Monday, December 5, 2011

Here Come the Holidays

The Holiday season is approaching rapidly ~ remember when we were kids and it took forever for it to get here. I would love for time to slow down just a little now wouldn't you? Between decorating, shopping, baking and Holiday events it seems like there is no time to sit and enjoy the season. Well regardless it is a wonderful time of the year anyways.

This was Tassie all dressed up in Holiday fashion when we were on our other lot

When we were on another lot here at Rainbow Village we had a nice long site with a grass front and decorated the area for the holiday. Now our lot is rock which is easier to set up on BUT doesn't leave anyplace for me to decorate. I did put a few things on the front and of course the inside is all a glow with decorations & small trees..

Next year we are moving our winter residence north of here and our new lot is beautiful with lots of grass and a GREAT area for decorating... tee hee! It will be so nice to be up in the country and still only an hour from my daughter... No heavy traffic and no noise!
We'll be one with nature ~ LOL

Here are somemore of our little decorations inside Tassie

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Looking forward to having you in the "RCC Neighborhood" next winter. Can't wait to see how you decorate the site. Enjoy the holiday season.

  2. How Fun! I left all of our Christmas decorations in storage. I guess I thought I didnt have space for all the decorations. Now I want them!

  3. Nice decorations, and yes I do wish that the days would slow down a little this time of the year. Happy Holidays.

  4. How do you carry all those beautiful decorations in Tassie? I can't find room for extra socks, let alone Christmas lights... ;c)

  5. Obviously, Donna, you have a flair for decorating.

    Once when we stayed down in the Keys, each RV was given a buoy to decorate. I played Christmas music, and many had lights. Santa arrived on the beach with sun glasses and sneakers for the kids. All the buoys were hung on a palm tree right in the middle of the beach. The sunset was gorgeous as it set between the branches that were all lit up. Happy holidays to you.

  6. Obviously, Donna, you have a flair for decorating.

    Once when we stayed down in the Keys, each RV was given a buoy to decorate. I played Christmas music, and many had lights. Santa arrived on the beach with sun glasses and sneakers for the kids. All the buoys were hung on a palm tree right in the middle of the beach. The sunset was gorgeous as it set between the branches that were all lit up. Happy holidays to you.

  7. Everything looks really Christmasy!!
    Love it!!
    I love this time of year and wish it would slow down a bit. January always seem rather drab after the festivities of December.

  8. excellent decorating it..looks great..and yes when younger it seemed we had to wait a gazillion years for Christmas to come..and summer vacation from school they speed by..its seems to me..a year is like a month, a month is like a week, a week is like a day, and a day is like an hour...the older we get the faster it seems to go by..have a wonderful week

  9. Well, you're way ahead of us on Christmas decorating. You're rig is looking very festive!

  10. Awwwwwwww, Donna, I loved it all. Looks great, and oh so homey and cozy. Just beautiful.

    Crypt Shadows in New Orleans Cemetery

  11. Nice decorations to bring in the Holiday Season!

  12. Tassie looks nice and festive. We don't carry any decorations with us, so I enjoy anyone else's decorating that I see along the way even here in Mexico.

    Kevin and Ruth


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna