Sunday, February 22, 2009

~~~Florida State Parks Series #4 - Ichetucknee Springs State Park~~~

Welcome to Ichetucknee Springs State Park

We visited the Ichetucknee about a month ago; The crystal clear water is still 72 degrees and remains that temperature all year. The trees have lost most of their leaves, but there is still a lot of life and activity near the water. You can canoe or kayak down the river for a peaceful experience where you are sure to see plenty of birds and fish, and possibly even manatee. You can paddle upstream and then enjoy a leisurely paddle back downstream. Tubing is one of the most popular activities during the spring through the fall months. Tubing down the river is one of the most enjoyed activities at this park. For those who are not interested in tubing a short nature trail will lead you to the river’s edge. A ½ mile, round trip walk will take you to the Blue Hole, the largest spring in the park. Also, the Trestle Point Trail loop trail just under a mile in length will guide you along the river and back through the hammock forest with an additional, optional 2 mile Pine Ridge loop trail through the beautiful sandhill for the more adventurous hiker.

The crystalline Ichetucknee River flows six miles through shaded hammocks and wetlands before it joins the Santa Fe River. In 1972, the head spring of the river was declared a National Natural Landmark by the U. S. Department of the Interior. White-tailed deer, raccoons, wild turkeys, wood ducks and great blue herons can be seen from the river. Picnic areas, equipped with tables and grills, are available throughout the park.

From the north, take I-75 south to exit 423. Take SR 47 south, turn on CR 238 and follow the park signs. From the south, take I-75 north to exit 399. Take US 441 north to the city of High Springs. Take US 27 north to Ft. White; stay on US 27 north approximately 4 miles to the South Park Entrance.

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses


  1. Enjoy for me too,ok?...Ann

  2. Donna,

    Wow..what a heavenly sight!!! The Ichetucknee State Park looks like a wonderful place to visit! I bet the park is breathtaking during the summer months!

    I have removed my blog for a while. I am all blogged out. (smile) I will be visiting you and many others to day hello and read your wonderful blogs!

    Miss you much!

    Donna Marie

  3. That's a lovely place. The water is so clear! Plus, the name is fun to say...say it three times quickly. :)

  4. Hi Donna:
    That state park looks so peaceful and quiet. Didn't look like anyone was there. I love the tall trees surrounding the water, and the blue hole.
    Your photo albums must be full of gorgeous pictures.

  5. We are so lucky to have such nice parks, just wish it wasn't so hot down here in the summer so we could camp in them.


  6. Really pretty and the warm water year round is sure a plus.

    May God Bless You This Sunday
    from Roberta Anne

  7. Hello it's me!!!!!! lol Wow I had to do alot of back reading...but I loved it all..these parks are so beautiful...and that Balloon Fiesta was awesome...that was better than a fireworks show! Loved your recipe...I make one similar to that...I just love stuff like that...Your romantic dinner sounded perfect...Bill took me out to eat and the music was playing in the background(no...we weren't at Chuck E Cheese!) he starts bobbing his head..people all around..I tell him the head bobbing has got to go...he goes to get up and reaches for me..saying come on let's dance...I go sliding under the table from laughter....there is no dancing allowed in that resturant! lol lol

    Hope you have had a great weekend my friend...I have missed you so!

  8. Donna - what beautiful scenery!! I'd love to visit this park. Thanks for the info! I love these posts about your travels! Sharon

  9. Hi how do we pronounce Ichetucknee??? Is it Ish-E-tuck-knee? I love seeing your travelogues...;-) Bo

  10. What a pretty place...but at night I bet it would be really spooky.

  11. Another beautiful state park!!!!! But how can people tube in the river? Aren't there gators? And have you ever noticed how FL parks have the hardest names to pronounce? LOL! Wikawa. It just doesn't flow!

    Justine :o )

  12. Donna, these pictures all look like they could be post cards! They are so pretty, and you're right, this just looks so peaceful. Thank you for taking me to this peaceful place today. laurie

  13. Donna -- thank you so much for showing us parts of Florida I've never seen before .... what wonderful places!!!!

  14. Just beautiful. Thanks for "taking me along."

  15. Ahhhhh...what a gorgeous park. Beautiful photography !
    Couldn't help peeking at your casserole while I was visiting. YUM. Looks great.

  16. Afternoon, Dear Donna! Oh, what a lovely place! It looks so relaxing and to think the water stays the perfect temp all year round. Don't think I can pronounce it though! :)
    Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Beautiful Donna! You have a great life, ya know that!? Poor a glass for me tonight! xoxox

  18. Pretty! It's one of my favorite things to do in the summer. Go swimming at the springs. We visit all different ones.

  19. Morning Sweet Donna! OH, yes! I can hear your heart pounding. You had better sit down and have a cup of tea! Your tiny name is entered! You're the bestest!
    Be a sweetie, too,
    Shelia ;)

  20. What a beautiful state park! :-) L~

  21. OOO, my...what a wonderful place to go. Thanks so much for sharing...
    xo bj

  22. Hi Donna:
    I tried to send you an email but it came back to me. Can you send me your email address? (I used the one on your profile).

  23. Donna,
    Thank you so much for the sweet and touching things you said about Ryan. It really does mean the world to me!! L~

  24. Hi Donna! I am still trying to catch up from the weekend! Your vacation photos looks great. Makes me look forward to retirement! That tubing sounds like fun. Have a great week!

  25. Donna, I'm adding this to my list of things to do the next time I go to Florida. My favorite thing to do is go hiking in pretty places. This park looks lovely. Im still not used to seeing the gators in Fl! And the little lizards that run different from here!
    I'm not far from the Target at Boot Ranch at all, I could walk there! I'm sorry I was unable to get down this winter, it's been a very long, cold one here!
    I'll be back to visit, you have very interesting posts. Mary

  26. You're making me want to travel so badly:-) Such a wonderful and peaceful looking place, I could sit there all day long and just admire the scenery. The water temperature is perfect too:-) xoxo

  27. I haven't been to Ichetucknee in years! What a beautiful place it was then and is now! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna