Sunday, January 20, 2013

I've Been a BAAAAAAD Blogger

Tassie's front window decorations
The knees are better, the colds have past, and so has the Holidays ~ The New Year blew in and now I am approaching my birthday.... along with February rapidly coming. Yet I have not blogged a single thing since December 2nd ~ I didn't even finish up my travels with our dear friends through wonderful Cape Breton but I will soon.  Blogging is something I love to do but somehow I haven't had the desire to be even on and not only that I have not been following my friends which I love to do.  So here I am re-establishing my good blogger habits... I hope you are all still out there and will come back to read our adventures.

we baked a ton of cookies
my daughters tree
Christmas holidays were hectic but fun ~ I stayed down with my daughter for almost 4 weeks and really enjoyed being with them all especially my GRANDS. We baked dozens & dozens of Christmas cookies & desserts.

A wonderful Christmas dinner was shared with many relatives and friends... everyone was pretty full and enjoyed chatting, watching football and old Christmas movies.
I am pretty sure everyone got everything they wanted and more!
The kids were very happy ~ and we enjoyed a great day of good food, Family & Friends
We brought in the New Year watching Dick Clark's Rocking New Years Eve Party on TV and the next day we just hung out and had our traditional Good Luck dinner of Black Eyed Peas, Cabbage, Greens and Ham... It was very yummy!
Good Luck & Health
This week we went to the Florida RV Super Show and met up with Friends and also with Blogging & Facebook friends... We ran into a few of our friends we haven't seen in a long time too... was really a lot of fun!

Me, Arlene, Nancy & Elaine ~  My Ralphie ~ Entertainer
Guys who played  Hillbilly Rock ~ Vendors ~ Expensive Rig
Later that night we all went to Chilis' for dinner ~
It was a great meal with great friends♥

Jeannie & Buck ~ Ekaine & Rick ~ Donna & Ralph

We are still in Crystal River staying at the Rock Crusher Canyon RV Park & loving it!  

Have Fun & Travel Safe


  1. Hey Donna, welcome back!! :) Glad that all has been going well with you!

  2. Hey Babe your a good blogger nice to see you back...and was nice to see yall these last couple of day...we MISS you guys!!! Thanks again for coming down..xoxoox

  3. welcome back, Donna! glad that all is well and you are still having a ton of fun!!

  4. I'm so glad you posted! What fun it was on Thursday, too bad we didn't get to visit a lot. Thanks for coming.

  5. Welcome back. Was wondering why I hadnt seen you on here for awhile.

  6. Always nice to see your blog pop up! We got a late start on Thursday so missed the RV Dreams RVers at teh Tamp RV show. Glad you are back to normal. Have a great 2013!

  7. Welcome back to blogland, Donna. I was wondering where you were. Thought maybe the gators got ya!

  8. Your Christmas celebrations look like they were wild and wonderful! Welcome back to the blog.

  9. Thanks for the reminder on Valentines Day, I'd better not forget that one!

    Glad to see you're back, thought maybe your were kidnaped by aliens or something... ;c)

  10. Welcome back, as you can see we are a little behind in reading blogs.

  11. I was so nice of you to stop by and give me a shout out and sweet howdy-do Donna!

    Your holiday photos and celebrations sharing was great. I still can't get over the amount of packages under the tree!!

  12. Hello Donna, welcome back! Nice to see your new post!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna