Tuesday, November 18, 2008

BookWorm Award... Thanks Jill

I just received the bookworm award from my friend Jill at Jill's Believe It Or Not ... Even though I haven't known her very long I feel like she is like part of my family... Thanks for thinking of me Jill !!!

The rules for this blog are fun.
Pass this on to 5 blogging friends.
Open the closest book to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56. Write the 5Th sentence, as well as two to five sentences following that.

So here it goes...... The book closest to me is Twilight... This book is a book that is the talk of all... It is the first installment of a series of books about vampires... Those of you who know me know I am a HUGE Anne Rice fan and now it looks as if I will be following yet another author "Stephenie Meyers" with her little vampire coven... The story is about teenage vampires. For those of you who are Twilight followers the movies is going to be released on this coming Friday...

Page 56: 5th sentence:

tires locked and squealing against the brakes, spinning wildly across the ice of the parking lot. It was going to hit the back corner of my truck, and I was standing between them. I didn't even have time to close my eyes. Just before I heard the shattering crunch of the van folding around the truck bed, something hit me, hard, but not from the direction I was expecting. My head cracked against the icy blacktop, and I felt something solid and cold pinning me to the ground. I was lying on the pavement behind the tan car I parked next to. But I didn't have a chance to notice anything else , because the van was still coming. It had curled gratingly around the end of the truck and, still spinning and sliding, was about to collide with me again.

Since most people have already received this award... I am passing it on to any one who wants to take on the challenge. This means you to Justine

Now please excuse me while I finish reading my book!!!
Until Later
Hugs And Kisses Reading


  1. Interesting...I haven't read that book! Came over to say, I'm looking forward to seeing your collections closer to the holidays!

  2. I'll go with you to see that Bee movie (?, can't think of it this early in the morning. But, you know how I feel about Vampire crap. LOL Hope Tiffy is feeling better.

    Love Ya,

  3. mornin Donna! Read? Whats that? LOL! No time for reading in my life but an occasional magazine or catalog! Twin 3 yr old boys, how wonderful is that! You really do have your hands full LOLOL! Have a great day sweetie!! xo

  4. Morning, Donna sweetness!! Oh, I got this too and will be posting mine soon. Now reading your page made my hair stand up on my arms. I supposed I'm going to have to break down and read these books. My daughter is into them already! Thank you for the visit this morning and the Birthday wishes for Mr. Precious.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Ohhhh girl..that sounds like a thriller! You know I can't watch scarey movies or read scarey books!lol Oh and that cheese you saw on that stuffed french toast...it was swiss! ohhhh they are so good and I am fixing to go in the kitchen and heat one up and pour syrup over it...don't you wish you had a scratch & sniff button right now! lol lol Have a great day girl!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!! Sounds like fun, but I"m at work .... will try when I get home this weekend!

  7. I have mine all ready to post...this has been fun...
    I didn't realize that you live in your RV...how fun that must be. Have I missed the postings of the inside of it? Gotta see that!
    love, bj

  8. Congrats on your award. I did this one, and I had fun with it too.

    Don't forget to check out my latest book giveaways.

  9. Hi Donna, Hooray for Twilight! I need to finish mine ASAP before we go to the movie this weekend. ~Melissa

  10. Hi Donna...You are an avid reader, aren't you...they say it's good for the mind, maybe that's why I'm losing mine...haha...I'm so far behind on my magazines & newspapers ever since I found Blogland...hey, does that count for reading??? I hope so. Hugs, Bo

  11. I still haven't read these books yet. I just can't see me getting into teenage vampires...but everyone says they are awesome. So many books...so little time. I hope you have a totally awesome day!!!

  12. GM Doona...now girl I don't do the Vampire thing..I have seen where everyone here in blogland is reading that or Gollums books...Donna I have been reading a Danielle Steel book now for 2 months and can't finish it as I started this blog and only so many hours a day..and then the DH wants attention MEN!! Oh thanks for coming by for tea today..and is't that Casey fur baby the cutest thing you ever seen?? girl I would just love to hug it..hugs and smiles Gloria

  13. Oh you're reading Twilight too! I'm not, but just about everyone I know is. Maybe I'll see the movie though.

  14. Donna,

    I MUST get that book! I am a total Vampire Story Lover... (LOL) I love Ann Rice too! Are you watching True Blood on HBO???? If you are not... you must! :) It's a story based on the Sookie Stackhouse novel series written by Charlaine Harris. (Awesome books)

    Thanks for the sweet comments on my new hairdo... :)


  15. Hello Mrs. Donna.. How are you?? I am glad to see you posted your award. I think Justine has read that book before! I was just talking to her tonight about meeting you and Chris after the holidays! WE MUST!!! I love you guys!!

  16. Hello Mrs. Donna.. How are you?? I am glad to see you posted your award. I think Justine has read that book before! I was just talking to her tonight about meeting you and Chris after the holidays! WE MUST!!! I love you guys!!

  17. This book series has everyone buzzing. My son loves vampires but that is one genre that I haven't jumped into with both feet.

    I read one vampire book years ago and it scared me so much...well let's say I've never totally relaxed since then. It was Salem's Lot by Stephen King written in 1975. So you know how long I've been avoiding vampires.

  18. Congrats and have fun with the book;) French

  19. Tag, you're it! Come visit to copy the game.

  20. Well dang girl, I already did this one. Don't you read my blog anymore? LOL

    Justine :o )


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna