Tuesday, May 12, 2009

~~~ I am still here ~~~

I know I have been a bad bloggin' buddy lately but so much has been going on.... First it was the problem with my back which led to a problem in my left knee ... I am getting a series of shots in the knee every week for 5 weeks to help relieve the pain ... Then my hubby had surgery last Friday.... Getting old isn't for sissies is it? We are both feeling a ton better and I hope to get back on regularly very soon...

We are also busy planning our next BIG adventure which will last for a year and a half. Eight months of that time will be with our good friends Chris & Norm whom a lot of you know from her blog Chris's Corner ... Then our oldest daughter Denise is getting married on June 19th, so we can't leave for our trip until July 1st this year... Usually we are on the road by May 1st every year... Our youngest daughter Jennifer will be coming down for the wedding... bringing my 2 beautiful granddaughters and of course her handsome hubby. I know I'll have a ton of pictures to share with you of the family and the awesome tropical wedding which will be held on the beach at beautiful Clearwater Beach. Then we will watch the TWINS for about 10 days while they are away on their honeymoon to the Western Caribbean...

Back to the BIG adventure... First let me say it will be the longest amount of time we have stayed away from our home base in Florida... We start out making our way to Arkansas which will take us about 2 months... We are keeping our youngest granddaughter Alyssah with us after the wedding for the trip... We will be going to North Florida, then across the Florida panhandle, through Mississippi and finally into Arkansas.... this will take about 2 months...
We will be staying in Arkansas until just after New Years where we will head out for the great unknown of Texas, Arizona ans New Mexico.... March we will be heading up the center through Colorado on our way to meet our friends (Chris & Norm) in April to visit South Dakota & Montana... After spending 2 months in these states we are heading for a 3 month adventure through Canada into Alaska. After Alaska we will be heading down the west coast through Washington, Oregon & California.... Turning right and going back through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and finally back home to Florida. That is 14,000 miles just in Tassie alone... Not counting the miles in our cars sightseeing... This will be the trip of a lifetime for All of us.
Miss you all
Hugs And Kisses


  1. Hi Donna, it's been a while! Glad your doing ok. I hope you and your hubby heal up soon. Your trip sounds amazing!! What an adventure! Take care, Kristen

  2. It's so nice to hear from you again. Sorry to hear about all the health issues, but glad to hear that you are on the mend. What a great trip! Hey gal, where in Texas will you be? Drop me a line if you are going to be anywhere around Georgetown/Austin - maybe I could take you to lunch! Kathy

  3. Well I'm glad your both feeling much better. I cant imagine the trip your about to embark on. You surely have alot going on and so much of it sounds so fun. I cant wait until you can come back alittle more often.

  4. Donna!!!! I've missed you so much! I'm so sorry you've had so much trouble and pain! Hope you're better and your hubby! Poor things!
    You do have a busy summer ahead of you! Enjoy the wedding, grandkids and your road trip sounds like so much fun! Just take care of yourself and we'll all be here waiting for you and your pictures.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Hi Donna:
    I've missed you too. And also, Chris. Haven't heard from her for awhile either.
    How exciting to be going on that trip of a lifetime. You will have so many amazing pictures to share.
    Also exciting for your daughter to be getting married. Weddings are so much fun.
    Sorry to hear about your knee and all the problems it's causing you. And for hubby to have undergone surgery. Geez, you gotta get well to go on that trip. And you are so right, getting old isn't for sissies.

  6. Hi, glad to hear from you. WHAT AN ADVENTURE you are planning, how awesome!

  7. {{{{{{{{{Donna}}}}}}}} It was so nice to get an update from you! I hope those shots will help your poor knee and that you won't need surgery or anything.

    Wow, what made you guys plan such a LONG trip? That's crazy long, but sounds sooooooooo wonderful. Oh, I wanna stow away in Tassie and see Alaska!

    Justine :o )

  8. Donna, we know about knee pain! Suzy has had two arthroscopies and one replacement, I've had just the two arthroscopies, but my doc says I'm a strong candidate for a replacement. He's giving me a series of shots also, but only for three weeks,

    As you pass through Arizona, we're right off I-10 in Benson. There are lots of RV parks here, and if you are coming through in early Fall, there'll be plenty of room. If you are an Escapee, you can overnight here at our Saguaro Co-op. We'd love to meet you in person!

  9. Can I come on the trip with you????? hehe I wish! It sounds like quite the trip and so very exciting that you'll also be meeting up with Chris and her hubby on the way!

    Glad to hear that you are both starting to feel much better and how lovely to have a wedding to look foward to:-) I look forward to the pictures!

    Don't you worry about blogging, just enjoy your days and post when you can just so we know that all is well:-) xoxox

  10. Donna!!!! Girl you've been gone too long but its OK we all have lives outside of blogging right! So happy u and hubby are on the mend and yes getting old SUCKS!! (lol) Love your adventure and can't wait to see pics from all the travels!!Hugs French;) xoxox

  11. Hi Donna! I'm waving!
    I've missed you my friend. I hope you and your hubby are feeling better now.

    It sounds like you have quite an amazing trip planned. ~WOW! Let us see the photos when you post.

    Have a wonderful evening. I hope your mother's Day was blessed as well.
    ~Melissa ;)

  12. Hey I've been wondering about you! I'm glad you are recovering. Keep heading in that direction!

    Your adventures sound like so much fun. Keep us posted. ;)

  13. Wow that is some kind of trip!!! I bet you are going to have the time of your life...and I bet we're going to get to enjoy the pictures!

  14. YEAAAA! A POST FROM DONNA! Wow! Ya'll have been busy. So sorry about the medical problems, but glad to hear you are both doing better. Where are going to be in Ark.? I'm sure it will not be close to me, since I am at the NE corner of the state, and nobody comes here! The wedding on the beach sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see the pictures. laurie

  15. i send all prayers and good thoughts for your speedy recovery...and i am delighted to hear about FUTURE adventures!

  16. PS ! ( smiles)
    I love the tunes you have selected/added to your blog...very nice to listen to on this Sat :)

  17. Got any room for a proud Italian cook? Sounds like fun! I'm so glad you're feeling better Donna.
    Hugs, Marie

  18. Long time no see! I've missed you. I've heard from both Donna's within the last 24 hours, amazing!
    I know a thing or two about left knee pain. Mine has been feeling so much better lately. Fingers crossed for both of us!
    So you are heading to Texas but in the hot months. Oh well, if you can survive FL heat, you can certainly handle a little TX heat.
    It sounds like you have a whole lot of new and interesting places on your agenda. I hope you'll keep us posted as you go.
    Good luck with the June wedding. I want to see pictures posted, you won't let us down will you? lol
    Hugs, Bridget


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna