Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Very Special Day Visiting Sydney Nova Scotia

We had a great time spending the day in Sydney where Elaine grew up.  She had so many interesting & fun stories to share about her escapades here in this area.  She was a rascally rascal and if you know Elaine you would know that about her... she is so full of life and fun.  We really loved seeing her town and glad her & Rick were able to show us around.

First we went to Resurrection Cemetery to visit Elaine's dads grave site.  Elaine has a spiritual connection with her dad and she was definitely a daddy's girl.  Just listening to the stories she told us about him you could hear the love she has for him.  She surely does miss him ♥ It was  beautiful cemetery and what gorgeous views from there ~ a nice final resting place for sure

After that we took a ride to the little park where Elaine hung out as a kid ~ it was her place for solitude and peace.... We all had those favorite places to go when we were kids right?  Mine was in the middle of the woods by our house near a small little creek.

After visiting the park we rode around town with Elaine telling us stories of the area and her childhood adventures.  Then we went down to the waterfront where we found the World’s Largest Ceilidh Fiddle, built to celebrate Nova Scotia’s Celtic heritage and the many folk musicians & fiddlers coming out of the area.  This is where the cruise ships come in and there is a nice little museum on the life events of Sydney.  It covered everything from the Mi'kmaq Indians to the mining history to the Music which is so abundant on this beautiful Island. 
 We truly enjoyed our visit to Sydney and what great fun we had with great friends. 
 Have Fun & Travel Safe
NOTE:  I am so far behind in posting our wonderful time in Cape Breton, Canada.  I hurt my knee and it was very hard for me to sit in a long time in one place.  We have since returned home back in Florida and I will be having surgery on October 1st to replace my right knee.  I will however continue posting the remaining time of our trip and will keep you updated as to my surgery & recovery.


  1. :) what a way to start my rainy drab Sunday ...reliving the wonderful time we had together...can't wait to see the rest...xoxoxo missing you big time..can't wait to see you again..

  2. Hey, best of success and recovery on your knee replacement Monday! Suzy had her knee replaced nearly three weeks ago, and is finally past that period of saying "Why in the world did I let them do that to me?!?!?" She had her other knee replaced 8 years ago, and I had one done two years ago. We can both tell you that the recovery from this surgery is very painful, but very worth it. You gotta do your home exercises and your physical therapy. And watch how long you sit still at your computer writing blogs -- keep a moving, gal, and you'll do OK. We'll pray for your success!

  3. We will be praying for you as you undergo the knee surgery tomorrow. I've never had that but I do know, with relatives that had it, how important it was to do the exercises andphysical therapy at home
    Betty from Milwaukie, Oregon

  4. what a lovely tour of Sydney!..we wish you well on your surgery tomorrow!..hope the recovery is speedy and pain free..well, almost anyway!...hugs to you, Donna!

  5. Good luck with the knee replacement surgery; may your recuperation be quick and as easy as possible.

  6. Looks like you had fun going there. :) How are you now? I wish you well, and I hope you recover fast. Take care.

  7. Wow ! What a great pic. and Nice posting.

  8. A very special visit indeed! I loved seeing the photos and how wonderful that you got to spend time with Elaine in Nova Scotia. I've never visited the east coast but would love to one day!!

    Here's a little poem I'm sharing with everyone today...

    This is Halloween

    Goblins on the doorstep,
    Phantoms in the air,
    Owls on witches' gate posts,
    Giving stare for stare.

    Cats on flying broomsticks,
    Bats against the moon,
    Stirring round of fate-cakes,
    With a solemn spoon.

    Whirling apple parings,
    Figures draped in sheets,
    Dodging, disappearing,
    Up and down the streets.

    Jack-o'-lanterns grinning,
    Shadows on a screen,
    Shrieks and starts and laughter--
    This is Halloween!

    Happy Halloween, dear Donna, make sure you come by my blog today for my Halloween Bash and see what costume I dressed you up in! hehe xoxo

  9. Hello Donna....long time, no see!! I find myself indoors today [the last couple of months as soon as the sun rises, we're not home 'cause the weather has improved so]....just trying to catch up and say howdy to everyone I've missed these days.

    Hope all is well.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna