Monday, March 7, 2011

~~~ Beautiful week ~~~

What beautiful weather we have been having in the Sunshine State…

We spent a one day over at Orlando’s Universal. We had a fun filled day there and enjoyed many rides in the park. They are celebrating Mardi gras for the next month or so and had an incredible nighttime parade. It was a spectacular parade and the boys came away with ton of beads…

Sit back and enjoy a video that I found of the parade we saw

there were HUGE floats, Stilt walkers and tons of beads

After we left the park we went to Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Cafe for dinner. We sat outside on the Porch of Indecision and WOW what fun we had. The disc jockey there was amazing and he really entertained us & the kids. I had the best fried chicken & nut salad (sugared pecans) YUM. A fun place to go!!!

I went up to my daughters this week to watch my twin grandsons. I picked them up from daycare and watch them until she got home… she is a nurse and works 12 hour shifts when she goes in. We had a great time together… first I stopped at McDonalds and got them a Happy Meals & then they played in the play area for about an hour. After we left there we went out to Dunedin Causeway and I watched the sunset with my two darling boys. They ran, chased birds, picked up sticks & shells and enjoyed watching the sun sink into the Gulf of Mexico. That really tired them out so when we got home they took a shower and then came out to watch American Idol with me.

So as you can see it was a great week! I hope you had a fun week too!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Couldn't get the video to play but I did enjoy the pictures and the report. What cute little dudes, looks like they are having a wonderful time.

  2. Looks like everyone is having fun!
    We are having some really nice springlike weather here as well. Isn't it great???

  3. Those performers on stilts are amazing....enjoy your time with the little ones..
    Mama Bear

  4. Awww..its looks like the boys head a great time too!

    We are headed to Ocala and maybe Orlando area..not sure if we will stop at Disney or not.

    Happy Trails!

  5. We went to Universal Studios a few weeks back and stopped at Margaritaville, almost had a few margaritas but just watched the beautiful birds they had instead.

    We are heading for Disney World tomorrow, will be there for a week visiting all of the parks.

  6. glad you are having a lovely great to spend time with your grandsons!..nice sunset pictures!!!

  7. That sure does look like a great week - love the pics. Your grandsons are so cute!! :)

  8. I'm sure the grandsons kept you busy during the week. They no doubt enjoyed themselves as well.

  9. Pppfftttt on your gorgeous weather! lol I'm jealous, there I said it! We have so much snow and expecting another snowstorm to come around tonight. Sigh! I need to move! lol

    I loved watching that video, what a fantastic parade Universal Studios puts on for Mardi Gras. Makes me wish I could be there and get some beads:-)

    Sounds like you had a fun time with your twin grandsons, they're so adorable. Any time spent with grandkids is so special, isn't it?! I'm hoping to see Lily at the end of this month when we go to my brother Guy's place for the Maple Sugar Bush season. Shawn lives only half an hour away from there so hoping they make it there this year.

    Hope your week is a lovely one so far:-) xoxo

  10. So glad you had time with the Gkids. We sure enjoy ours when they come to visit. They can tire you out...ya know.

  11. Sounds like quite the day! Also wanted to say how much I learned on the post about Canada border...thanks!

  12. Your grandsons are precious! Looks like a great and happy time, and love the sneaker shot! Thinking of you all often...

  13. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos. Looks like you had a very fun time.
    Take care,

  14. Nice photos. Sure liked the sound of that fried chicken and pecan salad.

    Dee said she was trying to get something set up with you (lunch?) before they head north. You're 80 miles from us - not a bad drive.

  15. Ohhhhhhhhhh what a wonderful, WONDERFUL post Donna! The diner [well ANYthing associated with Jimmy Buffet] sounds fun, fun, fun!! And the Happy meal...I could really go for one of those myself!! And such a fabulous, array of the boys' time with grandma.

    Today's post Link: Sand Dollars and Sea Drift Seeds

    Thanks for stopping by yesterday... have a glorious day!!

  16. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos.and Looks like you had a very fun time.........


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna