Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Memories

~Let the Holidaze begin~

Welcome to my newest followers ~ Stephen Baird at Nikon Sniper ~ a great blog about photography, Allen & Lolita DeQuay @ Allen & Lolits's RV Journey , caterina serra @ visitatori dallo spazio and also welcome Rick & Kathy Roussau, no blog. Go pay them a visit and see their adventures....

Our Thanksgiving was a wonderful one ~ we may live in Florida and not have the snow but we have Family ~ Friends ~ Delicious Food ~ and Fun times together. The day was spent at my brother Kenny's house and most of it outside near the pool and outside kitchen/bar... What fun we all had taking about Thanksgivings past and what we are thankful for today.

The kids hanging out by the pool ~ My daughter Denise & Grandson Dominick

The guys watching football ~ some outside & some inside

I am thankful for a wonderful family, my friends, good health and a husband who loves me so much... I am also thankful for the two beautiful daughters that we have and how much they have accomplished in their lives... they have given us such wonderful grandchildren whom we are doubly proud of. I am also very thankful I am living the life I always dreamt of living!!!

My SIL, Kathy cooking in her outside kitchen ~ Wyatt peeking through the leaves

My daughter Denise smooching me ~ My brother Kenny, Me and crazy daughter!

Aunt Kathy showing off her BBQ'd Turkey ~ the boys getting a lesson on how to carve a turkey

Family and friends sit down to a fabulous feast ~ YUM!!!

The only sad part about our day was my youngest daughter was not here with her beautiful family to celebrate with us ~ however they had a great day at their home in Arkansas....

I am hoping your festivities were special and full of good food too!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Looks like a grand time was had by all. You have a such a wonderful family. I'm afraid ours is very small....only three! BUT we are big in spirit!! Glad it was a great Thanksgiving!!

  2. What was your daughter like as a child? I bet she really gave you a run for your money. Fun times with a great family.

  3. such a ham, your daughter is!!!..great photos from a lovely family day!!

  4. A great looking Thanksgiving Dinner and such a lot of fun!

  5. That's what Thanksgiving is all about!

  6. what a great day!!! Wonderful pictures with your family....

  7. We had our first smoked turkey this year. It was so good I might get another one for Christmas

    Joe and Sherri

  8. Hi Donna! What a great time you must have had and it's so nice to see your family! That outdoor kitchen is amazing! :) You look great and I hope you're feeling good now!
    Glad you liked my tree. Well, I'm still learning to use my camera. I have a Canon T31. To get the night shot I set the dial to Av and then turned my little dial to a high number. It could be the shutter speed, I'm not sure. But I found out, I need to get a tripod because it's really particular - doesn't like wiggly hands! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. What a great post! Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. Love the pictures!

  10. Wow, I am all for your holiday celebrations with outside time near a pool.

    Glad you and your family made some memories Donna.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna