Wednesday, May 20, 2009

~~~Outdoor Wednesday - San Jose' Mission - San Antonio, Texas ~~~

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the host of "Outdoor Wednesday". If you are interested in this on the logo picture....and learn about what it is all about. Join the fun.....and visit Susan and all the participants who are sharing "Outdoor Wednesday". You will not be sorry... Thank you Susan!

We visited San Antonio in 2004 on The Great Western Adventure with a couple of our friends... While there we explored many beautiful parts of this historic city... The most memorable was when we visited the 5 missions of San Antonio. Here are some pictures and a brief history of just one of them.

San Jose' Mission

While the Alamo is the most widely known and visited, travelers shouldn't make it their sole stop inside San Antonio Missions National Park. There are 5 missions in all on this magnificent tour... The San José, established in 1720, was a model for other missions--and the most prosperous. Located just south of the Alamo, this “Queen of the Missions” represented a social and cultural center. Its 300 residents sustained themselves by raising livestock and tending to vast fields. The mission had its own gristmill and granary, which have been restored. At the church, you can enjoy seeing carvings, quatrefoil patterns, and the famed “Rose Window,” a superb example of Spanish Colonial ornamentation. Explore the stairway that leads to the belfry and choir loft; all 25 risers were hand-hewn form a single log and assembled without the use of nails or pegs. You can also spend time reflecting in the beautiful gardens...
Here are Chris, Jeannie & me
sitting in a big tree (NO... we didn't bend the branch) & where the Indians lived

Rose Window & Stairway to belfry

Ralph, Norm & Jeannie outside of mission
A view of the inside

Did You Know?
That Spanish missions were not churches? They were Indian towns, with the church as the focus, where, in the 1700s, the native people were learning to become Spanish citizens. In order to become a citizen, they had to be Catholic; that is why the King of Spain sent missionaries to acculturate them.
Hugs And Kisses


  1. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Donna! Gorgeous pictures of San Antonio! My kids went with the youth group a fw years ago...and loved it! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  2. Donna! Oh, you're in Texas! Woo Hooness! I love your pictures and just love San Antonio! Mr. Precious and I were married there!
    Now at the Alamo, the old hotel across the street - The Mengar - that's where we always stay while in San Antonio!
    Eat some Mexican food and tell Chris hello!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  3. You know I love San Antonio! I hear that it's really hot there now. My parents are down there. Have a great time!

  4. Love these pictures! We just love San Antonio. Have you ever seen the mission at Goliad - LaBahia? It's just amazing. Happy Outdoor Wednesday, Kathy

  5. Oh, I'm so embarrassed, Donna! I got so excited reading you were in Texas I didn't even see the 2004! I feel like an idiot! :(

    Okay, let me know when you get to Texas this year. I'll try to be calmer! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  6. What a wonderful trip, Donna! I love seeing that mission, and the inside... oh, that architecture is fantastic! I would love to see this someday. My husband's cousin lives in San Antonio, and one of my best friends moved out there a few years ago. This really makes me want to visit! Thanks for sharing...

    Happy OW!


    Sheila :-)

  7. I enjoyed the pictures and the lesson on missions...I didn't know that!

  8. I love your pictures. We love San Antonio. I think I might have pictures of us on that same tree.
    Nice to see you again. I have missed you!
    Hugs, Terrie

  9. Whoa, another totally interesting place! You have so much knowledge from all of your traveling. This place just looks beautiful. I could almost feel the spirits of the past just looking at the pictures.

    Justine :o )

  10. I enjoyed seeing these pictures of San Antonio. I've been to a few of the missions in Calif. and really liked visiting them. I didn't know that they weren't churches. I learned something new.
    Say hi to Chris for me...I miss her blogging. I'm glad you are posting again.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna