Monday, August 1, 2011

♒Ride to Gulf Islands National Seashore ♒

Well it is time for us to move on out of St. George Island State Park and we are heading over to Pensacola Beach and staying at Fort Pickens Campground at the Gulf Islands National Seashore. We had a lot of fun exploring St. George Island and surrounding areas and highly recommend it to you all to come and visit. Especially if you love the beaches.

We headed out around 9:30 ~ passed the beautiful beaches on the Island and then headed off the Island taking the LONG 4 mile bridge. We were glad the weather was so nice.

We traveled through beach towns that had very little traffic but mostly we traveled through a LOT of traffic and Ralph was really worn out by the time we got to Pensacola Beach.

We passed a couple of Military Bases

We went over many bridges where the water was a beautiful color and people were enjoying the day out on the water ~ a little crowded for me!

It was only 185 miles but the traffic had my honey all tense, because of the traffic, so when we finally reached Pensacola Beach he was happy because we didn't have to much further to go.

We rounded the bend and saw the hotel, Margaritaville, my daughter Denise & her family will be coming to stay at while we are here. They LOVE Jimmy Buffet!

We are finally on the road with very little traffic and beautiful beaches

Here we are entering the park ~ Yeah!!!

We traveled 4 more miles and came to the place that we check into. So we'll be here at Fort Pickens Campground which is on the Gulf Islands National Seashore for 2 weeks. I can't wait to visit the fort and see the beautiful beaches with their sunsets. I don't see to many sunrises! LOL

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. I've been following your adventures for a long time now and realized I'm not a 'follower'! You go to so many places that I would love to visit! Thanks for your beautiful posts! ♥

  2. Looks like a great beach campground, does it come under the senior discount card (NPS/BLM), be great if it did. Be safe out there. sam & Donna..

  3. What a great looking place to camp, the beach looks beautiful. The color of the ocean sure looks nice too.

  4. that was one looonnnggg Bridge!!!..great windshield views today, Donna...hope Ralph has recovered and is sitting back and enjoying the beach! looks spectacular!!!

  5. Those gulf beaches are the best and most beautiful ones around. We have spent a good deal of time on the Florida panhandle and loved it! Enjoy your two week stay and be safe!!

  6. OK - those pictures did it for me. Next summer we are staying in Florida and exploring all the beautiful places you have seen this summer. Absolutely gorgeous. Hope hubby recovers from driving in that traffic.

  7. Great photos of a beautiful area. Wish it were closer to the WEST coast LOL!! Maybe someday we will travel that far and see all the other half of the country has to offer. I would sure love to see it in person.

  8. We hate driving through lots of traffic too. We aren't fans of Florida, but the panhandle is definitely part of Florida that we did like. It's no as busy as some of the other parts of Florida and is beautiful. Love the pictures with all the sand and water.

    Kevin and Ruth


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna