Monday, November 17, 2008

Laugh Out Loud!!!!

What do you do when you have nothing to write about? Some people don't post, some people tell us all about it, some people look desperately for something to post... Well the last one is me... So I decided to share a few funnies with you today. Hope that you enjoy them and they at the very least bring a smile to your face... I am calling this Cheer up Monday... It could be worse....

Always remember children learn from what they see...
and watch out for those Christmas Train sets

How many times did your mother tell you NOT to swallow your gum when you were a little one? Well the government has come out with a warning for those of you who still do...

I knew it wouldn't stay in...

Did you always wonder what disaster was going to happen during your wedding or when you do get married... well pray it isn't something like the following....

and finally for the approaching cold weather and the white stuff that falls on you folks in them there northern states I give you the rabbit bandit....

Have a cheery Monday
Until Later
Hugs And Kisses


  1. How did you get a picture of me in my blue cloud flannel pj's? That first cartoon is so me!

    And the wedding video is priceless.

  2. Well, you may not have had anything to post, and I don't know where you found that, but it was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!

  3. OMG, just when I thought it couldn't get any funnier, you had yet another. I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it through the whole post, I was laughing so hard!
    I'm going to make sure my daughter does not get married near a pool! How awful was that and did they ever speak to the best man again? LOL

  4. Donna who gave you permission to show me in my pj's girl!!! too funny...I did this last monday when could think of a thing I posted a joke and a picture of me taking a nap in my old Red robe...Donna you should start a new "do nothing Monday " and have people show there nothing days..great post Donna...hugs and smiles you silly thing Gloria

  5. What a sense of humor you have!!!!

  6. This was a funny post you did a good job.


  7. I'm right there laughing with ya Donna! I have nothing to post about either but I also have no imagination to come up with something this funny, loved it!! Have a great day sweetie! xo

  8. This is just too dang funny! The wedding video made me weak in the knees, please tell me that wasnt real!!

    Thanks for the laugh on a Monday morning!

  9. OH my I dont know whether to laugh or cry for that poor bride! I cant imagine what she felt.

    Thanks for the cheering up, I AM having a blue Monday and need all the smiles I can get.

  10. Heeheehee! Thanks for the early morning laugh, Donna!!!!!!!

    Justine :o )

  11. The only appropriate next step in the wedding is to tell the groom and attendants to jump in the pool so they can get on with the ceremony!

  12. Oh you funny one! I loved your post today and you'vd made me laugh. I especially love the snowman cartoon!! I'm melting...
    Be a sweetie today and I always appreicate you coming to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Oh came up with some good-uns today...just what we needed for a Monday!LOL Hugs, Bo

  14. Hi Donna! These were real hoots! I have to tell you I was left with my mouth open at the Wedding Video. Deb

  15. Holy Moly! I would have cried. That poor bride. I hope they continued with the ceremony. I must show my husband this one. It's a classic. ~Melissa :)

  16. ood Morning Donna Dear! That was funny! (LOL) I hope you had a wonderful weekend!


  17. GM Donna, Girl I would love to take you to Buffalo Chips for would just loved all these little Gold mining towns here I just love going to all of them and just seeing the history with each and everyone...any time you planning on coming please let me know..we can do grandma braging girl!! have a great day...hugs and smiles Gloria

  18. Hi Donna, You are never boring and your posts shared with us are great...I love the video of the bride and felt so sorry for her...

    You have many nurses in your family..I can't remember where I got my nurse's coffee mug.. I will ask my daughter who gave it to me...

    Have a fun day... hugs, Baba

  19. OMG! That train one was hysterical!!! I think the wedding one was a setup! But it was still funny! Poor bride if it wasn't. LOL!

  20. Donna I'm sleep deprived and I'm just the gramma! LOL! How old are the twins? I'll bet you are exhausted but so happy at the same time! Relax tomorrow LOL, TTYL! xo

  21. GIRL, can you imagine trying to put out REAL pumpkins on Sept. 1 in LOUISIANA!!! I agree with you, when you live in the south, sometimes we have to do "faux" pumpkins! Ha.

  22. How funny. I esp liked the one about the wedding - why was the best man going over there in the first place????
    Gave me a good laugh.

  23. You are just too cute! Now why didn't I ever think of doing this when I'm blogstipated??? Loved it! :0} Diane

  24. Hey there Donna Darling,

    I am glad that you like my new Do! :) I needed a little change! Sue Sue is so sweet! I just wnat to hug her! Thanks a million for keeping us in your prayers! There is power in prayer!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    (((((BIG HUG)))))))

  25. Wow...I'm surprised the bride didn't burst into tears. Can you imagine what her wedding pics looked like. Not sure that dress was meant to be wash and wear!

  26. I love the snowman cartoon, Donna!!! Too funny!

  27. Lordy girl!!!! lol You just ain't right! lol I did the tag post for tomorrow...lordy it was 3 different tags by 5 bloggers..including you little toot! I am so wore out I could just slide off this chair and sleep in the floor! lol Hope you have had a great day girl...that side bar recipe thing is easy if you want to learn!

  28. Funny... I seem to be doing the same thing when I have blog block.. I put up funnies!!!!

  29. Oh, Donna girl...I do love your cute sense of humor...and these all just brought a hugh smile to my face...
    love, bj

  30. Hi Donna:
    Very cute blog!!! I love how you get all these cartoon pictures on your blog, everytime I try to add something, it doesn't work.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna