Friday, February 24, 2012

How about those FUEL pricres???

Fuel cost are getting out of control ~ is there any way to stop it??? One of the reasons for the hike in prices is speculation... REALLY??? Can they speculate how a lot of people will have to choose between buying gas to get to work, feeding their families and paying their bills... will this madness ever end?

For those of you who retire to live your life's dream of traveling and seeing this awesome nation ~ How will it effect you? Are you trimming the size of your travels, parking your rigs and not going anywhere or are you biting the bullet and just paying the cost? I am curious...

tell me how you plan on dealing with it.

Our plans are still in motion at this time ~ however we sometimes wonder where is it really heading... We've been doing this for 8 years now and I am wondering how much longer will we be doing it. We love our lifestyle but I mean WOW... what can one person do?

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Kevin is really stressing about it Donna. I think if I left it up to him, he would cancel our trip to New England. However, for now, we are planning to go ahead. If it gets much worse, we may have to reconsider and stay put somewhere..

  2. Hi Donna! We boondock in one place for a while, explore the area in our car, and generally stay put. Then it's on to a nearby destination where we rinse and repeat. The longer we go without going, the better off we are, and it's our goal to get the feel of places as we travel. But, we didn't do all this to stay in one place, so we balance the two goals. Neither of us are frenetic people, so it suits us to be in one piece of the world for a couple of weeks.

    The Good Luck Duck

  3. am not sure what the fuel went up to today..but heck Donna it can't be more than it is in Canada...hope you were able to grab a nap today!!

  4. Volunteer, volunteer! Staying east of the Mississippi for the next year...

  5. About $3.00 a gallon here in Mexico.

    But, it's all perspective. Compared to Canada, American gas prices are cheap. Mexican gas prices are even cheaper, but to the Mexicans, the prices are getting expensive because the Mexican government has been slowly removing the subsidy over the last couple of years.

    Compare gas prices in the U.S. to Europe, and you'll be feeling pretty happy about current prices.

    I guess my point is, I'm not worried about it. Most RV'ers seem to have enough excess income that they could EASILY save the difference somewhere else.


  6. We will be taking a more direct route back to Montana and we will be staying west of the Mississippi - way west I'm afraid. We definitely stay put in one place much longer than we did. I'm just glad I'm not having to go to work every day.

  7. Not worried about it as we already pay more in Canada for gas anyway so we're used to these prices.

  8. gas today was $5.20 a gallon here in Coquitlam at the regular gas stations..Costco?..$4.82..thank goodness for a Costco membership!

  9. These high prices really make an impact on people on fixed incomes. I'm glad we decided to just roam around Florida in the motor home this summer. Hopefully we can save some fuel dollars for a trip next year. I'm like Sandie - very glad I don't have to drive to work anymore.

  10. We are trying to keep our campground costs down with our Thousand Trails membership. We would prefer going to more state parks, but if we keep the campground fees down, we feel we can spend more on fuel. We also stay in one place at least two weeks. Less travel = less diesel cost. We prefer to stay put longer anyway, to get a chance to really explore the areas. Since we're in Florida (like you are), there is plenty to do just in the state.

    I'm hoping the election in November will get these high gas prices down. Something sure needs to be done.

  11. For starters vote out all those in Congress in November that are up for re-election. I still say it has nothing to do with who is president [tho, I'm not happy with HIM either]'s Congress and they're fickle, bickering 'shooting themselves in the foot' ways.

    I know...this is all becoming a nightmare. And LOVE the piggy bank!!

  12. We have been traveling a little slower this winter but we will just find a way to cut down on other expenses. Part of this retirement plan was to travel so I am willing to cut out other things to keep doing that. I don't think it has much to do with US politics and more to do with world wide gas speculations which seems crazy to me.

  13. Right now we're sucking it up and pressing on. Someday we might have to look at volunteering for a couple of months a year to balance out the fuel budget.

    If all else fails, there is always bank robbing... ;c)

  14. We just spend alot of time at our 2 bases (Crystal River and Dillard, GA). We'll just cut down on the number and distance of the shorter excursions I guess.

  15. Yes, I also wonder where it will all end! Just today I went to do some errands and was shocked to see the gas prices had gone up yet it's $1.37 a liter!! There are 4 liters to a gallon so that's about $5.48 a gallon. Outrageous!!! I use to go to town a couple times a week but now I only go once a week. As for trips, I don't go anywhere during the winter months so that saves a bit but come summer, I don't care what the prices are, I go! lol xoxo


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna