Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ybor City & Spaghetti Warehouse

Ybor City (pronounced EE-borh) is a historic neighborhood in Tampa, Florida located just northeast of downtown. It was founded in the 1880s by cigar manufacturers and was populated by thousands of immigrants, mainly from Spain, Cuba & Italy. For the next 50 years, workers in Ybor City's cigar factories would roll millions of cigars annually.
The neighborhood had features unique among contemporary immigrant
communities in the southern United States, most notably its multi-ethnic and multi-racial population. A slow exodus out of the area accelerated after Word War II, leading to a period of abandonment and decay. After decades of neglect, a portion of the original neighborhood was redeveloped into a popular night club and entertainment district.
The neighborhood has been designated as a National Historic Landmark District, and several structures
in the area are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. In 2008, 7th Avenue, the main commercial thoroughfare in Ybor City, was recognized as one of the “10 Great Streets in America” . We cruised through the area and got a few pictures... This was a Wednesday night and was quiet but if your looking for action it is a really hopping place on the weekends... A lot of night clubs and restaurants.

Spaghetti Warehouse is located in the mist of Ybor City. It is an Italian Restaurant (DUH!) located in many cities around the Eastern United States. Our group went there for dinner and had a fabulous time... They offered the Rv'ers and discounted price for dinner which we all took advantage of... The 15 layer Lasagna was to die for and it came with a bottomless salad and delicious Sour dough Italian bread... We had a great time and as always enjoyed the companionship of our friends from our RV Club... Check us out... Aren't we a great looking group...

We are really having a GREAT time here at the RV Super Show in Tampa, Florida... There are hundred of vendors temping us to buy all the latest and greatest devices for our recreational vehicles... Also entertainment around every corner. We have entertainment every night in the gathering hall... Some ok and some really good acts.

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses


  1. What a great picture of you and Chris! Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time! Kristen

  2. Sounds like you are all having fun, enjoy, miss you Donna, hugs, Kathy

  3. You both look so beautiful and happy!
    Look at those fancy nails on Chris...ooh lah lah. :)

  4. golly im so jealous...what a swell time you all are having!

  5. Great post today.The Spaghetti Warehouse is a great place to eat and of course the 15 layer Lasagna is always what I order.We had a great time there.And we walked yesterday till I thought my legs were going to fall off. It is very very cold down here now, going to 37 tonight. BRRRR.

    Love Ya,

  6. Hi doubt about it...
    y'all are living the good life! We have a Spaghetti Warehouse here too...I think I'd better go check that lasagna out soon! ♥ Bo

  7. Hi Donna! I missed you! I see you have been having the best time! I love your life and that you live every day to the max! I would love to see the RV Show, and thanks for the tour of Ybor City.

    15 Layer lasanga! OOoOOOHHH! nuff said! lol!

  8. You got to meet Chris - or did you already know her? How fun - you get to stay warm!!

  9. Looks like you are having a blast;) Enjoy yourself! Fun! French;) xoxox

  10. Looks like you and Chris are having a fabulous time! Ybor city is pretty cool, but during the weekend it's crazy down there! I bet you'd like that though, eh? You and Chris are wild women!

    Justine :o )

  11. GM guys are really having a great time..I see Chris at the table...hvae missed you girl...looks like a fun city..hugs and smiles Gloria

  12. It looks like a yummy place to eat. I know that Tampa is a great place to visit. I love, love, love quartet singing!

  13. I will have an order of piping hot lasagna please! It looks like you are having alot of fun! Good for you! How many people are at this RV thing? Any new gadgets catch your eye?...Where is your next adventure going to take you? Cindy

  14. OMG 15 layers!!! I'm there!

    Looks like such a cool place to visit. How great that you get to go to such little interesting places most people never even heard of.

  15. I've got to get with the program here.I didn't even know you two knew each other.I'm am I learning....Ann.p.s.great pic...

  16. My mother would say you two ladies are living the life of Riley. If that means you are having a great time and don't have a care in the world - that's what it looks like you are doing!!! Great picture of you and Chirs ---- and the lasagna. Have fun! Sharon

  17. Look at you and Chris! What a lovely pair of ladies! Looks like a great little town! Keep having fun, dear one!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Hi Donna:
    It looks like a fun place to be right now. I love the picture of you and Chris.
    Thanks for sharing the cute pictures.

  19. That looks like a really fun place. And the food Yummo! So did they succeed in getting you to buy really cool stuff for your RV?

  20. Sounds like you're having a great time! I enjoyed the pictures and the history of an interesting place. Be careful and keep having fun. laurie

  21. How come the best looking girls are way in the back of the group photo?
    You've made me hunger with the pic of that lasagna and I wonder if that Muvico is as awesome as the one in Boca?

  22. you and chris.. love the pic

    NOw we need one you

    you, chris and Justine and I at Downtown Disney... :)


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna