Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Just a Ways Down the Road!

We have been at Stephen Foster Folk Cultural State Park in White Springs Forida for the last 2 weeks and had to leave for a few days before we could go back for another 2 weeks. So just 3 miles down the road on SR 136 is Lee's Country Campground (Click to go see my review of the park). We decided to stay here as it looked like a very nice & clean RV Park. While here we'll do some heavy duty cleaning and since they have sewer we'll get all of our wash done. That is one of the cons of staying in beautiful state parks and Corps of Engineering parks. The majority of them have no sewer

Tomorrow my honey is taking me to see the movie "Green Lantern" and out to a nice Italian Restaurant in Lake City. I am looking foward to that very much!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

~~~Bloomin Onions Anyone??? ~~~

Yesterday I went to Mary's to spend the day with her and Christal... We sat around just chatting for the longest time when Mary said "HEY! How about we make some Bloomin' Onions?" We I have had Blooming Onions from Outback Steakhouse and loved them so I right away jumped up & down saying yes, yes, YES!!! So off to the kitchen we headed to make Bloomin' Onions!!!

First thing you do is to buy a couple of very LARGE Vidalia or Sweet Onions and this GREAT mix that is over on the right in the picture ................

First you peel the onions and then leaving the root on cut them into 12 equal sections

soak them in ice water for at least 30 minutes or longer and then dust with dry mix

After that you dip them in the batter making sure all your petals are covered

Dust them in batter once again and then deep fry them for 5 minutes

and Walla!!! One delicious Bloomin' Onion

Thank you so much Mary for making these delicious Bloomin' Onions BUT I think I'll continue to buy them at Outback or Chilis' ~~~ That's a lot of WORK!!!

And as you all know I am retired and allergic to work!!!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

~~~Hey RVers Come Visit my Other BLOG~~~

I went to Laurie & Odel's campground review blog the other day and was so impressed with it that I emailed her and asked if I could copy her format and start one of my own.... To go visit their campground review blog click here. What a wonderful way to share information on RV Parks & Campgrounds around the nation!

It is just under construction now and I only have a couple of locations entered but I intend to add as many of the ones that we have visited over the past 7 years of fulltiming as I can. I hope that you will become a follower and add my blog to your favorites. Please let me know what you think about it! Thanks for coming by!

Click here to go visit my new blog Tassie's Campground Reviews

I will still be maintaining both of my blogs .... Adventures with Tassie to tell you what we see & do and Tassie's Campground Reviews for what we think about the RV parks we stay in around the country!

Have Fun & Travel Safe


Monday, June 20, 2011

A tour of Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park

Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park

Situated on the banks of the legendary Swanee River, this center honors the memory of American composer Stephen Foster, who wrote "Old Folks at Home," the song that made the river famous. The museum features exhibits about Foster's most famous songs and his music can be heard emanating from the park's 97-bell carillon throughout the day. In Craft Square, visitors can watch demonstrations of quilting, blacksmithing, stain glass making, and other crafts, or visit the gift shop. Hiking, bicycling, canoeing, and wildlife viewing are popular activities here. Miles of trails wind through some of the most scenic areas of North Florida.

Here is a little video about the park that I found on the internet.

It will let you know more about the park.

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

๑۩۞۩๑ Happy Father's Day!! ๑۩۞۩๑

However you spend it, here's hoping your day Is one that will bring lots of pleasure your way --- And then, when it's over, here's wishing you, too, Enough of life's good things to last all year through! Happy Father's Day and Happiness Always

Have a Super Day all you Dad's

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park

Tassie all set up in our campsite

We have made it to White Springs, Florida where we are staying at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park Campground for 2 weeks, then out for a week and back for 2 more weeks. It is one our favorite state parks in Florida and this will be the longest we have ever stayed here. The campground has about 45 sites with electric & water... Almost all of them can accomodate large rigs but due to the trees it is very hard to get TV in a lot of them without a portable dish. Both AT&T and Verizon phone service works well in the park and our Verizon Air Card is working great!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

★•.•´¯`•.•★ Busy Week ! ★•.•´¯`•.•★

We headed down I-75 about 230 miles from Lake City down to my daughter's house and stayed with her for 4 nights... We had 2 graduations, a birthday and while there we thought we'd hit a few Doctors and do some errands. So it made our visit very fast moving...

We arrived Saturday on my daughters birthday. We went to lunch down in Historic Dunedin at the Broadway Cafe'. I had a yummy Reuben which was really good but did not compare to Carnegie's in NYC! LOL We then went to Jarred's where my daughter bought me a beautiful charm for the Pandora bracelet she got me for Christmas. I bought her a Pandora for her birthday so now we'll be able to have fun buying charms for each other on special occasions.

Inside Broadway Cafe & my dinner at Olive Garden (so yummy)

Sunday we attended a BIG Graduation party for my nephew Ryan who graduated on Saturday from High School. My sister-in-law outdid herself with a great meal of Pull Pork sandwiches, Cowboy Beans, Coleslaw and a lot of yummy appetizers... then a Congratulations cake!

Monday we took the twin grandsons to daycare and then our daughter & us went to IHOP for breakfast... had my favorite MultiGrain Pecan Pancakes. After that I went and had my eye exam so I could get some contacts. They changed a little but not to much and he said my itchy eyes were from allergies in the air. We went back to her house where I did some laundry and then it was time to pick up the kids... That evening we played WII.

Tuesday we had a really busy day... Took Tiffy to the groomers and after 4 weeks out in the woods she needed it badly. I have been having a lot of pain in both my knees so I called my Ortho doctor and begged him to see me. He took xrays and told me my left knee was really bad and the right one is beginning to go too. So he gave me Cortisone shots in both knees and is scheduling a knee replacement in the left knee in mid-October. They are feeling much better since the shots... Then we were off to pick up a new C-Pap machine for my honey and to the drugstore for prescriptions... Whew!!! We went home and picked up my daughter and took her to our favorite Mexican place for lunch!

Wednesday was the twins graduation and what a nice party the school threw for them after they graduated. With a pizza party & ice cream after... They sang songs and showed us all their art!
After that we all went to Sonny's Real Pit BBQ for lunch... GREAT day!

Wyatt & Dominick (our 5 year old twin Grandsons)

Memaw, Poppy & the boys and the boys with their diplomas

That afternoon we drove the 230 miles back to Lake City where all was well with Tassie our motorhome. They did tell us that Monday they had a really big storm and a small tornado went down 90 a short ways which took some trees down. Thank goodness no damage at our place!

Yesterday I went to my cousins house and we made body lotion and soap in the same scent we did the lotion. I had a lot of fun doing that with her and her daughter Christal.


So now we are chillin and resting up after 5 full days of activities... We need it!!!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!