Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving and other stuffing

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian Friends ~
I wish you a peaceful and filling day!

Today is a blustery rainy day and it is expected to continue the whole day. We just finished our week watching our twin grandsons (5) and I can tell you there is a reason God doesn't allow older women to have children... it is tiring. Even though they go to kindergarten during the day it goes by fast... All in all we had a great time with them and enjoyed every single moment. I miss them but glad to be home resting now. LOL LOL Here they are making mini personal pizzas for dinner one night. We made them with grand biscuits rolled out ~ Alfredo sauce ~ mini pepperonis ~ and mozzarella & cheddar cheese. They turned out so good and the kids had fun making them. It is a fun way to involve them with the cooking~

We have been really busy getting caught up on doctor appointments, shopping, visiting friends, watching the twins, and getting ready for my surgery on October 12th. I will be having a total knee replacement and it seems like every Doctor I have ever went to needs to see me and release me for the surgery. Cha~ching! I will try to keep you updated on my knee surgery while in the hospital for the 5 days ~ if you are on FB my family will be updating my progress. Just send me a friend request in the next 2 days and I will add you to my list on Facebook.

Last night we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner ~ We love it there because not only does it have a wonderful buffet but a Mongolian grill which we really like a lot. When we arrived back home there was a beautiful double rainbow... it was hard to get a great picture but you can see where my pot of gold lies... Life is Good!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those two look as if they could be a handful--cute kids!

  3. I'm not sure I could keep up with one let alone two little ones. Great idea to have them help fix pizza. Keep us updated when you can about the knee surgery. I know it's not an easy surgery but everybody I know is so glad they did it.

  4. Keeping the twins has got to be hard work. It's a shame you have to go to the hospital for surgery to get some rest. :-)) Good luck with the surgery!

  5. I sent you a friend request. At least, I hope I did...Facebook has changed so much I almost don't know how to use it anymore.

  6. enjoy the day Donna!!..soon you will be 'relaxing in the hospital'!!!

  7. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes! I'm betting your 2 grandsons could really wear a person out in just one day! They looked to be having a great time.

  8. You have more stamina than I handling those two fire crackers for five days!

    Best wishes for you this coming week.

  9. Glad you survived the babysitting and enjoyed the twins lol....the very best of luck with your surgery my dear..will be watching for updates....

  10. You have yourself a couple of very good looking grandsons there! Glad you had a great time with them. Good luck with the surgery, we will be looking for the updates.

    Kevin and Ruth

  11. Have fun with the grandkids. Those pizzas sound yummy!

  12. Cute grandsons! I sure know how the grands can wear a body out in a hurry.

    Wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery.

  13. Yes, I so agree about that energy thing. I taught early childhood education for 34 years and I knew my energy level was slowly sinking!! The kids were wonderful but I could tell I was getting older!! LOL
    So glad you enjoyed your time with those sweet boys. I only wish I had grands!! Maybe one day?????
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for the upcoming surgery!

  14. Wishing you a speedy recovery from having knee surgery! What a great rainbow photo - yep, that's your pot of gold.

  15. Knowing what it's like to take care of grandchildren, I wonder why some women in their 50s want to try to have a child. I recognize how cute you family is and you seem to keep them occupied well. Wishing you a speedy recovery from the surgery.



Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna