Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Cookies ~ YUM!!!

Today I drove up to my daughter's house and we spent the day baking cookies... It is a tradition to bake cookies & yummies for the holidays as it is at many homes... We include the kids and let them cut out the sugar cookies and decorate them. They really have a great time!

Every year we add a new cookie to our collection of recipes and this year was no different. This years featured cookie is the melting snowman and boy is it ever cute. Those are melted marshmallows on top ♥

We all had a great time baking & decorating the cookies ~ just wished my younger daughter and her family could have been here too. We will be going to visit her in January for a month so we'll do some more cooking & baking then... Hope your days are filled with fun!

Happy Holidays
Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Oh my, that's a lot of cookies! I'm drooling.

  2. Gee whiz-that is alot of cookies! The melting snowmen are so cute! Involving the kids is so great!

  3. wow amazing array of cookies there....enjoy!!!!!! The kids must have had a great time helping

  4. Those snowmen cookies are hilarious! Looks like a lot of fun.

  5. YUMMY!! The melting snowman are precious.

  6. Those are some yummy looking cookies and the melting snowmen are really original. Think you need to put out some recipes.

  7. great job on the cookies!..very festive!!!

  8. You really made a huge batch of cookies. They are all so pretty! Love the melting snowman.

  9. Boy now that is something I miss, my brides cookie baking.Drat this diabetes. Looks like you did fine and have a ton for your family. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna....

  10. Cute Cute!!! And like you said... YUM! Looks like a great time!

  11. What a blast!!! And, they all look so very delicious. Got Milk?

  12. My Christmas wish for you, my friend
    Is not a simple one
    For I wish you hope and joy and peace
    Days filled with warmth and sun

    I wish you love and friendship too
    Throughout the coming year
    Lots of laughter and happiness
    To fill your world with cheer

    May you count your blessings, one by one
    And when totaled by the lot
    May you find all you've been given
    To be more than what you sought

    May your journeys be short, your burdens light
    May your spirit never grow old
    May all your clouds have silver linings
    And your rainbows pots of gold

    I wish this all and so much more
    May all your dreams come true
    May you have a Merry Christmas friend
    And a happy New Year, too .. xoxo

  13. Those melting snowman cookies are a riot! How clever!

  14. CHRISTmas Blessings from my mountain top to your home…May it be the best one ever..Hugs and Love Gloria.

  15. toooo cute!

    I am gonna try this later this evening after I finish the sugar cutout cookies.

  16. Had to come back this morning to grab a couple more cookies....

    and wish you a:

    Happy Christmas and Merry New Year.

    My Friday Fragments

  17. Those cookies sure look good. I am sure everyone had fun taking part in the cookie baking.

    Merry Christmas to all!

    Kevin and Ruth

  18. Wow, that is a lot of cookies, I am getting fatter just looking at them. They look delicious!

  19. YUM-O, those cookies look divine! You all have a terrific holiday season!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna