Monday, July 23, 2012

"Oh Canada" ~ at Long Last ♥

Finally we headed out for Canada ~ going through Canadian customs was a breeze... we have gone through many times so we pretty much have it down pat as to what you can & can not do.  We passed beautiful country on our way to Moncton, New Brunswick.  I even got to see the elusive moose on the way but sadly it was to fast to get a photo.

Canadian Customs at Houlton, Maine
I was very excited since we had never been to New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island or Nova Scotia.  New Brunswick held our friends Elaine &Rick with whom we stayed with, Tassie was parked in their drive way for four days… We had so much fun catching up, playing cards and eating and boy did we eat!  Elaine and Rick are the optimal hosts and go way out for their company ~ she fed us like we were royalty.  We had so much fun with them and I was really excited to be there not only because we got to visit with them but also because they were going to share in part of our adventures while we are visiting this area of Canada.  We were all going down to Cavendish, PEI land of Lucy Maude Montgomery.
A beautiful ride through the countryside arriving in Moncton and finally to our friends Elaine & Rick's house.  Enlarge photo to see where we parked in their driveway on the left hand side of their house.
While at their place they recommended for us to go visit Hopewell Rocks.  Hopewell Rocks is about an hour's drive from Moncton, New Brunswick. The park is well-designed and features an interpretive center, hiking trails and visitor facilities. If you don't want to walk the trail to the Flowerpot Rocks view point, you can take a shuttle for $1.50. The Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick, Canada are gigantic pieces of artwork created by the tidal erosion. These fascinating rocks are covered by water at two different times of the day but when it is low tide you can wander amongst the rocks and explore these natural wonders.  The forces of the tides, which vary 36 to 46 feet or more each day is really amazing. These large rock formations are located at the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick, Canada.

The next day we will all head out for Prince Edward Island.  I am excited about Elaine & Rick going with us and spending a week together.  So come on back and here about our adventures.

A photo borrowed from the Internet to show you the extreme tides at Hopewell Rocks

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. Those rocks are just fascinating. Rick and Elaine's house looks nice. Isn't it great to spend time and have fun with blogger friends?

  2. It was our pleasure having you visit here with us..and we so enjoyed our week in PEI with you..can't wait to meet up again in NS in 3 more weeks :) continue our journey....xoxo

  3. you are getting caught up now Donna!..great photos of your time with Rick and Elaine..the Hopewell Rocks photos are beautiful!!!!

  4. WElcome to Canada, even if it is on the other side!!!! SOunds like a wonderful time already.

  5. This area is high on our list -- looking forward to reading about your visit.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna