Monday, March 12, 2012

Got any IDEAS???

We have been so busy lately ~ my daughter's sitter had to go take care of her mom in Colorado for 2 weeks and that left her with no one to watch the boys when her & her honey worked... so Super Memaw & Poppy to the rescue... we stayed at her house while watching then rather then travel back & forth everyday ~ especially since she goes to work at 5:30am... last week we were there from Tuesday - Sunday... this week Wednesday & Thursday then that's it. We love getting the chance to spend so much time with the boys since we'll be heading out in Tassie for 7 months on April 1st ~ going up the East Coast all the way to New Brunswick & Nova Scotia... While up in Canada we will be visiting our friends Elaine & Rick from E & R's Travels ~ I am excited!!!

Our summer trip ~ 2012

Like I said we are leaving on April 1st to travel up the East Coast... there are many things on our list of things we want to see & do but I was wondering if you all had any ideas of things we may not have thought about... I have gotten a few great suggestions. For sure we will be stopping in one of our favorite cities, Savannah Georgia ~ also we have ressies for 10 days at Cherry Hill RV Park in DC ~ We will be going to Boston to visit some of my family and site see ~ Along the way we will also be stopping in Philadelphia, Kitty Hawk, Richmond, Fredricksburg, Maine, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia... On our way back to Florida our plans are to go to New Hampshire, Vermont, New York upstate, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. So if you know of anything that is fun to see & do along the route or would like to hook up and meet with us ~ PLEASE let me know...
I would also like to say a BIG WELCOME to my latest follower ~ Carolyn Wilson... sorry I couldn't find your blog so I could link to it & let people know about it...
Sunset looking at the
Skyway Bridge between St. Pete & Sarasota, Florida
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Your plans look like a lot of fun! I am jealous ....

  2. plans are looking like they are coming together!!..what a summer you are both going to have!!!

  3. It sounds like you've already got a wonderful trip planned. I'm jealous! Love the picture of the always makes for such wonderful shots.

  4. We haven't done the East coast yet so I'm excited to follow along on your travels.

  5. *sigh* We've made the trip "out east" a few times. From Ontario to N.S. that is. That's not going to happen for a while I'm afraid, so I too will be following along.
    The usual spots comes to mind. Halifax. Peggy's Cove. The Cabot Trail. I haven't been to Louisbourg in a while. It's pretty neat as well.
    If it's during haying season you can always head for the Annapolis Valley and give my brother a hand. *snort!*
    I can just see the look on his face. "Who the heck are these people?". Now that would
    be blog fodder!
    It's a crazy thing that you mentioned staying at Cherry Hill Park in the D.C. area. We stayed there for a few days just before Memorial Day of 03. Having the bus come right in to the park is sure handy. Beats driving in D.C.
    Sounds like you'll have fun.

  6. On your way back if you get near Western NC/NE Georgia stop by our place in River Vista in Dillard and we'll go to the Dillard House. We're headed north right after Easter. We're gonna spend a few days in Charleston before moving on to Dillard. Enjoy your trip-we'll be following you on the blog.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Check out the state parks in New York and PA for campgrounds. We found some of the most beautiful places there to camp. The five fingers area of New York is a fabulous area to tour if you like wine. In Vermont, take a tour of the maple syrup farm. You are just not going to have enough time to do everything. Be sure to just have some rest and relax time.

  9. Looks like a great trip. I won't be to Pea Island/Alligator River NWRs until August so you'll already be way past by then. Perhaps on your trip back south you'll be near Okefenokee NWR?

  10. While in the DC area be sure to visit the "historic triangle" -Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown Virginia. If you have a federal Sr pass they are all free. Also this year to celebrate the war of 1812 there are a number of special events at Fort McHenry (where Francis Scott Key wrote the national anthem) and in the Baltimore harbor there will be tall ships (I think that is in June)

  11. Hi Donna! Oh, how wonderful you could help your daughter out with your grandchildren. Wish we lived close enough to ours to do that.
    Looks like you've got a great time planned ahead of you. We took a fall cruise a couple of years ago up the east coast and into Canada! :)
    You're going to have so much fun. What a life you have.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. St. Patricks day in Savannah, GA is the most awesome party ever. It's like Mardi Gras for Irish people. Love the picture of the sunset.

  13. That's a sunrise?!!! So red and so beautiful!!! I love it so much. Donna, so you've both decided to go up along the coast afterall...last time I was here, you weren't sure 'cause of the gas prices. I'm glad to know you'll be sharing your rv parks, etc. with us in a short while.

    Having time to spend with grandkids is always a good time.

  14. I can hardly contain myself with excitement for when your in our area..don't worry I know all the hot spots to see in NB and NS and CB:)

  15. John and I traveled in Nova Scotia some years ago. It was fantastic. We ran into music around every turn and usually it was live and free. So many pleasures and treasures we found. We wished we'd been able to visit Prince Edward Island and stay there longer. Have fun on your travels!

  16. Gosh, you have an awesome trip planned out for sure! The only thing I can think of is maybe Gettysburg? We really enjoyed our visit there. And also around the Amish area's of Lancaster in PA.

    Have a great trip and be very safe!

  17. For your trip to Nova Scotia...BRING LOTS OF MONEY.

    You can go back in our archives to April, May, and June of 2011 to find things to see or places to go. It is truly a beautiful part of the world, but very expensive.

  18. We will be at Gold Head Branch State Park in Keystone Heights, FL April 1 and would sure like to meet y'all. If you are near this area on your travels north give us a shout.

    Stay Safe

  19. If you land anywhere near Albany, NY, Harry and I would love to meet up with you guys. :) From what I can tell from your map, looks like you'll be coming pretty close.

  20. You are going to have a blast with Elaine and Rick, they are great folks!

  21. Thanks so much Donna for popping in to see me little felties! Hope your week is going well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. That's almost the same route we did last summer. It's a wonderful trip and seeing Rick and Elaine will be the icing on the cake. Have a wonderful safe trip!

  23. Sounds like a great trip, friends told me not to miss the libary of congress in DC. It was so beautiful. Know that it will be a summer you will remember forever. What a great life we have!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna