday,
    Mama Bear

  10. A belated Happy, Happy Birthday Donna. You got your kindle!!! How fun. I bet you're gonna love that.

    Looks like a great time....and just look at all that good food!!!

    62 huh? Well, that'll be MY age on the 9th of February. At least I think that's what # it'll be. LOLOLOL

  11. Happy Belated B-day! Looks like you had a great day. My Mom got one of those Kindles for her b-day and just loves it!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna