Tuesday, May 8, 2012

~Hail to the Chief~

We have arrived at Cherry Hill RV Park (click here for a review) in College Park, Md.  Where is that did you say ~ well it is just a hop, skip and jump from Washington DC.  We are here for 10 days to explore DC and see many of the things we missed and saw when we visited for a short time 15 years ago.  I am pretty sure it is all still there... lol lol. 
The park we are staying at is a 5 star resort and really great help on visiting the area.  They even give a talk every afternoon on how to maneuver around from the park to DC by taking a bus to the Metro and then how to use the metro. Also here you can purchase your Metro Cards so you don't have to worry about change everytime you get on & off the bus or subway.  There is a senior pass and it gets you half price on all the fares. That's a GREAT thing!

We also decided that Doggie Daycare was for us since we were not sure how long our days would be and WOW were we ever glad we did that.  Tiffy being so old now and just couldn't be left for 8+ hour days.  We used All Dogs Club and they were fantastic ~ our little furbabies loved going and were treated like VIP guest every single day.  We could sightsee and go out for dinner without worrying about our littleones.  We would drop them off at 7:30 and picked them up in the evening.  We highly recommend them to you and don't worry your furbabies will love it there.  All Dog Club even gave us a report card on how they did...

Our first day in DC we decided to do the very touristy thing and ride a tour bus around town and get a glimpse of the things we wanted to see & do.  They were a get on & off bus so we did manage to get off a few times to wander around the city.  We took the Old Town Trolley but I think I would reccommend the double decker bus too since we saw it everywhere and thought they stopped at more sites then ours did.  I was overwhelmed by the greatness and the feeling of history throughout the city and to think of all the famous countrymen who have walked these same grounds.  It will give you chills just thinking of it!
Here is a slide show from our trolley ride ~
not easy getting pictures from a moving vehicle but we tried

Wear good walking shoes because there is a ton of walking and no matter how prepared you are there will be sore and tired feet & legs...long days

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Sounds like you're having a great time. We sold our large Class C last Fall and just purchased a small Road Trek. This will be perfect for our weekend trips and traveling around to see sights without worrying about towing a car and all the work that goes into a larger RV. So hopefully can get back to blogging again. Nice to catch up with you and what you are doing.
    Smiles. Ruthie

  2. Loved the slideshow-keep having fun & be safe.

  3. Loved the slideshow-keep having fun & be safe.

  4. Enjoy your visit to DC; it has a lot to offer.

  5. Great slide show. You sure saw a lot from that trolley.

  6. Small world.
    We stayed at Cherry Hill Park back in May of 03, the week before Memorial Day.
    As it happened, the Cicadas were out (it was the 15 year or 17 year? I don't remember) and they were so loud that I actually thought I was having engine trouble when we were coming down one of the interstates on the way to the park. There was this loud hissing sound! It was just the noise of the bugs coming from the trees and greenery at the side of the road.
    When they finally died off on the Thursday of that week, we realised we could actually hear the highway from our site!
    We took the bus and then the metro into D.C. several times.
    The pool was a nice treat at the end of a long hot day.
    Enjoy your stay.

  7. Like the slide show!! No doubt D.C. can certainly tire you out but oh man it is worth it. So much to see and do and learn!! Thanks for such a wonderful job sharing your experiences with us.

  8. What a fun trip. How nice to be able to take the dogs to daycare!

  9. Cherry Hill is definitely a great place to stay to see Washington DC. I like the idea of doggie day care. Have fun!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna