Saturday, November 12, 2011

Still Recovering and Making Plans

Welcome to my newest followers: Lizzie Jack and Candice~ Sorry I do not know their blog addresses for you to visit.

Well it is now 4 weeks since my knee replacement surgery and all is going well. I saw the doctor Tuesday and he said I don't have to come back in for 3 months and I can resume normal activity. Just don't run any marathons ~ like that would ever happen...LOL LOL My recovery has been a lot smoother and faster then I had ever imagined... We are taking walks everyday as I grow stronger and stronger. Today was the first time in 4 weeks that I actually got up first and walked the dog. I was a little worried about going down the stairs holding the dog but I was fine.

Now we are starting to make our plans for next summer and I know we'll be traveling up the East Coast ending up in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. I have several stops mapped out but I am wondering what else may be along the way to see & do. I am looking for any suggestions from you all... Here is a rough draft of our trip so far...

View 2012 Adventure in a larger map

If you know of any really great places to visit close to our path of travel I would love to add it to my map. Also any RV Park information would be very valuable.... Hope to see you along the way!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Good to see your recovery is going well, isn't it fun to plan for your future trips, Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  2. Pea Island NWR on the Outer Banks of NC! During the summer there are various canoe trips that they lead, both there and at Alligator River NWR. :)

  3. Glad to hear that you are recovering so well! For your trip, make sure you take in the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia. Also if you have the time, everyone raves about Newfoundland but you would probably need another month to add it in. Take care! Judy

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Glad to see your recovery is going you better not bypass us or drive right on by..please feel free to stop here in New Brunswick..(we are in Moncton area)..lots of room for you to park :)..and full hookups too...just give us a good heads up and we'll be sure to be around....:) Lots to see around here-:) Fundy Park, Hopewell Rocks, Shediac etc etc-and yes!! you will definitely want to do the Cabot Trail (I"m orig from there)....but you would want to park and take your tow around the trail not the rig :)

  6. Sounds like your recovery is going really well. Congrats -keep it up.
    I look forward to see specific stops you plan to make on your trip. Several of your pushpins seem near places we've been OR places we plan to visit in the future.

  7. glad to hear that the recovery is going well!..and as for your summer plans!..looking good!!!

  8. Glad you're doing so well with your recovery. We'll be following your trip because we want to tour the Maritimes in 2013.

  9. So glad to hear you are progressing so well. Have fun making your travel plans....isn't it fun? :-)

  10. Oh my goodness....I have missed out on a LOT of happenings around here. First...loved your 'hospital' post. But ewwwwww, the knee photo - so swollen. I guess that's to be expected tho, right? Duh.

    And your post here, with your Summer itinerary. Looks like a fabulous plan!! Some beautiful country up there.

    As for going down the very careful my friend, that you don't overdo it. What? No marathon running. Come on now....

  11. Glad to see that you are mending well. I can vouch for Elaine. They have lots of room and are great hosts. The places she has mentioned are great. I also highly recommend The Fortress of Louisburg in Nova Scotia. Can't help you out much with RV parks as most of our time out east was boondocking and staying in drivways. As your trip nears we will keep an eye out and let you know if we think of something. Lots of info in our blog to that you can always do a search with.

    Kevin and Ruth

  12. I have good knees and I'd never make it in a marathon! LOL So glad to hear that you're doing so well, long may it continue that way:-)

    It's always been my dream of going to Prince Edward Island one day. Not only for the beauty of the Island but because of Anne of Green Gables:-) I do hope you will have time to visit some of the museums/houses to do with Anne and the author Lucy Maud Montgomery. Sounds like another amazing adventure to look forward to!! xoxo

  13. So glad to read that you have done so well with your surgery. Looks like a great trip you have planned! The planning is so much fun.

  14. Good to hear you are doing well after your knee replacement. Looks like a terrific plan for the summer - one I'd sure like to do someday!

  15. Your planned travel for 2012 looks similar to the one I hope we can make in 2013. So I will be watching to see what types of suggestions you get!! :)

    Glad your surgery has gone so well and that you are getting back to normal!!

    Safe travels!!

  16. Just popping back over to send along my "Happy Thanksgiving Wishes" to you and yours.

    DUCK SONG -- and photos of ducks 'round town.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna