Monday, March 26, 2012

Caladesi Island ~ Dunedin Florida

Only 5 days left until we head out for 7 months ~ venturing & exploring the East Coast from Florida to Canada's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Prince Edwards Island. I can hardley wait for the delicious foods of the coastal towns...
until then
I wanted to tell you about one of my favorite beaches here in Pinellas County

Caladesi Island ~ Florida
Your imagination can get a vigorous work-out at Caladesi Island. While walking the three miles of undeveloped beaches, it's easy to get lost in time while wandering around the Island. The island's unspoiled beauty offers a glimpse of Florida the way it looked centuries ago. Once the sun sets, the island is inhabited only by a few boaters allowed to overnight at the small marina and sea turtles who nest on the beaches during summer nights.
photo of Honeymoon Island (borrowed from internet)

It is one of the few undeveloped barrier islands left in the state and the 600-acre park is accessible only by boat. The beaches front the Gulf of Mexico and the bay side of Caladesi is a mangrove swamp, offering refuge for numerous wading birds and shorebirds. Much of the island's interior is a ridge of virgin pine flatwood and live oak hammocks. A self-guided nature trail winds through the island's interior. Park rangers are available to answer questions.

The Island has boardwalks, picnic shelters, bath houses, a ranger station and concession stand. The boardwalks provide access from the beaches to the bath houses and picnic areas while protecting the fragile dunes and sea oats.
Caladesi Island State Park is located three miles offshore from Dunedin, just north of Clearwater Beach. Transportation to the island is easily arranged through the Caladesi connection, a ferry service that operates from Honeymoon Island, Clearwater and connecting to Clearwater Beach. In addition to discovering Florida in its natural state, Caladesi offers excellent opportunities for swimming, fishing, shelling, boating and nature study. However, the island is open only during the day, from 8:00 a.m. until sunset.
Once the boat returns to the mainland, the island's silence is penetrated only by the periodic scream of ospreys soaring overhead. Several of these birds of prey nest on the island.

Hope you get the opportunity to visit this incredible beach one day.
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Count Down

Only a short 12 days left until we leave Rainbow Village in Largo Florida and start our great spring ~ summer ~ fall adventure. We are so looking forward to it and of course we have waited til the last minute to get everything done for departure. I have spent 2 days spring cleaning the inside of Tassie ~ washing the walls down ~ cleaning the ceiling (dirt accumulates there even up there just going down the road) ~ polishing cabinets and cleaning them out ~ purging stuff out that we no longer use or never used (boy does that stuff build up). The only thing left inside is to shampoo the rug ... Ralph is busy outside cleaning out the bins underneath (same thing with gathering stuff we never use out there too), washing & waxing the coach and checking all the important things like fluid levels, tires, batteries ~ you know all that guy stuff that keeps us moving down the road happily!!! She is 7 years old now and we need to keep her pretty because we'll be using her a long time....

Our site at Rainbow Village ~ Largo Florida

We will be heading up to North Florida and spend a few days with friends up there on their farm... then from there we will head up and start our adventures in Georgia finding places and things to explore... Also go back to visit one of my favorite cites ~ Savannah!!! Been there several times BUT it never loses its southern charm for me. So once again after staying here for 6 months ~ I'll have good stuff to share with you all. When you stay in the area you grew up in ~ it is hard to find stuff to blog about and after fulltiming for 8 years I pretty much have posted about all the things around here.

When we come back next November we will be staying in Crystal River ~ after much debate and thought we have decided to move our winter residence up to Rock Crusher Canyon RV Park... we are kinda tired of all the congestion & traffic in Pinellas County. We will still come down and stay with our daughter from time to time and also all our doctors are here so we will need to come and get check-ups also. Crystal River is only about a little over an hour north of where we stay now ~ so it won't be too bad coming down when we need to.

Our site at Rock Crusher Canyon ~ Crystal River Florida
I want to say THANKS to Roger & Diane for visiting my blog ~ I hope this is the beginning of a great blogger friendship. You can go visit them at Travel with Whippets and see all the fun they are having.
For now it's time to sit back ~ enjoy the sunset!!!

Dunedin Causeway ~ Dunedin Florida
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

May love and laughter light your days,and
warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons bring
the best to you and yours!
Spent a few days up at my daughter's house watching the boys ~ took them on a dinner date and then for a walk on the beach. They are so inquisitive... When ever you visit Clearwater/St. Pete area in Florida you must visit Dunedin a quaint Scottish community. Also drive out to Caladesi Island where you can take a ferry to Honeymoon Island... most beautiful beach in this area.

the boys walking & playing on Dunedin Causeway

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Got any IDEAS???

We have been so busy lately ~ my daughter's sitter had to go take care of her mom in Colorado for 2 weeks and that left her with no one to watch the boys when her & her honey worked... so Super Memaw & Poppy to the rescue... we stayed at her house while watching then rather then travel back & forth everyday ~ especially since she goes to work at 5:30am... last week we were there from Tuesday - Sunday... this week Wednesday & Thursday then that's it. We love getting the chance to spend so much time with the boys since we'll be heading out in Tassie for 7 months on April 1st ~ going up the East Coast all the way to New Brunswick & Nova Scotia... While up in Canada we will be visiting our friends Elaine & Rick from E & R's Travels ~ I am excited!!!

Our summer trip ~ 2012

Like I said we are leaving on April 1st to travel up the East Coast... there are many things on our list of things we want to see & do but I was wondering if you all had any ideas of things we may not have thought about... I have gotten a few great suggestions. For sure we will be stopping in one of our favorite cities, Savannah Georgia ~ also we have ressies for 10 days at Cherry Hill RV Park in DC ~ We will be going to Boston to visit some of my family and site see ~ Along the way we will also be stopping in Philadelphia, Kitty Hawk, Richmond, Fredricksburg, Maine, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia... On our way back to Florida our plans are to go to New Hampshire, Vermont, New York upstate, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. So if you know of anything that is fun to see & do along the route or would like to hook up and meet with us ~ PLEASE let me know...
I would also like to say a BIG WELCOME to my latest follower ~ Carolyn Wilson... sorry I couldn't find your blog so I could link to it & let people know about it...
Sunset looking at the
Skyway Bridge between St. Pete & Sarasota, Florida
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!