Sunday, December 2, 2012

Update & More On Canada Trip ~ Baddeck, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

It has been 8 weeks since my total right knee replacement and I am doing very well... Yes there is still some pain but every day is an improvement.  I had some stomach issues from all the drugs I had taken but that too is improving.  In a few months I will bopping around the place like crazy!!!  Thanks for all the well wishes I sure did appreciate it ♥

I know it is long behind us but I wanted to continue telling you about our summer adventure in Canada with our good friends Elaine & Rick ~ Our time there was exciting and we saw and did so much I just have to share it with you.

We started out the day with an exploring experience along the way ~ the guys decided to take a short cut which would take us along the  Bras d'Or Lake but soon as the road narrowed and the cliffs got higher we realized that our short cut was not a real shortcut but a true adventure.  Soon we were in almost a stuck situation but Ralph & Rick  got us out of it safely.  They managed to get the car turned around on a VERY narrow road and soon we were headed back out of our back road adventure... we can laugh at that now.

OH no we went to far ~ better turn around ~ do we have cell service???
Soon we were back on the road and headed towards the town of Baddeck...  Baddeck is considered to be the beginning and end of the world famous “Cabot Trail” and is situated in the heart of Cape Breton Island. Stretching along the shores of the beautiful Bras d'Or Lakes, it is a village in full bloom with a kaleidoscope of colors displayed in baskets, boxes and gardens along its downtown shopping core. Finally we were all hungry and decided to go to lunch at a cute little restaurant called The Yellow Cello
Yummy loaded Nachos ~ The Yellow Cello Cafe' ~ Their take on a Steak & Cheese (YUMMO!)
They had a beautiful little marina were we walked out and saw a lighthouse and many beautiful boats.  This was also the marina where we saw the Amoeba Sailing Yacht which you could go out on for a 2 hour cruise around Bras d'Or Lake.  We decided that would be fun but that is for another post.

Views from the Baddeck Marina
It was a great day of exploring the quaint town of Baddeck, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ~ I will be continuing in Cape Breton in upcoming post ~ Stay tuned...

Sum BIG boat!!!!
Have Fun & Travel Safe

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Very Special Day Visiting Sydney Nova Scotia

We had a great time spending the day in Sydney where Elaine grew up.  She had so many interesting & fun stories to share about her escapades here in this area.  She was a rascally rascal and if you know Elaine you would know that about her... she is so full of life and fun.  We really loved seeing her town and glad her & Rick were able to show us around.

First we went to Resurrection Cemetery to visit Elaine's dads grave site.  Elaine has a spiritual connection with her dad and she was definitely a daddy's girl.  Just listening to the stories she told us about him you could hear the love she has for him.  She surely does miss him ♥ It was  beautiful cemetery and what gorgeous views from there ~ a nice final resting place for sure

After that we took a ride to the little park where Elaine hung out as a kid ~ it was her place for solitude and peace.... We all had those favorite places to go when we were kids right?  Mine was in the middle of the woods by our house near a small little creek.

After visiting the park we rode around town with Elaine telling us stories of the area and her childhood adventures.  Then we went down to the waterfront where we found the World’s Largest Ceilidh Fiddle, built to celebrate Nova Scotia’s Celtic heritage and the many folk musicians & fiddlers coming out of the area.  This is where the cruise ships come in and there is a nice little museum on the life events of Sydney.  It covered everything from the Mi'kmaq Indians to the mining history to the Music which is so abundant on this beautiful Island. 
 We truly enjoyed our visit to Sydney and what great fun we had with great friends. 
 Have Fun & Travel Safe
NOTE:  I am so far behind in posting our wonderful time in Cape Breton, Canada.  I hurt my knee and it was very hard for me to sit in a long time in one place.  We have since returned home back in Florida and I will be having surgery on October 1st to replace my right knee.  I will however continue posting the remaining time of our trip and will keep you updated as to my surgery & recovery.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

On Our Way to Truro to Meet Our Friends

Well we had the best time at Wayside RV Park (click for our review) in Glen Margaret, Nova Scotia and visiting Peggy's Cove and all the great little seaside villages around there.  We stayed for two weeks and enjoyed many coastal drives and explored everything we could... loved it here!

Peggy's Cove
But now it is time to move onto Truro, Nova Scotia to meet up with our dear friends Elaine & Rick.  Such wonderful people we know you would love them so go visit their blog E & R's Travels and say "HI" to them.  We are going to be staying at Scotia Pines Campground (click RV park name for our review) for the night before we head to Cape Breton with them to stay at Arm of Gold RV Park.  Elaine is from Sidney, Nova Scotia so they are going to show us around Cape Breton style.
Sites at Scotia Pines
We were up fairly early the next morning and pulled out for Cape Breton... The drive to Cape Breton was a scenic and wonderful drive ~ we passed rolling hills, fields of flowers, beautiful lakes & rivers and finally came to the bridge to cross over to Cape Breton ~ I was so excited....

Soon after crossing the bridge at Boulderie Island we were soon at our RV resort Arm of Gold (click RV park name for our review) in North Sidney.  What a great park it is and we ended up with prime sites...

Cape Breton is noted for its beauty and similarity to Scotland... It is filled with fantastic views and so many different colors of green it is amazing.  Every night you can find a ceilidh (pronounced "kay-lee") ~ a show featuring folk singing with fiddles, guitars and pianos) somewhere on the Island.  We look forward to our next 2 weeks here on the beautiful Island of Cape Breton.

Have Fun & Travel Safe

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Swiss Air Flight 111 ~ Tragedy at Sea

I had never heard of Swiss Air Flight 111 or at least I didn't remember it.  But while staying here we heard of 2 seperate memorials for this tragedy.  It wasn’t until I started to research that I fully realized the sadness of the whole story. I was saddened for all these lives – famous United Nations officials, diplomats, students, couples heading to vacations, the pilots’ families back home, daughters, fathers, lovers. Some of the families of the victims return every year to this place, while others have even bought property here to be even closer to their loved ones. While only 3 victims were actually from Canada (nearly half were Americans, then Swiss and French), the residents of Nova Scotia and Peggy’s Cove instantly mobilized to pitch in and have been here to welcome the victim’s families still to this day…
Click on photo to read
History from the internet:
On September 2, 1998, the MD-11 flight, which was on its way from New York City to Geneva, Switzerland, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean right here killing all 229 crew and passengers on board. The flight crew had detected smoke coming into the cockpit and had requested a non-emergency landing in Boston. Air Traffic Control offered up Halifax airport, which was even closer. In the next several minutes, the crew proceeded to go through their ‘unknown smoke checklist’ (they had yet to ‘see’ any fire) and after heading toward Halifax Airport, they circled back to the Atlantic to dump fuel. From some reports of burned and melted parts, it appears that fire eventually affected the cockpit which caused the auto-pilot and other controls to shut down. Later reports showed that electrical arcing—a discharge of electricity from a damaged cable—from the wiring for the in-flight entertainment system, triggered the fire which spread rapidly in the plane’s insulation materials, while no one on board new of its severity. To investigators’ surprise, the aircraft’s thermal insulation blankets, which had passed an FAA test for fire safety, readily ignited in a test conducted during the largest transport investigation in Canadian history.

swissair.111.route .map  Nova Scotia: Peggy’s Cove & the Tragedy of Swiss Air Flight 111Just 10 minutes after the initial call, matters grew rapidly worse. It is said that the spreading fire led to the failure of key displays and systems making the crew unable to control the aircraft. Because it was pitch black out and he had no light to see the controls after the displays failed, the pilot was forced to steer the plane blindly.  Both pilots now radioed a true ‘emergency declaration’. The Swiss Air flight began descending rapidly and once more declared an emergency. Just seconds later controllers lost all communication with the plane. The first officer continued to try to fly the crippled plane possibly in immense heat. He shut down the second engine approximately one minute before impact, implying he was still alive and at the controls until the aircraft struck the ocean, just about 17 minutes after their initial urgent (but not emergency) call. The plane hit the ocean going a speed of about 350 mph, at a 20 degree nosedive, and at a bank turn angle of 110 degrees (think of 90 degrees as perpendicular to the ocean). The aircraft disintegrated into millions of pieces on impact, killing all on board instantly.  A search and rescue operation was launched immediately by the Canadian Coast Guard, the Canadian Forces Air Command, the Maritime Command and the Land Force Command. Dozens of nearby fishing boats and coast guard ships hurried to the crash site, about six miles off the coast of Peggy’s Cove. Because of the impact, only one single passenger was able to be identified visually, the rest were identified by fingerprints, dental records, and DNA and the operation quickly became one of search and recovery. Eventually 98% of the plane was recovered, including 150 miles of wire, and painstakingly sorted, labeled, pieced back together, and used to rebuild the front of the plane inside a hangar in Halifax. The meticulous investigation went on for four years at the cost of approximately $39 million dollars.

Swiss Air Flight 111 Memorial at Peggy's Cove

Memorial 650x442 Nova Scotia: Peggy’s Cove & the Tragedy of Swiss Air Flight 111
Swiss Air Flight 111 Memorial near Peggy's Cove
The cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder were found by a submarine using sonar. However, both had stopped recording when the aircraft lost electrical power at approximately 10,000 ft, 5 minutes before impact. The crash is generally believed to have been caused by faulty wiring, after the entertainment system in the plane started to overheat.
Airline safety expert David Evans said in an interview with PBS’s Nova, “the legacy of this case is enormous, because we have a continuing problem with in-flight smoke and fire. I like to say that if the cabin of a modern jetliner was a restaurant, it would not get an occupancy permit, because you’ve got people in a confined space with no fire detection or suppression, and they’re sitting on top of high-powered electrical circuitry and a big load of fuel. You have all this in very close proximity.”
Swiss Air Flight 111 Memorial at Baywater
I have to admit, as we stood at the shore on this beautiful sunny day in Nova Scotia it was sad that it held this tragedy.  So sad ~ it broke my heart.  The only fortunate bit of news in all of this was that the plane did crash into the sea and not on land in Nova Scotia perhaps killing even more. Also, the sea water was advantageous in instantly stopping the fire and leaving the debris exactly in the state it was just before impact. Such a sad story but is a BIG part of the South Shore in Nova Scotia.
Have Fun & Travel Safe

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Peggy's Cove ~ South Shore ~ Nova Scotia

According to legend, Peggy's Cove was named after the only survivor of a schooner that ran aground and sank in 1800... a woman named Margaret. Local folk called her "Peggy" and her home came to be known as Peggy's Cove. The original lighthouse was built in 1868 and is one of the most photographed lighthouse in the world. It was amazing to walk out over the rocks and visit.

This was definitely a place of interest for us and was on our bucket list.  Many of our friends had traveled here and we heard a lot of stories as to how charming the little village was and how magnificent the lighthouse was... Their stories were all true!

The lighthouse is definitely one of the major draws to this small community but there is so much more.  It is an actual working fishing village with a year round population of only about 60 permanent residents. 

There are many gift shops and museums in this quaint little village along with the William Edward deGarthe Museum, a famous artist who carved a village scene on a granite wall and did many paintings showing everyday life of Peggy's Cove.

Peggy's Cove is one of the top tourist areas on the South Shore of Nova Scotia and is really a great place to spend the day... Great views ~ Good restaurant ~ Fabulous lighthouse ~ and the deGarthe Museum..  I hope you enjoyed our visit there and you get to see it for yourselves one day.

 Have Fun & Travel Safe

Friday, August 31, 2012

Lunenburg ~ Nova Scotia ~ What Can I Say

If you ever visit Nova Scotia, try to spend a day at Lunenburg. This quaint, beautifully kept heritage town was established in 1753 as the first British Colonial settlement in Nova Scotia outside of Halifax. These early settlers were from various parts of Germany, Switzerland, and France. Many of the settlers were enticed to come to Nova Scotia by being offered freedom of religion - there are five rather large churches in this small town, one of them being the oldest Lutheran church in Canada and there is also a larger beautiful St. John's Anglican church built by the British .

St. John's Anglican Church ~ Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lunenburg prides itself on its many historic churches — St. John's Anglican (built 1754), Zion Evangelical Lutheran (1890-91), St. Norbert's Roman Catholic (ca.1840), Central United, formerly Methodist (1883-85) and St. Andrew's Presbyterian (1828).

St. Andrews Presbyterian Church ~ Central Untied Church ~ St.'s Roman Catholic Church
All the beautiful Historic and really great homes.... These homes were painted in such vivid colors and designs with each one having it's own great personality ~ Here are just 8 of the many

Historic Homes from the late 1700's to the early 1800's
The fabulous waterfront..... was charming and full of energy!

Also the world renowned Bluenose II  Sailing Vessel is located here in Lunenburg ~ Bluenose II is a replica of the fishing schooner Bluenose which was built in 1963 as a promotional yacht for Oland Brewery and became Nova Scotia's sailing ambassador in 1971. It is being refurbished and should be ready soon to sail the seas once again.

The Bluenose was a Canadian fishing and racing schooner from Nova Scotia built in 1921. She was later commemorated by a replica Bluenose II built in 1963. A celebrated racing ship and hard-working fishing vessel, Bluenose became a provincial icon for Nova Scotia and an important Canadian symbol in the 1930s. The name "bluenose" originated as a nickname for Nova Scotians from as early as the late 18th century.  The Bluenose sank on a reef  off the coast of Haiti in 1946.

Bluenose II being renovated and will soon be sailing once again
Last but not least the sweet historic walk down the main street along the wharf ~ with all the colorful historic buildings ~  gift shops and many good restaurants to choose from ~ there were also horse and buggy rides and buildings to explore.  What a fun town...

Lunenburg is right up there as one of our favorite towns to visit in Canada ~ with it's historic buildings and the color explosion throughout the town and unique architecture... It definitely should be put on your BUCKET list if you haven't been here.

Have Fun & Travel Safe

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two Charming Towns

I was finally getting caught up with my blogging but atlas I am in Cape Brenton and still haven't finished my post on around the South Shore area of Nova Scotia so here I go again...

We started out towards Lunenburg but got sidetracked by 2 other quaint little towns ~ Chester & Mahone Bay.  What a beautiful day it was indeed... we drove along the coast until we came to the Old Train Station in Chester, which is now a visitor center.  Gorgeous coastal drive...

Chester, a charming historic seaside village, rich in tradition and hospitality, which was officially founded in 1759.   The first permanent European-descended settlers were a group from Massachusetts who came to the area in 1761.

Chester is one of the wealthiest communities in the province of Nova Scotia with many seasonal and year-round residents. The nearby waters of Mahone Bay and its numerous islands are well known for yachting and have made Chester into a vacation destination.  The day we were there, there was a lot of sail boats on the bay ~ we sat for a long time and just enjoyed watching them as the glided through the water so gracefully.

Our other stop for the day was at the very touristy town of Mahone Bay... So beautiful and is Mahone Bay which was founded in 1754. The harborfront is the heart of Mahone Bay. Three historic churches are perched on the water’s edge and is an awesome site as you head into the area.  The downtown area is filled with historic homes, craftspeople, art galleries, quaint shops and restaurants. You could spend hours walking & driving through the area.

We love these small coastal towns and enjoyed our day driving and walking around them. 
Have Fun & Travel Safe

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A True Tragedy ~ SS Atlantic

We headed out early in the morning to find a Lighthouse and a memorial on the SS Atlantic.  The SS Atlantic was a White Star luxury liner that sunk on April 1st 1873 ~ the same people owned the RMS Titanic which sank on April 15th, 1912.  Both of these ships has history with Nova Scotia and we went to visit the area that was involved with the SS Atlantic while down in Lower Prospect.

Sandy Cove Lighthouse ~ coastal views and a small replication of the town that some man made in his front yard
(it was very cool)
Here is an old photo from the museum of the retrieval efforts of the SS Atlantic ~ all you can see is the mast of the ship.  It sunk here but within 5 days had fallen further down into the ocean.
Sailors scavenge the wreck of the The S.S. Atlantic—the other White Star catastrophe—for bodies and valuables. The Atlantic has more casualties buried near Halifax than the Titanic, and its hulk lies on the floor of Nova Scotian waters.
The White Star’s luxury steamship S.S. Atlantic ran into Mar’s Head at Lower Prospect on April 1, 1873. It appears April was an unlucky month for the White Star Line. This was the worst single vessel disaster to occur in Canadian waters prior to the Titanic which also sank in April. Five hundred and sixty two people lost their lives that day, but 390 were saved due to the efforts of the local fishermen and their families.

Visit the SS Atlantic Museum first to understand the horrific tragedy and the stories of heroes rescues. See artifacts that have been recovered from the sunken ship  stories of the crew and passengers.
There is an Interpretation Center, the mass burial site, a boardwalk that wraps around the coastline, and a gazebo to take in the magnificent view. This area has been landscaped and interpretive panels installed which tell the story of this disaster.  The young man in the Museum was so full of information and was very helpful helping us understand more the circumstances that lead up to that fateful crash upon the rocks of Terence Bay.

~ Memorial Park ~
The ships of those days divided their passengers by class... The front part of the ship held single men, the center was families and the rear of the ship held single woman.  When the ship hit the rocks the front half was broken completely off and the other two thirds of the ship sunk right away.  The only survivors were all men and one small boy who just so happened to be spending the night in the front with his brother.  So terribly sad... This area we are visiting right now has had more then there share of tragedies and have put together beautiful memorials for each one of them.  Tragedy that brings people together to help and remember. 
~ Memorial Park ~
We really enjoyed learning the history of this sad event in Terence Bay as strange as it may sound.  If you come this way be sure to come out to explore this coastal area town, Sandy Cove Lighthouse and the SS Atlantic Museum & Memorial.  It is well worth the trip.

Have Fun & Travel Safe