Saturday, May 12, 2012

Our Capitol of the United States

Before we ever left home we contacted our congressman Bill Young to get us tickets for the Capitol and White House. Just before we left for the trip we received the Capitol tickets but not the White House. But that was OK we were glad to get that... So off we went to see the Capitol.

We took the Metro right down to the Capitol and only had to walk 2 blocks to get to it and when we rounded the corner and saw it my heart skipped a beat.  So many important men who have molded our country have been here and walked the same steps that we are now walking.  Doesn't that just give you a proud feeling when something like that happens.  It does me!

We arrived very early and was glad to find out that they could put us into another tour group so we could go in earlier.  We also got to go into the House of Representatives but were NOT allowed to bring in our cameras at all... as a matter of fact they took our cameras, phones, batteries any electronic device.  I was sad about that but understood.  Our tour guide was excellent and really knew his history and made our day great.  I did expect to see more then we did but all & all it was wonderful.  We even saw the steps that all the presidents walked down to their inauguration.  How cool is that!

If you ever decide to come to DC please contact your Congressman for tickets... he will even do a personal tour with him or herself or an aide from their office if you contact them early enough.  There are many places they can get you into so don't be shy ~ call them!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. We had hoped to get tickets as well and contacted our representative 8 months in advance and pretty much got declined via email from a staff member two weeks prior to leaving on our trip. It was disappointing but we really enjoy our stay in DC and the surrounding area.

  2. I never thought of contacting a representative the several times I've visited DC. If I ever return, I'll keep it in mind. Are you going to visit The Wall or the Holocaust Museum? Both were terrifically moving for me.

  3. Another exciting day for you! Great stuff!

  4. Thanks for the tip. I'll remember that when we get up there.


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