Sunday, October 18, 2009

☺☺☺Baby It's Coooold Outside☺☺☺

What happened to fall?

It is 36' here this morning and I think that is cooooold... I know many of you have colder weather but I am use to Florida weather... Even though we full time in Tassie we usually stay in FLORIDA for the winter months... As most of you know this is our first winter away and we are in Arkansas visiting our youngest daughter. I always wanted to see the changing of the leaves (for a whole season), frost on the pumpkins and maybe even a light snow... but the leaves are changing fast and falling!

Well I can tell you I need warmer clothes...LOL LOL


  1. You know what this means, right? You have to go clothes shopping for some nice snuggly things, especially jammies!!! I was thinking about taking a ride today so pick up some warm pjs.

    Justine :o )

  2. This is WAY too early for it to be this cold. is predicting a colder than normal winter with more snow than normal for this section of the country (southern states).

  3. It is cold here this morning and Sherri said she is headed to the Storage barn to get some winter clothes.

  4. Good morning!
    I am ready for Tassie to take me away too! Have a safe and wonderful week.

  5. it's cold here in Nebraska too! I want Arizona right now!

  6. It sounds like you may need to do a shopping trip for clothes.
    We were having fall temps, then we warmed up again, but now we're going back to fall. I need to live somewhere where it's 75 all year long!!

  7. GM Donna...girl were cold...but not that cold yet..Hope all is well on your side of the mountain my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  8. Are you staying in Arkansas for the whole fall and winter? Florida sunshine is calling you.

  9. I'll tell you, it's cool here too! I hope that you eat some good beef stew, drink some yummy hot chocolate, and stay warm!

  10. We're still waiting on our Indian Summer that always happens in Oct. I'm afraid that we've slid right into November without any of October's glory days....I really missed them too.
    Hope you're having a great time. Love your fall header.

  11. ohhh I know what you mean. We've had several frosts already and that is rare in Wisconsin for October.

    We stayed in our little motor home for the first time last night at a State Park. Thank GOD for furnaces...and flannel pj.s.

  12. If you get too cold, just come on down! It's been cool in the morning, but 70 degrees, dry and sunny during the day - my idea of heavenly weather. Love your new header. Kathy

  13. Stay warm! Too bad you're not up here because on Vancouver Island it's really warm right now - a beautiful 65F today!

  14. As people always say, "if you don't like the weather in Ark., stick around, because it will change tomorrow". It's supposed to be in the 70's next week. Maybe you won't need to buy a coat! laurie

  15. Yes, wait and the weather will change, or just motate outta there! We don't need to be cold!

  16. I remember the first time we spent a 'winter' in Arizona, and we laughed at the 'zonies' hunkering down and bringing out their coats with temps in the high fifties while Bud and I were in tank tops and shorts!! Now, we're doing the's downright COLD anything in the 30s and 40s...if it gets TOO cold, I hibernate.

  17. We left Branson today and shut the door on our way out so maybe that might keep a little bit of that chilly air from going any farther south.It might not be a bad idea to gather up a few warm clothes though.

    Mac and Netters

  18. Those first few cooler days are hard to take because our blood has gotten used to hot and humid weather. The good thing about the South is that we only have a few cold days and then a warm trend. It may be colder where you are, though. I'm just talking about here in North Alabama. Tomorrow it is supposed to warm up some.
    I shared your blog with my granddaughter today. She is the same age as yours, I think. Anyway, she liked Tassie. She said everything was neat and tidy.
    Mama Bear

  19. Sounds like a really good excuse to go shopping to me! Have fun!

  20. BOO!!!

    There is an award for you on my Tuesday Blog....[scroll down to the last's yours!!]

    Have a TERRORific Tuesday!

  21. That is cold and way too soon! I love fall and seeing the leaves change colors. Have fun!

  22. We have been staying in the 30's the last couple of weeks although first thing in the morning we usually have frost. I'm used to the cold but I can certainly see how that would feel very cold to you considering you're more used to Florida weather:-) Get yourself a big snuggly winter jacket and a scarf...then you'll be all set! lol Love ya! xoxo

  23. It's getting pretty chilly here (McKinney, Tx) and we can't wait to move a little more south for the holidays.

    A shopping spree sounds good!! Let me know how it goes! LOL


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna