Saturday, January 17, 2009

Team Sandtastic

One of the most interesting thing we seen while visiting the Tampa RV Super Show was the fantastic Sand sculpture that Team Sandtastic did for the show... It was the entire United States with icons on it from many of the 50 states... The United States is built on a tilt and in the back you will see how they portrayed it being sirred up like a mine might be. It was headed up by the very talented Mark Mason and his team... and it took them 7 days to complete the entire project.
Mark Mason started sculpting sand 24 years ago, competing in the Sand-Blast, a sand sculpture contest held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida where he grew up. The past 16 years professional sand & snow sculpture has been his primary occupation, taking his team to many Caribbean islands, Hawaii, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, the MidEast and all throughout the United States creating projects that cause extensive media coverage & foot traffic for our clients. Shopping centers, conventions, fairs, festivals, and theme parks have been our staple clients... but throughout the years there have also been some singularly unique sculptures such as a castle and sand sculpted platform used as the site for a couple's wedding and one where 200 guests had dinner "inside" it's walls.
He won the title "World Champion" by coming in first place in the World Championship Sand Sculpture Competition held in British Columbia, Canada.
Titles also held by Mark and his team are: First Places at The American Sand Sculpting Festival, The Myrtle Beach Open, The Southeast US Championships, and others.
In July of 1998, for Georgia Stone Mountain Park, Team Sandtastic created the tallest sand castle ever hand built in under 100 man hours and holds that current Guiness World Record
. It stands at 28 feet 7 and 1/4 inch. Here are a few photos of some of the display he did for the RV Show.

This is a close up of Florida

Here is the back of the sculpture and Steve who was working on it

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If you would like to see other sculptures done by Tean Sandtastic visit their web site @
Until Later
Hugs And Kisses


  1. How neat!

    Enjoying your blog!!♥

  2. Wow - I always had trouble building the simple castles with my little sand pail. Amazing talent!

  3. Isn't that amazing! i would have loved to see that one in person;) French;)

  4. Aren't they amazing? Thanks for sharing.

  5. That was truly amazing work. That little bus actually had people sticking out the windows,it was incredible.


  6. What a feast for the eyes! You and Chris are living the good life!

  7. That is some very cool stuff!

    The last time we saw any sand sculpture like that was when we were in Victoria, British Columbia back in 1993. It's amazing what people can do with sand.

    Mike Goad (at home in Arkansas)
    Haw Creek Out 'n About

  8. OMG, when I first glanced at the title, I thought it said "Team Sadistic". ROFL!
    But wow, those sculptures are AMAZING. how the heck does he get the sand to stay in place?

    Justine :o )

  9. Those are some amazing sand castles. It looks like you are really having a great time.

  10. SO COOL!!!! I've seen some similiar done with sand -- It amazes me how folks can do that!

  11. unreal, i've seen one sand carving in my life and that was good but this is GREAT! i'm glad your enjoying life--and yep I miss you to! Cant wait til back on a regular basis..but hey if i could do what your doing--i wouldnt be on as much either.

  12. Wow, I am speechless...well, almost. lol. That is really amazing. I can't even draw a straight line in the sand.

  13. That is amazing, how talented are THEY??? Thanks so much for sharing this truly unique art.

  14. Can't imagine how great it would be to see these in person. Fantatstic pictures for sure. Don't see how anyone can do this! Thanks for the pictures. Hope your trip is all good! Sharon

  15. Great pictures! I never got a chance as a kid to build real sand castles. Living in texas, we played in the dirt and mud more than sand. These always amaze me!

  16. Oh thank you for showing us this wonderful now i want to go play in the sand!

  17. It is simply amazing what some people can create. I love these types of sand sculptures...and what a fun way to make a living!

  18. Girl this is just what they did...hope you have a great day dear friend...hugs and smiles Gloria

  19. That is crazy neat!!! I would love to see that in person. I have seen some great sand sculptures but not like that!

  20. That is crazy neat!!! I would love to see that in person. I have seen some great sand sculptures but not like that!

  21. Hi Donna! How I've missed you! My days have not been complete without your visits! :(
    Oh, this is fantastic! I just can't imagine doing something like this! Wonder how much sand he used?
    Thanks for your sweetness to me today!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  22. Hi Donna. That must have been awesome to see in person! So cool. I wish I could build just a tiny sand castle.

    How are you doing? I'm going to go browsing thru your blog alittle. I have a few minutes free, so I decided to come on here and visit my friends.

    Have a wonderful night. hugs, Ellen

  23. This is pretty neat...
    Wanted to wish you a happy birthday!!
    xo bj

  24. Popped over from Chris's Corner to say


  25. Dropping by to wish YOU the happiest of Birthday's!!!! Hugs French xoxoxo

  26. Now how cool is that...I didn't think you were posting while you were away! Now I've got to catch up! :O)


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna