Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Survived it all....

I am home only one day and my daughter needs a babysitter for the 2 year old twins on Saturday while she works a 12 hour shift at the hospital...... So I go up on Halloween evening thinking how fun it would be to see them Trick or Treat... Oh nooooooo... we tried to dress them up like little Ninja Warriors only to have them scared to death of their outfits... finally they are only in the black top & bottom... Outside we go... The street she lives on is having a HUGE block party and as soon as we step outside Wyatt & Dominick see all the people dress up in their costumes and the fun begins... They want back inside and nothing to do with it at all... Begging finally got them to sit on our laps out front so we can hand out candy... Eventually they realized half the people were the neighbors so they did start socializing a bit... Maybe next year will be better... and I only hope they are not scared for life... So no pictures of them or anything else... we had all we could do just to keep them from freaking out to much... I did take a few pictures the next day while watching them....

Here are my two little darlings...Wyatt & Dominick hard to get 2 two year olds to sit still together.... And Wyatt with is Memaw... he's the lover the other is a explorer... always getting into something... Check out the hairdo on me... and no makeup... Scary... They wear me OUT!!!!

Wyatt just keeping and eye on his Memaw and Dominck just hanging out...

My other daughter Jennifer, in Van Buren Arkansas sent me some pictures of my two grand daughters Alyssah (8) and Hannah (10)... Alyssah is the Gothic Bride and Miss Hannah chose to be a two-headed demon... She said she was tired of always being the pretty one on Halloween... LOL LOL

I liked when they were little and were always something sweet and adorable... Poor Memaw... Can't keep them little forever...
The girls with their cousin Mo... he must be Jason... YIKES I'm skeeeered
Until Later
Hugs And Kisses


  1. Donna those twin are just adorable girl...and good lord I pay money for that red hair like their it ain't fair I tell you..your GD are darling also...what a fun time they must of had..have a great Sunday girl...hugs and smiles Gloria

  2. Hi Donna...I laughed at your babysitting story...I can just see you wrestling with those cutie pie twins...;-) Bo

  3. Your family is adorable! Thank goodness you survived the twins! before i saw the pics i thought they were girls, but Lordy twin boys! lol!!

    Your 8 and 10 yeare olds GDs are growing up, so no more playing princesses!

    Youre perfectly cute without makeup!

  4. Glad you're home safe and sound, Donna! Wyatt and Dominic are so adorable! And man, you're so pretty you don't need any damn makeup! Wow, I've gotta say, your daughter did an excellent job on the gothic bride makeup. Looks awesome!

    Justine :o )

  5. Good evening Donna, I wish I lived close by you , then I could help you take care of the two year old grandsons...they are so cute and "active"!!!I love your granddaughter's costumes.. the Gothic bride is my favorite..the two-headed costume is a little scary!!!Thanks for sharing all of them with us. hugs, Baba

  6. Hi Donna, your grandbabies are so adorable. No wonder they are your pride and joy! Thanks for sharing the trick or treat pictures. My husband, son and I took my two little grandsons. But my granddaughter was having none of that costume stuff!!!! She can get candy at the store. HA

  7. Oh, Donna...can't they just run your ragged!!?!! Mine are all older now so I can stay up with them a little better...the bigger ones just wanna hang out on the computer and the youngest..Miss Deeds, is old enuf at 6, almost 7, to like taking a rest time during the day and we lay down and watch tv..well, ok....SHE watches tv while Memaw takes a few winks!! hee hee...
    Your twins are precious. Our twins are 11 now.

  8. I know they love spending time with you;) What lucky grands to have the hippest coolest grandma around;) French;)

  9. Hi Donna:
    Ahh the memories...seeing those twins reminds me of when my twins were that age. My guys are 32 now and still joined at the hip, even though they are both married now. Best friends forever, lol.
    All of your grandkids are precious. Granddaughters look like they were having a great time.

  10. what adorable grandchildren you have!

    We spent the weekend with our 3 grandkids also. I do have pictures coming so come on back! Hopefully tomorrow i will get them on.

    Each Halloween we have a party for them and they spend the night--this year we added taking them to an indoor water park the morning after so we had a fun tiring weekend

  11. Hey there... I have to go watch TV with my boys... I will be back to check on you!!! I miss you! here is my email address. Email me so that I can get your addy and fill you in on a few things..


  12. I'm guessing I'll need to take energy pills once I'm a grandma! lol The twins are just adorable, love their smiles:-) What a shame they wouldn't go out trick or treating but at that age, they're just not sure of anything different like that and some of those costumes even scare ME! lol Your granddaughters look awesome in their costumes as well! xoxo

  13. All of those grandbabies are just too cute!!! I'm sure they're glad to have you back!

  14. OH MY...does anyone on the planet have more adorable grandbabies than you? What a lovely little group...even all decked out for Halloween!

  15. Donna I was lmao reading this post because the look on the twins face is priceless! They look like they can keep you REAL busy! I don't know what I would do if I had two Gianna's??? They are sooooo cute!

  16. Hi Donna! It is true that there's no place like home? Those twins are adorable! I have twin boys but, they're 28 years now. I do remember it well. LOL!!! The larger kids chose great costumes and I never dressed up pretty for Halloween either. Well I just stopped in to see how life was treating you back at the home front and I see all is well. Deb

  17. Aww, it's too bad the boys got scared by all of the Halloween costumes. Hopefully they will enjoy it next year. Your granddaughters looked amazing. That makeup job is spectacular. Enjoy your babysitting.
    P.S. sorry about the old weak heart. lol

  18. Ah ..... what a time!!! I'll bet they get into it big time next year!!! Wonderful shots and costumes!!!

  19. Aw, how adorable are the twins! I'm sure next year will be better...I doubt they're scared too badly! lol! You lucky woman! Oh and the other grandkids looked great in their costumes too! lol


  20. LMAO! That's too cute they were scared of their own oufits! They are adorable.

  21. Hi Donna! Oh, the twins are just beautiful boy, can I say that? I know how little ones can be...our son was so afraid of things - even clowns when he was little. Now those little girlies - they were being to scary!!
    Be a sweetie and thanks for poppin in to see me,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Hey Honey Bunny!!!! The twins are adorable! Looks like ya'll had a good time! :)

    I loved the costumes!


  23. this story made me LOL! I had a similar experience with the Easter bunny scarring my twin nephews for life. They are 13 now and still talk about the bunny with the giant head!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna