Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Who's Who of Hollywood Cemetery

We really love visiting old cemeteries and like to see if we can find the oldest headstones, different shapes and styles ~ also the ones that are very ornate.  We can spend several hours exploring some of the really great ones and this was one of the best.  I know it sounds kinds eerie but well we all have our dark sides... so off we went to visit Hollywood Cemetery.
First a little background:

Hollywood Cemetery is a large, sprawling cemetery located at 412 South Cherry Street in Richmond, Virginia.  Characterized by rolling hills and winding paths overlooking the James River, it is the resting place of two United States Presidents, James Monroe and John Tyler, as well as the only Confederate States President, Jefferson Davis. It is also the resting place of 25 Confederate generals, more than any other cemetery in the country. Included are George Pickett and J.E.B. Stuart.

James Monroe
John Tyler

Hollywood Cemetery was opened in 1849, constructed on land known as "Harvie's Woods" that was once owned by William Byrd II. It was designed in the rural garden style, with its name, "Hollywood," coming from the holly trees dotting the hills of the property.  In 1869, a 90-foot high granite pyramid was built as a memorial to the more than 18,000 enlisted men of the Confederate Army buried in the cemetery. 

Jefferson Davis
Hollywood Cemetery is one of Richmond's major tourist attractions. There are many local legends surrounding certain tombs and grave sites in the cemetery, including one about a little girl and the black iron statue of a dog standing watch over her grave. Other notable legends rely on ghosts haunting the many mausoleums. One of the most well-known of these is the legend of the Richmond Vampire.
A place rich in history, legend, and Gothic landscape.
Some of the many mausoleums
There are so many beautiful statues and headstones that I made a slide show of the pictures we took.  The Civil War was a GREAT tragedy but it is history and as I learn more and more about it the sadder I become for all the lives lost on both sides during the many battles. Rest in Peace brave men.

click on square on left to make video full screen
I sure hope you enjoyed our slide show of Hollywood Cemetery
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. We enjoy (if that is an appropriate word) visiting interesting cemeteries; we'll add this one to our list.

  2. What a great slide show you made. It is definitely an interesting, and historic cemetery. We enjoy visiting them too...for some reason.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think cemeteries are some of the most peaceful places.

  5. What a neat cemetery!! Mike and I love exploring in old cemeteries but I don't believe we went to this one when we were in Richmond. I think we have just discovered another reason to return!! LOL

  6. We dig cemeteries!

    Not like that.

    I like to take pictures for Find-a-Grave.

  7. You're doing a great job with the history lessons, I'm enjoying them!

    There's not a test at the end, is there? ;c)

  8. Enjoying going on the trip with you via your blog. We stayed at Cherry Hill - great way to visit Wash DC.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna