Friday, January 21, 2011

☺☺☺ Happy Birthday to me ☺☺☺

Today is my 62nd birthday and I finally will get Social Security... Not much but maybe enough to pay for the diesel & gas on our adventures.... What's up with the fuel cost anyways? Don't they know us Baby Boomers are out trying to enjoy life!

It's going to be a fun filled weekend celebration starting tonight with a party at my daughters house.... Friends & Family will gather to sing praise of me making it to the "BIG 62" She is making one of my favorite dinners Baked Ziti with a nice Italian salad, a lot little of vino and of course a Birthday Cake!

I will be staying overnight there and we will leave early in the morning to Universal Islands of Adventure in Orlando... returning Sunday. We have annual passes for there and use them alot. It is suppost to be a lot cooler so at least we won't be roasting while walking the park and riding the rides. Too cool for the water rides.

Should be a great weekend!!!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. That is a great age to reach, to finally be able to recieve that money you have worked so hard for all of your life.

    We will be at Universal Studios next week on Thursday and Friday...sorry we will miss you! We are looking forward to reading about all the fun you guys will be having!

  2. happy happy birthday my friend!..hope you have a fabulous weekend with your family and friends..wish we were there to help you celebrate!!!..a big ((cyber hug)) coming south from your Canadian friends!!!

  3. Happy Birthday. Wishing you a great year ahead. Serious what's wrong with the price of gas..

  4. Happy Birthday to you AND me! Sounds like you have a marvelous celebration planned! ENJOY your special day! Eat lots of cake...and drink lots of VINO! heehee! HAVE FUN! ♥

  5. Happy Birthday to you, Donna! Oh, my you're getting old! :) Just kiddiing. Have a wonderful celebration and have a great trip too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Happy birthday, Donna. Enjoy your social security checks!

  7. Happy Birthday, Donna! Those Social Security cheques will sure come in handy! One of the advantages of getting a bit older!!

  8. Suzy says that, after the 21st birthday, she believes the 62nd is most fun 'cause you get Social Security.

    Our daughters would sing "Hippo Birdie 2 U, Hippo Birdie 2 U."

    I'll just chime in with a Happy Birthday, Donna. I knew you were still just a kid, but really --- still that young! Yay for you.

  9. ♫ ♪♪ ♫ Happy Birthday to You ♪♫•*¨•.¸¸.•**•♫♪♪ ♫•*¨•.¸¸.•*¨• •*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫ Happy Birthday to You •*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨•.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday, Dear Donna! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday toooooooo Yooooooou! And many more! ♫ ♪♪ ♫

  10. Happy Birthday Donna..and girl 62 is still young..wait until you get my age ha ha!!
    Hugs and smiles Gloria

  11. That's the birthday I'm looking forward to. All the bennies and you're nowhere close to old! You can get your own National Park pass, too!!

    Have a fabulous birthday weekend!

  12. Donna, Hope your birthday is grand! Enjoy the celebration and activities at Universal.

  13. Here's to a grand birthday with many happy returns of the day, Donna.

  14. Good afternoon Donna, wishing you a "Happy Birthday" sounds like your celebration at your daughter's will be a very special time..have a glass of wine for me...and enjoy your week-end.My brother turned 67 years old today.thanks for his birthday wishes.
    Hugs my friend, Baba

  15. Happy happy birthday to you!! I hope you have a really wonderful day celebrating just how special you are to so many people!!
    Have fun my friend!

  16. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your trip to Florida!

  17. Happy Birthday my dear friend:-) It sounds like you have a wonderful and fun weekend to look forward to, make sure you take lots of pictures for us! Enjoy your dinner and party tonight as well:-) xoxo

  18. Happy Birthday. I was there once..

  19. Happy Birthday and SS day!!!! Spend that great big check wisely, LOL!

  20. Welcome to the "golden years". Happy Birthday.

  21. Happy Birthday! Enjoy all those B-day adventures to their fullest!

  22. Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you have lots of fun before the fuel prices get too high!!

  23. Donna, I hope you are having a wonderful birthday weekend! Sounds like that is your plan. Ha! You're older than me, but only for a little while-I'll be catching up with you soon. laurie


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna