Monday, July 18, 2011

雪 From White Springs to St. George Island 雪

We headed out around 9 am for our journey from White Springs, Florida to St. George Island, Florida. I was anxious to be going to a new location since we have been in this general area for around 2 months. The trip isn’t very long at 181 miles but the weather looks as if we might run into rain. So off we went down Hwy 136 to I75 then down to I10 toward Tallahassee.

When we travel we use Microsoft Streets & Trips as our GPS on our laptop. We have used it for several years now and it is by far my favorite to date. We have also used our little MIO and Co-Pilot (which is another program for the laptop) but neither of them are great. They are not horrible but I really love Streets & Trips!

When we were about 50 miles out we could see the rain in the distance. It wasn’t too long before we were right in the middle of it and it rained on & off almost all the way to St. George Island.

We traveled to US 19, went south where we got onto US27 which took us to the outskirts of Tallahassee. There we picked up US98 and stayed on it to our destination.

It wasn’t long before we started to see the Gulf of Mexico and what a nice scenic coastal ride it was. I just love the Oceans, Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico.

Soon we came to Island Drive in Eastpointe and turned left to head to the Island. You could see the old St. George Island Bridge and the new one. They took down the old bridge when it was deemed unsafe and the new one built in 2002.

First thing we saw was a lighthouse which we will go back to explore during our stay here. Then we started seeing alot of the homes that are built on the beach side and are mostly rentals. Some of them are really huge and all of them are beautiful and colorful.

After about 6 miles we arrived at our destination St. George Island State Park. Nine miles of undeveloped beach, pristine shoreline, majestic dunes and bay forest, sandy coves and salt marshes. A series of hiking trails, boardwalks and observation platforms great for hikingmor a leisurely stroll through the marshes or beach. Not to mention magnificent sunsets.

We arrive at the campground after about a 4 mile drive and got Tassie all set up in her new spot for the next 2 weeks... We are staying at St. George Island State Park. Watch for a review of campground in a few days. Life is Good!

We are looking forward to our visit here the next two weeks.

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. I am anxious to see some more pics and your review of the park. The one time we were there the water was brown and ugly. It looks much prettier now.

  2. Looks like a choice spot to spend some time. I will anxiously await photos of your exploring. Are you still content to live in Tassie all the time and not a house?
    Mama Bear

  3. Great shots on your travel day. I love the beach! Hope the rain clouds go away!

  4. Glad to see you are moving around again! St. George Island looks like a nice destination. We also started using Streets and Trips - they offered us free copies, and we took them up on the offer. In addition, we have a Garmin GPS that is designed for truckers. Using the two in combination is great, except once in a while they don't agree (trucks shouldn't use some of the routes that S&T offers). Garmin notifies us of traffic troubles ahead and offers detours around them!

  5. great looking area, Donna!..hope you and Ralph get lots of sightseeing done so we can see it too!!

  6. I enjoy your blog and would love to know how you post your photos so neatly...side by side and in groups. Can you tell me your secret??

  7. It was great to travel along with you and see all the sights - just like I was in the back seat!

  8. Holy this beautiful, or what? And look at all the GREEN!! I haven't seen that much green in ages. I wish we had those raindrops on OUR windshields around here. :::sigh:::

    And I just read the comment you left me, and responded below [in my own comments]

    YOU DEAR ONE, ARE brilliant!!!!!

  9. I have a friend vacationing in Florida right now. She said it rained the 1st 3 days. But now she's getting some sun.
    Love the blog. Enjoying the pics.

  10. We stayed at Ho Hum in Carrabelle Beach last Nov. Next trip to area we've talked about St Georges. We'll look forward to your review.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna