Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Results are in..... I'm clean

Congratulations OBAMA... Hail to the Chief
History in the making...

Ok so there are no hills here in Pinellas County Florida and very little woods left either but today is my 6 month check-up Mammogram and I am hoping for a clean one... Even though it isn't Breast Cancer Awareness Month I am begging you to get one ASAP and encourage every women you know to go get theirs... Early detection can save your life... It did mine...

I have been back sitting those little darling twins again while my daughter continues with her nursing school and I must say I am really enjoying it... Even though it thoroughly wears me OUT.... I think every muscle aches from wrestling them on the floor with them and getting attacked and jumped on... of course it does come with lots of kisses, hugs and I love yous....

Here they are... My beautiful oldest daughter Denise and Memaw's BOYZ...

The smashing is done... It was not pleasant and is not something I enjoy doing but oh so important... and YIPEE for me I am still Cancer Free... so girls see how important it is...

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses


  1. Those kids are getting so big. Good luck with your test today, I'll be thinking of you.


  2. Morning girl....those twins are adorable and I pray all goes well with your testing your new Thanksgiving bckground girl...have a fantastic day!

  3. Hey girl, I hope "the twins" get a clean report today!
    Your babies are as cute as they can be.
    Have a great day!

  4. Wow Donna...I admire your energy taking care of those handsome twins, but what fun! Let us hear the GOOD news on your checkup, because with all of our prayers for you, it will be Good news! Hugs, ;-) Bo

  5. Best of luck with the booby squishing. I do so need to catch up on all of my tests. I love to procrastinate on that one in particular.

  6. We'll add our good luck wishes for your test. Suzy is scheduled for her annual mammogram soon also.

    Thanks for the very appropriate music today. The singer's voice was very familiar, but I could not attach a name. Who was that, please?

  7. All the best with your test today!

    Your twin grandsons are just adorable! No wonder you are having so much fun!

  8. Nice picture of your daughter and grandsons. They are sure cute.
    Good luck with the mammogram today.

  9. Hope the mammogram goes well!

    Those two are adorable! They look so mischevious too! lol.

  10. Oh good, go get it done with, so am I next month!

    Buffie :)

  11. Good luck with your Mammogram. I will be praying for you. What a nice looking family you have. I wish my granddaughter lived closer. They are in TX. Most of my family live in Il. Larry's family lives here. Hugs, Terrie

  12. Best wishes on your booby check today. I'm not very good in that department, but you have been encouraging me as I see it posted all the time here as a reminder.
    BTW, I adore Sting!!!

  13. INDEED!! Good luck with yours -- and those grands are ADORABLE!! But I SO KNOW how they wear one out!! WHEW!

  14. Great Donna! I'm so glad everything worked out to your favor a Mammaogram can be sort of scary until you find out that everything is fine. My congratulations to Barak Obama for his great accomplishment, I pray for his and his family's safety and that America is on it's way to a healing. Deb

  15. YAY you...great test results! I guess I need to break down and get mine squished...ugh. Have a fabulous day!

  16. good for you with the clean bill of health! yea! i wish you a great week!

  17. Hi Donna! What little dolls you have. Praise God for your good report! Your blog looks so nice - you're doing something to it every day!! You little stinker.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. I'm glad to hear your safe once again.


  19. One of the things I have had to deal with was the results of a mammogram I had 3 months ago where they found 3 lumps...I had to go back Monday again to make sure nothing changed.....and it did....they are getting smaller!! So the surgeon now thinks they are only cysts! I was so stressed about that all if we could get the other thing cleared up I might be back to my old self again soon;) Hugs French xoxoxo

  20. YES!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooo happy for you, Donna! That is GREAT news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Justine :o )

  21. Thats great news have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!!!!

  22. Fantastic news Donna! Now back to the 'adventures with twin two year olds'

  23. Hello dear Donna:-)

    Congratulations to your President-elect, I do hope and pray that he can get America back on its feet again!!

    Such great news to hear that your mammogram results were so good:-) Yeahhhhh you!!

    I'm thinking that I'll need to start taking energy pills once my little granddaughter is old enough to play with! lol Love that picture of your daughter and her adorable twins!! xoxo

  24. Darling Donna,

    I am so glad that your results were clean!!!! Your grands are so adorable and your daughter is beautiful.. just like her mama! :)



Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna