Wednesday, October 14, 2009

~~~ Rain Rain go Away ~~~

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is our wonderful host for "Outdoor Wednesday". If you are interested in this event head on over to Susan's place....There is a link on the logo picture....go visit more Outdoor Wednesdays and learn what it is all about. Join in the fun..... See all the wonderful places and events that others are sharing!
Thank you very much Susan

I am not missing in action but between the rain and cooler weather we haven't been doing too much siteseeing lately. Remember I am a GRITS (girl raised in the south) and just not use to cooler weather. At home in Florida it is 95 today... Here yesterday it never made it to 60. Not that I don't love it because I do! We have been walking the park every day but I am bundled up and keeping as warm as I can. The leaves are starting to change and I am sure that since we have had some really cool nights it should really begin to be very colorful. Next week we are taking a ride up into the Boston Mountains in the Ozarks to see if the leaves are changing up there.

As for now we are back at Spring Hill COE park near Fort Smith, Arkansas. This time we set up Tassie in a site closer to a waterway off of the Arkansas River... This site is very nice but has only 30 AMP electric which we can get away with when we do not need the air conditioner... and Ralph can just stand on the bank to fish

The geese are flying south so we see a lot of them stopping by for a rest... It is funny hearing them go ove honking all the way...

And of course we are still staying close to our daughter Jennifer's house so we are enjoying lots of great quality family time... It is nice being able to see our granddaughters so much...
Here are Ralph and Hannah on a hike in the woods
Some more mushrooms. Did you here that eating mushrooms can help fight against Breast Cancer? Not a cure but another super food....
It is always good to hear about super foods isn't it?
However the twin grandson's back in Florida are missing us now...
and call me everyday to tell me so! Oh the life of a Memaw & Poppy...

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses

Valentine rain hearts


  1. Great to have you back blogging, Donna! Nice new Halloween header picture too! It seems to be raining all over N/A right now as it's finally started here too! Great pics in your blog today too - thanks for sharing!

  2. So good to hear from you! Looks like you are really having a great time. I love the pictures of the geese. And I really like your new header photo. I see that you are getting some fall color there, I bet it's going to be beautiful in the mountains. Have a great week! Kathy

  3. I have been wondering where you went! Glad you are enjoying family time with daughter. Your COE park is so beautiful with the changing leaf colors. Try to keep warm...grits girl!

  4. Girl I'm loving all those trees with there fall colors...Now we also have this wet stuff on my mountain top right now...also the power have been going off and on foe 4 days now...don't they know they cut off my life line when they do that ha ha!! Hope all is well on your side of the mountain my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  5. I say "Come on down!" There'll be a nice, warm reception here in Florida.

  6. How wonderful you're enjoying family time. I love your photos. They are memories in the making for the children. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  7. Hi Dear Donna! Oh, there you are! I was missing you! Sorry it's raining on your good time. Now about those mushrooms - I'd be afraid because I wouldn't know which ones I could eat! :)
    Be a sweetie,

    shelia :)

  8. Hi Donna! I was wondering about you. It has been cool and wet here too - unseasonably cool for sure. I'd actually like it to warm up a little.

    Hope you are having a wonderful time. The colorful trees are very pretty.

  9. When family is scattered here and there, you just can't make them all happy at the same time!

    You are SO lucky to be experiencing such cool temps. I cannot wait. Would you believe it's supposed to be in the 70s this weekend? Woooooo hoooooooooooo!

    Justine :o )

  10. Wow Sherri and I will have to try out that park. I guess it is easy to maneuver around in. We love the COE parks bu so many are tight and hard to drive through and park in.

  11. Hi Donna, really like your new "fall" header!...What kind of fish does Ralph catch in the river?..Great tip about the you know exactly which type are good for you? Stay warm...we havent seen the sun here in a while either. ~Cindy

  12. Thanks for these great photos..
    Hope you are having fun on this awesome trip....

  13. Howdee..looks like a lovely nice you can spend time with the grandkids.
    Yeah there are some great mushrooms for anti cancer..Maitake and Reishi are a few..

  14. good to see you are still alive and well! I love seeing your photos...I am hoping you have a great week friend

  15. ~Welcome back Donna!

    That really is a lot of rain!
    The photos are all so beautiful.

    Thanks for your sweet visit today. I always love hearing from you.

    Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  16. Wonderful pictures! Have a great weekend.

  17. Hi Donna:
    Glad to see you are still enjoying life on the road. The parks you stay in are sure nice.
    I like your fall banner.

  18. ohhh I feel like you, I dont want the warm weather to leave. I'm really quite sad. Tomorrow we pick up our little RV and I have all kinds of pretties to decorate it with--while baldyman drives us home I'll be making the bed and hanging stuff lol

  19. Good to hear from you again! Looks like you all have the perfect site!! Have lots of fun.
    It's going to get into the 30's by Sunday here. Time to go.

    I am a Florida girl too!! Daytona Beach

    Gerri and Mike (happytrails)

  20. Donna, your fall header is great. Your pictures are so good. I'm tired of this rain too. I love watching and listening to the geese flying in their "V" formation. I know you're going to see some beautiful fall colors. Stay warm, and y'all be careful. Hugs, laurie

  21. Glad you're back! This blogging is quite a responsibility :-)

    Enjoy your time with family, and then head on back to the warm!

  22. Hello dear Donna:-)

    Finally finding time to visit and catch up on all your news. It hasn't gone above 37F here in the past week or so but at least the sun has been shining the last couple of days. Before that it was rain, rain, rain...and a bit of snow!!

    I'm so glad you're still near your daughter and able to see them often:-) I do hope the sun comes out for you so that you can enjoy the beautiful Autumn colours. Our trees were at their peak last week but now the trees are getting pretty bare. With the heavy frost we get in the mornings, the leaves have been falling like crazy.

    Take care my friend and have a wonderful weekend. xoxo

  23. simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  24. Hi Donna, If you have no rain, you can roast marshmallows over a fire pit.It would be fun to sit around a fire and talk away the night!!!I like to smell a wood burning fire..I have a gas fireplace in my house and it is not the same...

    Continue to enjoy your family and road trip!!It is cooler here today with temps in the lower 60's and going down into the 40's tonight.. I love it...

    Talk to you later my friend..
    Hugs, Baba


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna